Chapter 32
Chapter 32
“Just coming out, placing my phone between my ear and shoulders, I padded my way out of the airport, glancing around for the familiar face of Rhysand’s assistant cause he said his assistant will come pick me up from the airport.
“He’s waiting for you outside.” Rhysand’s firm voice told me from the other end.
Soon as I was out of the airport in Boston, I glanced around, searching for him but couldn’t find anyone.
“Are you sure he’s here?” I asked, staring at the number of people trooping in and out.
“He is. Just wait wherever you are, he’ll come meet you.”
“Okay,” I muttered, but then thought for a while before adding, “I’m right outside the exit of the door.” I said to make him finding me easier.
“Alright,” Rhysand said before ending the call.
Mindlessly tapping the pull rod of my small luggage bag, a sigh escaped my lips as I felt drowsy and tired.
It was late as 10PM already, which was my usual bedtime, but here I stood in the middle of an airport in Boston, waiting for someone to come pick me up.
Rhysand really had some long explaining to do, cause he haven’t mentioned anything about the reason for his urgent call for me to come over here.
Although, he did promise an explanation after hearing my rants.
My mind wandered off, and I felt a light tap on my shoulders from the left. Turning my head to see who it was, my gaze stared up to meet the brooding tall blonde haired man.
“You must be Evelynne?” He asked, giving his head a slight tilt to have a clearer view of my face, a flicker of realization dawned on his expression but he schooled it immediately, before I could notice it.
“I am.” Clearing my throat, I acknowledged the man in front of me, recalling him to be Rhysand’s assistant that I had met in his office days back.
Compared to his clean office look days back, he was dressed in a casual white T–shirt, and navy blue colored pants.
“And you are Rhysand’s assistant.” I said with a nod, and noticed his brows raise subtly before he slowly regarded me, perhaps because of the casual and informal way I had referred to Rhysand.
“Yes,” he simply said, before adding, “Let’s go, the car is waiting by the other end of the road. It’s late already and I’m supposed to get you to the hotel in time.” He reached out his hand for my luggage but I simply shook my head.
“Thank you, I can carry it.” I gave him a small smile, waiting for him to lead the way to where the car is, but rather than move, he regarded me with a strange stare again before shaking his head.
“I’m not asking you to give it, I’m taking it.” With that, he didn’t let me say a thing again, before reaching for the pull rod, and gently slipping my hands out if it, and then turned towards the road, leading the way and expecting me to follow.
For a while, I stared long at his back, before finally following after as I felt a sudden chill in the night.
Chapter 32
A black car was waiting for us by the roadside, Rhysand’s assistant opened the trunk and placed my luggage there, before closing it and opening the door to the backseat for me to get in.
Muttering ‘thank you‘ at the kind gesture, I slipped in and he shut the door behind me, before walking around the car and heading to the driver’s seat.
Soon as he was inside, he spared me a look from the rearview, and I immediately asked, “Is the hotel close by?” my eyelids felt heavy and my shoulders ached from stress.
My body ached to lie on a soft mattress.
“It will take ten to twenty minutes drive,” he muttered, as if understanding where my question was directed to.
Nodding, I looked away and pressed my forehead to the window, staring outside as he finally turned the ignition on and drove from the airport, heading to the hotel.
Just like he had said, close to twenty minutes later, the car finally drove into the large gates of a huge hotel.
As we drove into the hotel’s gates, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe at the beauty of the building before me.
The hotel’s exterior was a beautiful blend of modern and classic architecture, with sleek glass and steel surfaces complemented by elegant stone columns and ornate details.
As we pulled up to the entrance, Rhysand’s assistant stopped the car to the curb, and then stepped out to open the door for
- me.
I felt a bit stiff from the long flight and the drive, but the cool night air that hit me soon as I came down from the car helped
to revive me.
A breath escaped my lips and I momentarily shut my eyes for a brief moment before opening them as I heard the sound of the trunk being closed, “Can I know your name please?” I wasn’t comfortable referring to him as Rhysand’s assistant when he had a name.
And last time I had asked Rhysand about his assistant’s name, he didn’t seem to take it lightly as he told me ‘no name‘ with his very firm voice.
The blonde haired man glanced to my side as he walked towards me, keys in one hand and my luggage on the other, “Roman,” he said dryly before walking past me, “Let’s get you in.”
Oh, so Roman was his name.
“You’ve got a nice name,” I called out behind him and he spared me a side glance.
“I know.”
Cocky ass, I noted.
With nothing left to say to him, I remained silent as we walked towards the large doors of the hotel.
My eyes traveled my surrounding, appreciating the fine look before me.
The entrance was marked by a large fountain, its waters dancing in the light of the hotel’s exterior illumination.
The hotel’s interior was just as impressive as its exterior, with polished marble floors, and lavish furnishings.
Soft music played in the background and the scent of fresh flowers wafted through my nose as we walked towards the
Chapter 32
Roman came to a halt in front of a young man which was dressed like one of the hotel’s employee, and they exchanged a few words which I could barely hear but some got to my ears cause I was close a little.
“You didn’t tell me this before,” Roman glared down at the employee.
“I was trying to check around if there was any alternative but unfortunately, there isn’t. I apologize for this Mr. Rune but there was nothing we could do since their arrangement have been made for months now.” The young man apologized, rubbing a palm on his nape, perhaps cause of nervousness, “Ev–ev–en be–fore yours,” he stuttered a line of words.
Roman stared long for a while, like he was trying to think of an alternative and after a while, he asked, “What about the nearby hotels?”
