Chapter 34
Chapter 34
We finally stopped walking as we came to stand in front of a door, my eyes trailed up to Rhysand’s broad shoulders.
He opened the door to the room and stepped inside, and I released a deep breath before following after him.
For a moment, I ignored the sheer nervousness that seeped through me with the mere thought of sharing a room with him.
Soon as I stepped in, he closed the door shut behind me and for some reason I fought the urge to flinch at the sound of the door closing behind me.
My eyes traveled around the beautifully and expensively dimly lit room.
The bed was a plush king–size, which dominated the center of the room. Neatly tucked with crisp white sheets and white a comforter.
A sleek, black sofa sat against one wall, providing a contrast to the warm tones of the bed.
There were two doors–actually three, the other was small and led to a balcony- on either side of the room. One, perhaps a bathroom, while the other, I wasn’t sure, possibly a closet.
The air was thick with tension, and the soft hum of silence hung between us until I heard him clear his throat, pulling me back to the realization that he was here with me.
“I asked a question,” He said from behind me and I turned around to face him, raising a brow.
“You asked a question? when? what?” I rambled on, realizing too late and biting my lips as he noticed my nervousness.
Before he could respond, my eyes trailed to the door when there was a subtle knock.
Rhysand turned to look away from me, reaching for the handle of the door and opening it.
Roman stood outside, “I brought your luggage. And the room service is here.” He pushed it in, handing it to Rhysand who reached out to collect it.
“Thank you.” I muttered, and watched as a lady dressed in a hotel uniform, with a warm smile, wheeled in a trolley laden with an assortment of dishes.
“Your room service, sir,” she said, moving the trolley around the room and positioning it near the bed.
Rhysand nodded, and the lady began to unload the dishes, revealing a sumptuous feast of roasted meats, steaming vegetables, and golden–brown pastries and pasta.
My stomach tightened in anticipation as the lady arranged the plates and utensils on the bedside table. “Will there be anything else, sir?” she asked, looking at Rhysand, who glanced at me.
“Is there anything you might need?” I shook my head, heart warming with his simple action of asking me after she only looked at him to ask if he might need anything.
Her eyes shifted subtly to me, and the smile on her face wavered.
Rhysand glanced back at her before responding, “No, that’s all.”
Chapter 34
The lady nodded, collecting her trolley before departing with a quiet, “Enjoy your meal*
Roman left the room along with her and shut the door behind him, leaving us alone once more.
“I’ll wash my hands,” breaking the silence between us, I turned away from him, walking to one of the door, unsure of where it led to.
And just before I could open it, Rhysand’s deep voice stopped me, “That’s the closet. The other door leads to the bathroom”
Muttering an ‘oh‘, I turned around and walked across the room, heading to the other door, all the while, feeling his eyes on me, and it made me very sure of my surrounding and aware of the fact that we were indeed alone.
Stepping into the bathroom, I pushed away my fears as I closed the door and stood before the white sleek wash hand basin.
Rhysand seemed very nonchalant about this set up. His expression was completely masked, giving me no hint of what he was thinking.
But I was pretty sure he was unhinged, meaning I’m the one making a big deal out of nothing.
Shaking my head, I turned the faucet on and rinsed my hands with the liquid soap, before drying my hands off and preparing to go back into the room, mentally reminding myself that there was nothing in this, he had no ideas, and I also had no ideas about the set up.
Although his presence itself was intimidating that I felt like hiding myself at a corner and not stepping out till the sun peeps from the East.
Nothing could go wrong in the next few hours and by morning this would be the past.
Of course, I can do this.
Releasing a deep breath, and counting from one down to five, I reached out for the handle and opened the door.
My legs came to an abrupt as I entered the room, eyes settling on Rhysand who wore a lazy look. Two, down to three buttons were now undone in his white long sleeved shirt, and his masculine long fingers were presently on the buckles of H
Nothing was wrong, but a gasp escaped my lips before I could stop it.
Rhysand frowned and looked up, tilting his head to meet my eyes. He seemed to have noticed the fear in my eyes and how stiff my shoulders turned cause his fingers left the buckle of his belt.
