Chapter 0044
Eamon’s POV
If the last six years have taught me anything, it’s that Cara and Lilia are nothing alike.
Lilia was a princess in every sense of the word. She loved to be doted upon, loved to be the
center of attention.
Cara couldn’t be more different.
Cara almost never thinks of herself. She’s always considering others, whether that’s her children, her friends, or the pack as a whole.
She might be the most selfless she wolf I’ve ever met.
When she first came home, she was bedridden and had complicated medical needs for recovery from both the accident and the pregnancy.
Naturally, my brothers and I did what brothers are meant to do: we took care of our sister.
Cara hated it.
…Or perhaps, she’s not accustomed to it.
“I can do it myself.”
“You don’t need to do that, I’ve got it.
“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.”
She would say these things no matter how much pain she was in with a smile. No matter how much we could all tell that she was lying.
But the lie is also the truth. Because she did indeed quickly improve her condition, just as she said, “I can do it myself.”
As her Alpha King and brother, I have a duty to care for her and protect her.
But, above all, it must be said that Cara is an excellent worker. She has a drive to participate and help the team more than most.
Cara is so different from Lilia. She’s strong, not like a princess at all, and I see a possibility in her abilities. Maybe….
Maybe one day, that would make her one hell of a leader.
It had to be about a year ago now when I invited Cara to attend an important pack business meeting. We were negotiating a deal with a nearby shipping port, hoping to lower our costs
* Chapter 0044
and expand service.
Initially, I only planned to bring my brother Colin and my longtime Beta Walter, but something told me to ask Cara. By that time, she was off bedrest.
She was healthy enough that if you hadn’t already known about the accident, you probably never would’ve guessed that she’d been bedridden for five years.
Cara was hesitant to accept the offer, but her performance during the meeting proved that I’d made the right choice to bring her. I barely had to speak at all.
She stared down the two men on the other side of the table with a disarming mixture of friendliness, confidence, and wit.
“Now, gentlemen,” Cara had said with a smile that was menacing yet comforting.
Her voice was light, “We all know you settled your last account for a much lower price, so unless your operations manager is in so far over his head that he can’t keep all these numbers straight…?” She raised her eyebrow at the men, challenging them to agree that their staff was incompetent.
“Of course not!” They replied in unison, clearly flustered.
I didn’t witness the scene firsthand. But when I saw Cara again, they each shook her hand, shellshocked, “Umm… yes, thank you… pleasure doing business with you…”
She was a natural, that much was clear. After that meeting, I offered her more and more responsibility.
Now, nearly a year later, I can’t imagine managing pack business without Cara.
When Walter approached me with news of his plan to retire, Cara was the first, and only, name I could think of. In the one year that she’s served the pack, she’s been instrumental.
Hell, she should probably have my job.
Well, that’s an interesting thought…
It’s also the most reasonable decision.
Cara’s POV
“you asked to see me?” I say, walking into Eamon’s office.
Eamon smiles and gestures for me to take
Cara’s POV
“you asked to see me?” I say, walking into Eamon’s office.
Eamon smiles and gestures for me to take a seat in front of his desk.