hapter 0079
Alaric’s POV
“She should be here any minute now…” I hear my wolf Grey’s voice in my head, his teasing tone readily apparent.
“You can stop that now,” I say to him internally.
“What fun would that be?” Grey barks out a chuckle.
He’s been tormenting me all morning, mocking me. I have a meeting, a perfectly legitimate meeting, at the DarkWood hospital this morning. A very important meeting, in
It just so happens that Cara is also expected to be here at the hospital at this day and time for Mia’s treatment.
It’s not like those two appointments are related
It’s just coincidence.
“Is that why you checked Mia’s appointment time not once but in twice before setting the time for your own meeting? Because it was just coincidence?” Grey teases.
“I liked you better when you refused to talk to me,” I say to him gruffly.
Grey’s laugh fades from my mind as I pull out my phone, trying to look like I have a reason to keep standing in the hospital lobby area.
Trying to look like I’m not waiting for Cara.
Because I’m not waiting for her.
Her husband made it clear in the text that he sent to me from her phone that I should avoid her.
But she’s our closest ally’s princess. Why shouldn’t I wait for her?
I couldn’t quite figure out my feelings, but I did it anyway.
Just then, the automatic hospital doors open. I watch as Cara pushes little Mia through the doorway. Their matching bright red hair is tied into matching single braids.
The matching hair was Mia’s idea, I’d wager.
Mia is in a wheelchair, but she looks as happy as if she’d skipped into the building on her own two legs.
What a wonderfully cute child. She really is something special.
I see the exact moment that Mia notices me. Her little blue eyes go as wide as dinner plates, and she screams, “UNCLE! You’re here!!”
Her voice is full of glee. It’s like she can’t see anyone but me in this room. Her hands are closed in little shaking fists, like she has too much excitement and energy for her little body to hold inside.
I can’t remember the last time someone was so happy to see me.
Before I can stop myself, I feel the corners of my lips turn upwards.
I smile back at the little girl, and its the first genuine smile I’ve had in a long, long time.
Cara’s POV
We arrive at the hospital for Mia’s weekly treatment and at once, I see that Alaric is here. He’s standing in the lobby. If I didn’t know better, I’d say it was almost like he was waiting
for us.
And he’s smiling to Mia!
In fact, they’re smiling at each other.
Wow, these two have a strong connection. I’m not sure how or why it happened, but anyone who could see them right now would be able to see how happy they are to see one another.
He looks so handsome when he smiles.
This is an objective compliment. No matter how I feel about Alaric, his appearance is truly striking he has the kind of looks that could turn heads wherever he goes.
How many she–wolves from Pack Darkwood once longed to pursue him. They couldn’t get close to him, so I handled countless love letters and date invitations on his behalf.
“What are you doing here, Uncle?” Mia asks Alaric excitedly.
“I have a meeting with some of the staff, little one. What are you doing here?” Alaric asks
“I have to get my medicines! You already know that!” Mia giggles.
“Ah, yes, I suppose you’re going to be right. How could I forget? And what a nice chariot
have here,” Alaric points to Mia’s wheelchair.
Ethan and Mia spent the day yesterday painting the sides of the chair’s wheels bright red,
Mia’s current favorite color.
“Thanks! My brother and me did it to match my hair!” Mia says proudly.
Alaric’s face scrunches in what looks like alarmed confusion. “Brother?” He looks to me with a raised eyebrow, his pleasant expression falling
“Yep! If he was here, he’d say he’s my older brother, but I just call him my brother!”
“Older? I had no idea you were so busy, Cara…” Alaric says lowly, like he doesn’t intend for Mia to hear his comments.
I simply shrug, not sure what else to say. The last thing I want to do is give Alaric more clues to figure out our secret.
To figure out that he’s the twins‘ father.
So I say nothing, hoping that we can end this awkward interaction as soon as possible.
“And guess what?!” Mia yells to Alaric.
“What?” Alaric asks curiously.
“We just found out that Mommy is going to be ”
“Is going to be going to your brother’s science competition soon!” I finish for her, talking over Mia so she doesn’t finish that sentence.
I can guess what she was going to say.
She was going to tell Alaric that I’m going to be Pack BloodyMoon’s new Beta.
I told both children that the news of my promotion to pack Beta was NOT to be discussed. with people outside of our pack, but in her excitement Mia must have forgotten. She’s still not used to interacting with people from different packs..
If not for her illness, she probably would never have had a reason to talk to anyone outside. the pack until adulthood…
I place my hands firmly on Mia’s shoulders and shoot her a warning look when she looks up at me surprised by my interruption. She knows that I know that’s not what she was going to say.
Alaric looks confused for a moment, looking back and forth between our faces. I’m sure that he can tell that something is amiss, but I hope it’s enough for us to walk away without letting him know too much.
“We’re all very excited for his competition, aren’t we, Mia?” I ask her softly.
“Um… yes! Very excited. He’s so smart…” Mia says carefully, watching my face closely.
It’s not the most believable acting performance from Mia, but hopefully its enough to keep Alaric from asking too many more questions.
“Well, we really should get going. Don’t want to keep Mia’s doctors waiting…And you have
■ Chapter 0076
your meeting to get to.” I say to Alaric.
“Meeting?” He asks, looking lost in thought. All of a sudden, realization seems to dawn on him. “Oh yes! My meeting. Yes, I should get going, too. It was nice to see you, little one.”
Alaric softly pats Mia on her little red head in a caring gesture. She snuggles into his hand, like she’s treasuring the contact.
“It was nice to see you, too, Cara.” Alaric says looking into my eyes for just a moment too long.
“You too…” I say, suddenly feeling breathless at the intensity of his gaze. Those icy blue eyes always did have such an effect on me…
““I hope I see you again soon, Uncle!” Mia shouts.
It looks like it’s not just me that Alaric has an effect on, but Mia, too….