He released a deep breath and I had an inkling feeling that he might be regretting this set up just as I was bothered about it. “I assure you that I don’t have any intention of pouncing on you tonight, Evelynne.”
“Settle your tense shoulders. Relax. Eat. Then sleep.” He shook his head, reaching for his tie, removing it and walking over to the other side of the large room, before neatly placing it on the table beneath the mirror, followed by his watch
My brows squinted in confusion and I couldn’t help but ask, “Tonight?”
His movements stopped and I stood frozen by the bathroom door, my eyes fixed on Rhysand’s reflection in the mirror.
“I don’t have any intention of pouncing on you.” He corrected, looking up at mirror to meet my eyes, his gaze calm and steady, but I couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach.
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. My eyes darted around the room.
10:06 Fae, 11 Feb
eb K
Chapter 34
“You can start eating. I’ll take a shower first.” He turned towards where I stood and he might have noticed the fear that crossed my eyes again as he immediately explained, “I usually take a shower before bed.”
“I assure you, Evelynne,” he said, a subtle smile dancing across his lips, his voice low and even, “I’m not going to hurt you. You’re safe.”
He was finding my fears amusing and funny, I realized.
Choosing to believe him, I moved away from the bathroom door and walked over to the other end, where the food was placed, shoving down my worries and choosing to focus on the food before me.
As he walked into the bathroom, and shut the door behind him, I heard the subtle click of the buckle of his belt and it dawned on me that he stopped earlier cause of me.
How… Thoughtful.
Picking a fork and spooning pasta in my plate, I dug into the food.
By the time I was done eating, the door to the bathroom was opened and I fought the urge to not glance back to see Rhysand, even as I felt his rooted gaze on me.
“You are done eating?” he asked.
“Yes,” I muttered, standing up and turning around as I heard his footsteps.
And I soon realized I’ve made a mistake as I looked up, my eyes met Rhysand’s heated ones, and for a moment, we just stared at each other.
A towel was wrapped casually around his waist, and a simple white t–shirt clung to his torso. My gaze drifted to the dark ink on his arms, that trailed upward but the lines disappeared beneath his shirt.
Another towel draped over his shoulder, his usually cleanly combed dark hair was damp and messy.
His eyes seemed to bore into mine, as if searching for something.
I felt a shiver run down my spine as I took in his appearance.
I quickly looked away, focusing on the bed.
“How many times do you need me to assure you that I won’t do anything?” he asked, walking across the room and heading to the closet.
“It’s been a long day. You should rest.”
I nodded again, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. Maybe we could just coexist peacefully for the rest of the night.
“Are you sleeping on the bed?” the question was out before I could stop it.
There was silence, “Of course.” He answered and I snapped my head to his direction, gaze falling on his back which faced
- me.
“But I’m sleeping on the bed.”
10.06 ae, 11 Feb K
Chapter 34
“And you want to be on the bed also.” I tried reasoning with him.
* 85%
“Then we’ll both be on the bed?” My brows tightened into a frown, having a feeling like he knew my point but just wanted me to keep on going.
“Mm hmm.” He nodded.
“You are kidding me right?” My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I waited for an answer.
“But why? I thought you’ll sleep on the sofa!” I said, the words were out before I realized how inconsiderate they were as my gaze fell on the sofa which would surely leave him with body ache after sleeping on it.
Rhysand turned to me at my words, “In my hotel room? you expect me to sleep on the sofa??” his voice turned low as he rose a brow at me.
“Ye–yes. But the sofa looks small. I’ll just-” I glanced back to the bed, seeing that it was actually enough for two of us. “Tll just place pillows between us,” I finally said.
Well, that should do.
He wouldn’t do anything.
I’m safe.
I shrugged off the worries on my shoulders away, turning to face Rhysand.
But as I glanced up at him, I saw something in his heated dark eyes that made my heart skip a beat.
A flicker of something–a hint of something that made me wonder if I was really safe with him after all.
10:07 Ke, 11 Feb