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My Twins Baby 78

My Twins Baby 78

Chapter 78 

Xavier POV 

Beta Johnathon Who would have guessed that old bastard was still alive? Not only that but the asshole had engineered this whole master plan in onder to get revenge and take over the Blood Moon Pack, installing his daughter and wife as the new leaders I pushed Regan out of the way of another incoming fireball and shifted, seeing her do the same. At least in wolf form, we stood some kind of chance of being able to dodge them a lot more quickly. I expected Beta Johnathon to do the same, but he remained in human form and I wondered if the magic he used, the fireballs he was able to throw, only worked if he stayed human. It made a sickening sort of sense and made him somewhat vulnerable, but only if we could take advantage of it had so far I was struggling to find an opening in which I could take him down 

He threw another fireball and the tree behind me erupted into flames. Regan was nowhere to be seen. I hoped she had the sense to run, while I kept Beta Johnathon’s focus on me. I didn’t want to see her injured and the fireballs looked deadly Beta Johnathon continued to glower, throwing fireball after fireball as I weaved and dodged, branches of several trees alighting on fire as he continued to miss me, some of the fireballs only by inches 

You might as well give up lad, eventually one of those is going to hit he chuckled I can do this all day whereas you will eventually tire

It he kept this up he would burn down the entire forest, I thought grimly, trying to subtly scan the surroundings for Regan without giving it away. At this rate, he would kill us all, including himself if he didn’t stop somehow I didn’t think he was thinking rationally though, or maybe he intended to die taking us with him

Johnathon laughed and turned, throwing a fireball at an approaching Regan. She barely jumped out of the way in time. It’s rude to sneak up on peoplehe growled

Regan disappeared back into the trees. Johnathon fixed his eyes back on me. This time a fireball appeared in his hand, but he kept it there, floating in midair, a wry smile on his face

Do you know how freeing it is to have no soul?he said conversationally, his eyes darting between the trees as he listened out for Regan It’s like floating. There’s no fear, no remorse. It’s like you are an empty shell and there is nothing left inside but a burning desire for revenge. You don’t feel anything remotely close to apologetiche chuckled and you will do anything to ensure that you get what you sacrificed your soul for 

I growled, lunging towards him, and felt a fireball hit my fur. I sprawled backward, hitting the dirt, and frantically rolled over and over in order to put the flames out. I heard his maniacal laugh

y a small taste of what is still to come he declared, throwing another

That was 


1scrambled to my feet and moved, just missing being hit again. I snarled

How frustrating it must be to know you’ve been outsmarted by the man you chose to banish and make into a rogue,he said, throwing another one and making me leap high into the air in order to avoid it

How angry you must feel to know that your father is going to join the dead soon he continued, his voice filled with glee

Another fireball. This time I ducked my head, the fireball hitting a bush. There was fire all around us trow. Beta Johnathon. looked unconcerned, but I could feel the heat surrounding us. Leaves were dropping to the floor and slowly sizzling, and branches were falling. It was chaotic and yet, I didn’t dare take my eyes off of him. He looked around frowning. Where is that useless daughter of minehe grinned I intend to kill her to and present her head on a platter to my darling Isabellehe added, peering into the trees and scowling

His attitude had certainly changed in regards to Heather and Isabelle or had his desire for revenge simply caused his thoughts to become skewed? He had always shown preference for Isabelle but this bordered beyond that 

He shrugged. No matter. I will find her after I have taken care of you.” 


12:49 Sat, Jan 11 Gub

Chapter 78 


Another fireball but this one connects with my chest. I feel the pins of the heat as it burns me. I howl erupts from my throat. I collapse, batting at the flames, my fur dark and tinged. It hurts Part of my fur has burned away, and the flesh underneath is red and angry. He strides closer 

Whoosh. Another fireball. 1 manage to bat it and before it causes too much damage, but he’s close now and throwing them haphazardly in quick succession. More hit me and more fur buds away, revealing the skin beneath as it begins to blister and bubble. Howls fill the air. Where is Alyssa! Is she safe? Has she goje towards the pack house? If my mate is safe, then I can at least die with the knowledge that I have saved her

Beta Johnathon stands over me, a glint in his eyes. I’ve been dreaming of this day since you banished me from the pack you little bastardhe growls thinking of how you embarrassed me in front of everyone. Now they will know that I was the superior fighter all along and that you were bothing but a weakling and a coward. I won’t forget about your precious mate Regan either. Im going to ensure that her death is painful, just like yours.” 

I snarled, attempting to get back to my feet. The bastard wasn’t laying a finger on my mate. He spread out his hand and I stared at it. This was the moment. This was it. Even if I dodged this one, my body was severely slowed by the pain I was feeling. I watched in silence as a fireball began to slowly appear in his upturned hand. I closed my eyes, wishing that Regan would get away safely

A strangled scream. My eyes shoot open. Beta Johnathon is sinking to his knees, his mouth open in shock. Regan. She didn’t leave me behind after all. Instead, she’s in human form, naked, covered in mud to hide her scent. She’s standing behind Bet Johnathon and protruding from his back is a large silver dagger. One that I had packed in the bottom of my bag in case it was needed. I had forgotten about it until now. Regan must have backtracked and managed to get her hands on it without Beta Johnathon and me realizing. My eyes widen. She grabs the dagger and yanks it out of her father and then plunges it back in, a wild look in her eyes. He screams, his body slumping to the ground. In his agony, the fireball he had produced has sizzled out and faded into nothingness

You bitch,Johnathon’s voice is barely a whisper but could be heard clearly as he falls onto his stomach and stares up you’re going to pay for this.” 

No. FatherRegan spits out, grabbing the dagger again and then placing it across his neck as his eyes widen. I won’t but you will. You tried to kill my mateshe growled

open. Blood She doesn’t hesitate. I’m unable to believe what I’m seeing as she drags the dagger across his neck, slicing it pours out of the wound. Johnathon makes a gurgling sound and then the light slowly disappears from his eyes. She’s killed him. He’s no longer a threat. I get to my feet and then shift, winging at the pain in my body. Regan drops the knife, rushing 

over to me

You’re hurt,” she says, her voice hitched 

I’ll live,I said, my wolf already working hard to heal the burns, glancing closely at Regan’s hand. You’re burnt too

The blade of the dagger had been silver. Regan had burnt her hand as she held onto the dagger and plunged it into her father. I went to touch her hand, but she pulled it away and shook her head. I live,” she said wryly, mimicking my words

We glanced at Johnathon’s body. We can bury him if you want suggested to Regan

my father. The forest is on fire. We shouldn’t waste time giving him a She shakes her head. I no longer think of him as burial. Let the fire take himshe said darkly. We should get back to the pack house. Can you walk?” 

ent to hell. arm over her shoulder and slowly began to walk with her. Let’s go before the fire decides it wants us as wellNeither one of us looked back over our shoulder or at Johnathons body. He was about to burn and I hoped he went to 


My Twins Baby

My Twins Baby

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
My Twins Baby


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