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My Twins Baby 53

My Twins Baby 53

Chapter 53 

Regan POV 


I adjust the simple strand of pearls around my neck, eyeing mysif in the mirror, a small smile curved on my lips. My dress is simple, a plain white strapless that gathers tightly around the bodice, before flowing down to my knees. It makes my glow and my eyes pop. I have flats on, too cowardly to wear her outside, fearful that I might fall or trip and my hair is loose, cascading down my hack. My makeup is subtle, giving me rusycheeked look, my eyes sparkling with exciternent. This is the first time I can ever remember in a long time since my mother died, that I’ve celebrated my birthday, and being that it’s my eighteenth, it’s monumental. It’s a special day for me 

The door swings open sofily and the Alpha twins step into the room, adjusting their shirt collars. As they see me, they halt in their tracks. Xavier’s expression is comical, his mouth dropping wide open, while Xander is more composed, letting out a low whistle as he eyes me up and down, as though I’in something he would like to eat. I blush, as they gather their composure, wide smiles on their faces as they move closer, Xavier putting his hand on my bare shoulder, causing me to shiver, while Xander cups my check, peering into my eyes

You look gorgeous ReganXander murmurs and then leans in and kisses me swiftly on the lips before I can utter a word, taking me by surprise and causing me to feel butterflies in my stomach

StunningXavier agrees huskily, turning my head and kissing me, causing me to blink, my body tingling with delightful sensations as I struggle to hide my growing attraction to them

The more time I spend with them, the more I start to feel as though I can’t get enough of them which just makes me feel even more confused and lost

Damnit. I felt as though I was floating on air and I hadn’t even seen the decorations outside yet

We got something for you, Xavier says smoothly, digging into the pocket of his black trousers and withdrawing a tiny black box wrapped with a white bow

Touched, I take hold of it, delicately unwrapping the ribbon and then carefully sliding the box open, my eyes widening as I see…. a key

It’s not something I expected and I’m somewhat bemused as I look down at it

A key? Why did I need a key? I know it’s not for the pack house and I find myself intrigued as I glance up at the twins with at questioning look on my face. I want to know what this key is for or what it might open. I feel excitement stirring in my breast

Why don’t we show you what that’s forXander suggests with a wink at Xavier

I let them take hold of my hands, leading me out of the room, excitement on both of their faces. I can hear the sound of music playing in the distance and smile to myself, even as the boys take me to the garage that is attached to the side of the pack house, causing me to inhale sharply and glance at them. Both of them are grinning widely now, causing me to be suspicious

No. No way would they have given me such a gift. But as we stand in the center of the garage, which is mainly filled with their cars, and their father’s, Xander looks at me with a glint in his eyes and a smug expression on his face

Press the button,he says, and I look at the button that is attached to the key

My hand shakes. I hold the key up in the air and press the button hard. Immediately the doors to what looks like a brand- new SUV unlock It’s a plain black, discreet, but it’s also my first car ever. My eyes widen in shock. We wanted you to have something to learn to drive in and that you could use to get to places. When you’re more confident in your drivingXavier shot Xander a look. We’ll get you any car that you want Just name ithe said with a wide smile

A car. They bought me a damn car! I didn’t care what type it was it was driveable and they were talking about me learning to 


12:44 Sat, Jan 11

Chapter 58 

drive. I could never have afforded something like this on my own in a hundred years. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes. They could have got me anything but instead, they had chosen to give me something that represented freedom in a way. They were giving me the means to be able to leave the pack on my own. I flung my arms around them, causing them to look startled and then pleased with themselves

Thank youI breathed, almost dancing excitedly on the spot, the key still held tightly in my hand. I can’t believe you got me a car. It’s perfect, it’s wonderful, oh my godI squealed, while Xander and Xavier laughed I can’t wait to take it for a spin. What do you say weI trailed off as the boys resolutely stook their heads, their eyes narrowing as they looked at me in doubt

Not until you’ve had lessonsXander shuddered dramatically. want to livehe jokes as I swat at him playfully

Xavier just laughs in response. “I’m glad you like it. Xanderhe turns to his brother who pulls out another black box from his pocket and holds it out to me as I look between them, my eyes widening as I realize they want me to take it

Another gift? The car was more than enough and it must have cost a small fortune. I start to shake my head, tears in my eyes. Xander is insistent, however, pushing it into my hand and clasping my fingers over it. I look at both of them and see they are studying the box intently. Giving Xavier the key which he hangs up in the garage for me to grab later, I turn to the box and delicately unwrap the ribbon which is pink this time. I open the box and suck in a breath. A locket. White gold, the locket is shaped like a heart, with purple stones across the outside of it in a swirllike pattern. I carefully open the locket and see a picture of none other than my mother inside. The dam bursts open and tears begin to flood down toy checks as I hold the locket to my chest, sobbing. They couldn’t have given me a better present if they tried. It was a picture of my mother not long after she had married my father. The boys looked at each other in a panic as I continued to cry, Xavier putting his arms awkwardly around me

We didn’t mean to make you cryhe murmured., looking at his brother helplessly

I wondered if this had brought back memories of their own mother, but I didn’t ask. My lower lip quivered as I stared at the photo, my hand shaking. My emotions were raw. Xander quietly took the locket off me and began to place it around my neck as I clutched the locket, gently closing it, my hand remaining tightly fixed on it as he clasped it closed.I was going to cherish this forever, I would never take it off. Ever

We thought you should have a permanent reminder of your motherXander whispered, stepping back We’re so sorry Regan forhe trailed off 

I interrupted him, stepping forward and fiercely claiming his lips, causing him to stumble back slightly, before turning to Xavier and doing the same. Never had I felt this much affection towards them both, but I couldn’t help myself

This is perfect,I told them shakily, watching as pleased expressions came over their faces I can’t thank you enough.” 

My hand touched the locket briefly. I will always treasure it. My throat closed up and I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand. Xander looked quickly at his brother who gave a subtle nod, quickly changing the subject and distracting me from my grief

Don’t we have a party to go to?he teased as I giggled, suddenly thankful for my waterproof mascara. Let’s go check it out and have some fun. It’s not every day that you turn, eighteen you knowhe joked, as he took my arm and Xavier took the 

other one

Maybe having these two as mates, wouldn’t be so bad after all, I thought, as I cocked my head and studied them as I walked. Maybe, I had misjudged them all this time and they were showing me another side of them, that had been there all along. My wolf silently agreed, urging me to look closer at the Alpha twins and give them a chance, wanting to be with them, as we wandered towards the grounds and the party they had put so much effort into

12:44 Sat, Jan 11 G ) · 

My Twins Baby

My Twins Baby

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
My Twins Baby


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