Chapter 138
Alpha Liam POV
I glance around the pack uninterestedly. It’s a nice pack, quite large and by my standards even stronger than the majority in the country. I can see pack members celebrating by a bonfire, others dancing with one another, young girls eyeing me hungrily as I remain oblivious to their deliberate attention. I am curious to see this Fiona girl, the one whose father had applied for the transfer to my pack on her behalf. Alpha Xander clears his throat.
“Alpha Liam,” he says cordially, shaking my hand and smiling widely at me. “What an honor it is for you to come to my daughter’s birthday celebration” he added, while I shook his hand. “It means the world to us that you were able to come” he added.
“I was curious to meet your daughter and see for myself the girl who despises her family enough to declare she wants to transfer to a new pack,” I said callously.
I wasn’t going to dance behind the blatant truth of the matter. Alpha Xander winces and sighs, nodding his head.
“Yes well, you said it” he mumbled, glancing around in surprise. “I don’t see her though,” he said confused “which is a little surprising considering…”
We were promptly interrupted by a woman or rather a girl who came sauntering forward, flipping her hair over her shoulder, her hips sashaying back and forth as she came over to greet us, a wide smile on her face.
“Father” she greeted us and I frowned, glancing between the two of them.
Was this the infamous Fiona? Somehow I had pictured her to look, well different. I disliked this young girl on sight, although I couldn’t place why. If this was Fiona, then I would be retracting the invitation to transfer to my pack. Xander smiled but I noticed that it was forced as he greeted his daughter.
“Celeste,” he said quietly and I relaxed.
This was his other daughter, the one he shared with Regan and his twin Xavier. I stared at her curiously, taking in the tightness of her dress, the seductive way she thrust her breasts out, and the gleam in her eyes as she stared directly at me. This was no blushing teenage girl. She had come here to try and get her claws into me. It was a shame it wasn’t going to work, I thought smirking to myself. She was just like all the other girls who threw themselves at me on a regular basis. There was nothing special about her at all.
“Miss Dominion” my voice is curt as I offer my hand.
“Alpha Liam” she bowed her head in acknowledgment, taking my hand and shaking it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you” she cooed.
“Where is Fiona” Xander interrupted, promptly taking the wind out of her sails.
She glared at her father who was oblivious to the pout on her face. “I don’t know” she raised her hands in surrender. “I came over because I wanted to see who you were” she turned to me “and to offer you a drink or some refreshment.”
“I can get my own thank you” I began but a girl came past and handed us some champagne each. She winked at Celeste and continued on as Xander smiled.
“That was Trixie. Don’t mind her. She’s a friend of my daughter Celeste. Anyhow this is a celebration” he exhaled “but it’s a shame that Fiona has gone missing all of a sudden. It’s not like her to disappear so suddenly” he added frowning.
“She’s probably gone to change,” Celeste said casually “I think she spilled some wine on her dress. What if I take Alpha Liam” she nodded politely at me “to the pack house and see if she is there?” she suggested smoothly “I can give him a tour at the same time” she said to her father whose face brightened at the suggestion.
Great. Now I had to be civil to her or risk upsetting one of the Alpha’s in charge of this pack. I couldn’t deny my curiosity to
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Chapter 1381
find this missing Fiona girl though. I met my Beta’s eyes and watched as he smoothly disappeared into the crowd.
“Wonderful idea” Xander enthused. “If you don’t mind Celeste, I think that would be a great idea. Alpha Liam, do you have any objections?” he began.
I sighed and shook my head. “No Alpha Xander, I would be honored to look around your pack,” I said with a grimace.
“Come with me then,” Celeste said excitedly, placing her glass down and grabbing hold of my hand.
I winced. Her nails dug lightly into my skin. I sighed and began to follow along behind her as she pointed out various landmarks and plants on the grounds as we made our way toward the pack house.
“This is where the training ring is” she chattered, hauling me along.
I took a sip of the champagne, suddenly feeling the overwhelming need to get drunk. If I had to stay with this girl fro much longer, I was going to lose my temper. I just knew it. She was already getting on my nerves. I sipped the champagne, stumbling along behind her. A headache began to throb behind the back of my eyes. I rubbed my eyes, following the young girl inside. She made a show of calling out for her sister.
“Fiona? Fiona” she called out, leaving me for a minute and disappearing through the pack house.
She came back. I remembered absent–mindedly this girl didn’t have a wolf and therefor couldn’t mind–link. No wonder she was calling for her sister out loud. Great. This was going to take forever. I rolled my eyes as Celeste tugged on my arm.
“She must be upstairs” she insisted. “Let’s go look.”
I felt strangely lightheaded as we began to make our way up the stairs. My headache increased and my legs began to stumble. At one point I almost tripped up one of the steps and Celeste clutched my arm looking anxious.
“Alpha Liam, you don’t appear to be too well,” she said concerned “I think we should take you somewhere to rest.”
I opened my mouth to protest but she quickly yanked me down a hallway. I blinked, my vision becoming unfocused. The glass in my hand fell to the floor, breaking into tiny shards. Celeste remained oblivious to the sound, all her attention on dragging me behind her. Her eyes widened with triumph as she spotted a door and began to pull me ruthlessly towards it. I blinked at the girl, realization suddenly dawning. The drink. The one she had been so eager to put into my hand. It must have been drugged. No wonder her friend had been the one to bring it over. I felt nauseated as she dragged me inside a room and a quick glance confirmed it was none other than what I assumed to be her bedroom.
“You drugged me” I managed to utter as she smirked at me, her boldness growing as she pushed me onto the bed and I collapsed, sprawled face up on my back.
“Oh Alpha Liam” she purred, trailing her finger down my chest, her fingers eagerly beginning to undo the buttons on my white dress shirt. “You’re just as handsome as they claim you are” she sighed.
I tried to grab her hand, but my movements were slow and stilted. Whatever she had used to drug me was remarkably
“What do you want?” I managed to gasp out.
“Isn’t it obvious?” she smiled wolfishly at me. “I want to become your Luna. The only way that’s going to happen is if my fathers catch you in bed with me, their poor innocent daughter. They’ll make you take me as your mate” she breathed into my ear as I tried to force my limbs to move “and then I can merge our packs and make us both even stronger. Don’t fight it” she nibbled on my ear, pushing my shirt away from my chest and licking her lips as she took in my taut abdomen. “I can show you just what pleasure I can bring you if you just lie still. My father’s should be here any minute now” she added, moving back and beginning to undo the side zipper on her dress, her fingers fumbling with it.
She stripped her dress off, leaving her exposed in a red strapless bra and panties. She came back over to the bed and began to kneel over me, her finger gently following the outline of my lips. I felt her thighs against the sides of my legs.
“This drug will take your memories of the event and even you won’t know what’s happened here” she murmured, her fingers
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Chapter 138
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beginning to go to the button on my trousers as I let out a low growl of anger. “If you’re a man of decency as the rumors suggest, you’ll want to make reparations when you wake up beside me, my parents screaming at you for daring to ruin their poor, innocent, pure daughter” she smirked, her eyes beginning to gleam.
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