“Im not sure about them. But the major ones within a 10–block radius have all their rooms booked,” he bent his head, unable to meet Roman’s thundering expression.
Roman finally released a deep breath and the tension cleared, “And there’s no other VIP suite in this hotel? or a penthouse around that can be rented for the next few days?”
The young man shook his head, his dark curly hair bobbed around, “Unfortunately no.”
Roman sighed, blankly staring at the man before him, as if thinking of what to do to him.
Is anything wrong?” I couldn’t help but chip in after a couple of minutes of standing before them as a bystander to their conversation.
Roman spared me a glance before shaking his head, “Nothing serious,” and then he turned back to the man in front of him. “Find an alternative in the next few minutes or else I wouldn’t be the one you need to face.”
The employee struggled to say something but Roman cut him off with a subtle shake of his head, “Your hands being tied is none of my business. Find an alternative.”
Leaving his firm words, he turned away and I was left with no option but to follow closely behind him.
My eyes fell on Roman’s long legs as he took large steps and I struggled to meet up with his pace, we took a turn from the reception to a hallway and I walked closely behind him as we finally arrived at the hotels lobby which was brightly lit.
Chairs and tables were placed around the wide lobby, my gaze traveled across the faces of different people sitted, while some standing.
We walked further and finally came to a stop at one of the numerous number of tables in the lobby.
“We are here.” Roman said in a clipped tone and my gaze lowered down to the man sitting on the chair.
It was at that point, I noticed the man sitting relaxed on a chair with a glass dangling in his hand.
Rhysand subtly tilted his head as I peeked out mine from behind Roman, “How was your flight?” he finally asked, breaking the silence between us and prompting me to step out from behind his assistant.
“Stressful.” The questions I had to ask him were dangling at the top of my tongue but I was too tired and just wanted to throw myself on a bed.
“Expected.” Rhysand gave me a small nod, gesturing for me to take a seat on one of the five chairs that surrounded the table. Unable to say anything right now, I quitely walked over to one of the chairs, and plopped on it.
de, 11 Feb
Chapter 32
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do,” I said as his dark eyes remained on me for a long time.
He nodded, and subtly glanced down at his watch.
Weary exhaustion seeped out of me as I whispered, “I’m tired.” I gently rubbed my palms over my eyes, trying to ward off the fatigue, but a yawn lingered, threatening to break free.
Glancing down at my phone, I noticed it was already a few minutes after IIPM, and far minutes after my usual deep time.
“Roman will take you to your hotel room. We can meet tomorrow morning to go through somethings and the reason why I needed you here.” Hearing Rhysand’s words, I offered him a nod cause I was too tired to wait and hear his explanation tonight.
“You’ve got everything prepared?” Rhysand asked Roman who was very slightly watching the exchange between Rhysand
and I.
As Roman began to reply to Rhysand, his gaze flicking to me for a split second before returning to his boss, my stomach chose that exact moment to rumble audibly, reminding me and everyone else that pancakes had been my only sustenance all day.
Pressing a palm to my stomach, I glanced up to see Rhysand regarding me closely, and Roman was staring at me without batting a lash.
My cheeks burned hot, and I dived in to explain, but Rhysand beat me to it.
“The room service will get you something to eat after you get to your room.” He said softly.
Roman interrupted, “There’s a problem.” He glanced up from his phone to Rhysand as he said.
“What problem?” Rhysand rose a brow at him and I also turned to stare at him wondering what problem was at hand.
Roman cleared his throat, “I tried to book another hotel room for Evelynne,” he spared me a glance, “But the hotel rooms are completely booked.”
Rhysand’s brows furrowed into a frown, “What do you mean by that? there’s close to a thousand rooms in the hotel so how’s everything booked?”
“There’s an industrial conference holding on tonight and a simultaneous diplomatic summit taking place here and all the rooms are booked for the attendees. They’ve been booked for close to two months already.” He explained.
The farther he went, the more my brows tightened in confusion.
Rhysand’s face fell, “Conference and summit?”
Roman nodded, “I talked with one of the hotel employees and ordered to get a room, and he explained the situation. The manager just messaged me about their predicament also.”
I was tired and presently cráving sleep and here they were talking about how I don’t have a room? My eyes traveled between
the two men before me.
Rhysand mindlessly tapped the table, thinking of a solution, “What about the hotels on the other side of town?”
10:06 de, 11 Feb 2
Chapter 32
“Its the cities festive month,” Roman explained, “Most suites around are fully booked with guests attending from other countries. And to get to the other side of the town… it would take close to two hours drive from here.
Rhysand’s gaze fell on me, and I noticed his jaw clenched tightly.
He was unsure of what to do, I noticed, with the way his fingers kept tapping the table.
“So what’s the option we have?” He asked finally.
Roman turned to me, and then Rhysand, “This might be uncomfortable, but the only option is to share a room with Evelynne.”
I was unsure of why Roman was calling my name very informally and fondly, but that was the least of the problem, so I ignored it
Rhysand’s eyes narrowed, “You and her?”
His assistant shook his head immediately, “No. The room I booked for myself will be uncomfortable for her.” He explained. Rhysand’s brows finally settled in understanding, and Roman added, “You will need to share a room with her.
I snapped my head to his direction, about to immediately reject but realizing the tight situation we are in, and also his efforts to get a room but to no avail, which made my heart drop down to the pit of my stomach in realization that hands were tied and there was no other option… but one.
10:06 de, 11 Feb (
Chapter 33