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My Twins Baby 126

My Twins Baby 126

Chapter 126 

Chapter 126 

Fiona, be careful of your sister.” 

Fiona, make room for Celeste.” 

Fiona share with your sister.” 



Fiona don’t you know that Celeste needs that?” 

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been compared to my sister Celeste and found wanting. My mother, Regan, treats me kindly, but there’s always something between us, something that gets in the way of us being mother and daughter although I can’t quite put my finger on it. I’m different. Celeste is like a princess, her features exotic, her hair dark, her eyes an earthy brown. I’m fair, my hair blonde, my eyes blue, the distinct opposite of my mother and both my fathers. Although I have expressed my concerns regarding this before, my fathers have always rushed to reassure me that I take after one of my other relatives and that I am indeed their daughter

What’s wrong Fiona?Celeste blinks her eyes at me, a small smile on her lips

I try not to tense. Celeste can act as a spoiled brat sometimes and the littlest thing can cause her offence. My Mother and both of my fathers have failed to discipline her, meaning that whatever Celeste wants, Celeste gets. I, on the other hand, have been put in more time outs and punished for every little thing more times than I can count. Another reason I constantly find myself wondering if I am in fact, part of the Dominon family or if they are lying to me. How can we be part of the same bloodline and yet look so different

Nothing Celeste,I told her truthfully

She looks unconvinced, her lips curving into a wider smile. I feel a sense of dread rising inside of me. She looks smug. As though she knows something I don’t. I tense

I know something you don’t,she tells me

I’m sure that you doI answer, trying not to rise to the bait and causing a look of disappointment to cross her face

Don’t you want to know what that is?she pouted, batting her eyelashes at me

Not particularlyI shrug, knowing whatever it is, it’s just another way to hurt me while our parents aren’t here to see

Celeste is very particular about waiting until they are absent before striking and acting maliciously towards me. She had a lot of experience in that. I shake my head at her and turn to leave when her hand shoots out, gripping my arm and halting me in my tracks

I glare at her, not in the mood to be playing games. Not again. I’m tired of her insults, her venomous rumors. The gossip she spreads. My parents might not see her for who she truly is, but I stopped being fooled long ago

What are you doing?I asked her quietly let go of my arm, Celeste.” 

But you want to hear this sister,she said innocently, continuing to blink her eyes at me I mean if it were me, I would want to know,she said dramatically

Uh huhI muttered and yanked my hand back good for you,I said nonplussed and tried to move away again

Fionashe sounded incensed and more than a little frustrated don’t keep walking away. I meanshe paused, glancing slyly around even though it was obvious we were alone outside don’t you want to know why we look so different? Why we are supposedly twins even though neither of us like each other?” 


07:30 Tue, 18 Feb 

Chapter 126 



There had never been a bond between us. We had the same birthday and had been told we were fraternal twins, hence not identical. I had never believed that though. We were so different, not just in looks but in personality as well. I looked at her sharply, my interest peaked in spite of my reluctance to remain standing where I was. What if this was just another attempt by Celeste to hurt me? Another unfounded accusation? Another lie to get what she wanted? I wavered. She smirked

I knew you would want to. I overheard our parents talking and I just had to know for myselfshe opened her mouth wide, looking at me with sudden sympathy and you wouldn’t believe what I found outshe added

Just tell meI said in exasperation

Lord knew it was probably nothing as interesting as she was making it out to be. Then again, why did she have this look on her face? She looked like a Cheshire cat with that grin

We’re not twins,she said with glee. We never were. Our parents told us that so that we didn’t question why our birthdays were only weeks apart. They wanted us to form a bond with each other and be sistersshe added sarcastically

I stared at her. Part of me thought this could be the honest truth. I motioned for Celeste to continue, unable to deny that I wanted to hear the rest of what she had to say. My brow creased. If we were only weeks apart, then how on earth were we sisters

My mother is not your motherCeleste declared triumphantly, and only Xander is your father, not Xavier. You are merely my halfsistershe said with delight

How is that possible? How can Regan not be my mother?I demanded. Wouldn’t she have told me?” 

Think about it. You don’t look like me or ReganCeleste said as I blinked back tears, your mother was called Isabelle Ramona. She deliberately got pregnant with Xander’s babyshe mocked you wouldn’t believe the lengths I had to go order to get this information from some of the servants.” 

Then where is she? I’ll ask her for myselfI demanded

to in 

She’s dead. Mother and our father’s killed her. She tried to take over the pack, hurt Regan, and did a lot of other bad thingsshe sang so they used your mother as an incubator and the second you were bornshe fixed her unblinking eyes on me they slit her throat, and executed her. You’re nothing more than the result of a crazy woman’s obsession to have a baby with one of our fathers. Haven’t you always felt as though you’ve always been treated less kindly than me?she said knowingly

You’re lying,I said, feeling disgusted

deserve Am I?she asked, why don’t you ask Mother and our fathers? Make them tell you the truth. Don’t you think you that Fiona? I mean, if it is true then what is the point of you remaining here anyway?she looks at me with a giggle it’s not as though you are going to inherit the position of Alpha of the pack. Not if you are only fifty percent Dominionshe smirked

I never wanted the title of Alpha or the responsibility of taking over the packI denied

She laughed. Now who is lying sister? At least be honest with yourself. The most you can hope for now is to take a chosen mate with a high status or wait for a fated mate who might never come. When others learn of your backgroundshe broke off and glanced at me sideways they aren’t exactly going to come running for your handshe added

I felt sick. Part of me wanted to scream that Celeste was lying to me, but another part of me could hear the honesty in her voice. She wasn’t lying. For all accounts and purposes, she was telling me the truth for once. It might have been intended to hurt me, but if this was the case, it was also setting me free. I had spent so much of my life, wondering what I had done wrong, why I wasn’t good enough in comparison to Celeste and it turned out that it might simply have been the fact that I existed or had been born. Something I could have not prevented. I saw Celeste studying me, wondering why I wasn’t as angry as she’d been anticipating

07:31 Tue, 18 Feb 

Chapter 126 


Fiona, your whole life has been a lie. Shouldn’t you be angry? You should be filled with rage by nowshe said confused


I took a deep breath. I am angry Celeste, but anger never does any good. Thank youI nodded at her, taking her by surprise for telling me. Now I don’t have to keep torturing myself wondering when I’ll ever be able to compete with you or find a position in this family for myself. You’ve done me a favorI told her sincerely

I turned on my heel and began to walk with more purpose towards the pack house, my steps thudding loudly on the grass. I could hear Celeste behind me, her voice rising in the air

Goodluck Fiona, maybe we can still be friends but I’ll never truly see you as a sister, half one or not.” 

The same could be said for me. Celeste might be a half sister of mine, but she had never been and would never be a true sister to me. It was time to find out the truth, once and for all

My Twins Baby

My Twins Baby

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
My Twins Baby


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