Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Liam is good at many sports,
from extreme sports to horseback riding and playing ball.
He directly took me to try them out, and when we went horseback riding,
he guided me many times, but I just couldn’t overcome my fear.
I thought he would give up, but instead, he swapped the horse for a shorter one, helped me onto it, and held the reins, walking leisurely beside me.
He didn’t even go off to play on his own.
His friends teased him, laughing:
“You’re definitely going to have a wife who’s in charge.”
“Look at how serious you are. Are you afraid the wolf’s going to snatch her away?”
He shrugged and said, “Aren’t I afraid? I’ve waited so long for this little wife. If a wolf snatches her away, I wouldn’t even know where to cry!”
I couldn’t help but laugh.
Riding the little pony slowly,
I hadn’t felt this relaxed in a long time.
Spending time with him, and with his friends,
was different. His friends didn’t complain loudly about him taking time off for me.
“Why does your girlfriend have so many issues? This is a guy’s night, and she doesn’t even drink. Why is she here? Just to take up space?”
slow girlriends can drink. You don’t drink at all. Are you not showing respect
1 suppressed any anger and smiled, explaining to Jorge’s friends, “I’m actually allergic to
One of the guys scoffed lightly:
“We’ve heard that excuse a hundred times. Nine out of ten women claim alcohol allergies
en they don’t want to drink. Can’t you come up with something else?”
“Don’t tell me, I’m kind of curious about alcohol allergies. Is it the same as other allergies?”
“Sis, do you want to demonstrate for us? If anything happens, George will be the first to take you to the hospital.”