Chapter 53
“Are you okay?” King Miroslav asked when he noticed his wife was lost in thought. He was aware that he should have said something about what she had done to Bashir earlier, but he wasn’t sure what she would have wanted to hear. The woman on the seat beside him had done something that even he as the Lycan King wouldn’t have thought of doing, and she had done it with her head held high. Alpha Bashir not even trying to argue about the positioning made it more hilarious. Funny how one woman had a hold on the both of them that much.
“Of course, why shouldn’t I be?” Ralph asked casually. They had been taking breaks in between work and thankfully, all the Polina reports they had gone through, didn’t have any discrepancies. At least she loved her work, right? Well, it was a pity that her greed had driven her to wish for the impossible, something that got her on the other side of the Queen’s me Perhaps it had been a lesson to many who would have been tempted to betray the queen too, right?
“Nothing really. I was just checking on you given how hard we have worked today,” the King said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. He looked like he had been caught with his hands in the cookie jar and was about to face the punishment of it all. It was quite hilarious really but then he couldn’t even say shit in front of his queen.
“Ibrahim..” Ralph trailed off as she looked at her husband. This man was never nervous around her and yet suddenly he was acting like she was his middle school crush. What the fuck was he doing being here like that?
“It’s nothing, askim,” Miro said and Ralph sighed.
Is this about earlier with Bashir?” Ralph asked as she shifted her seating position so she could look into his eyes. Maybe that would be enough for the great King to be honest with her, right Besides, it wasn’t like there was much they could do at the
moment anyway.
“Nope.” The King trailed off and Ralph rolled her eyes at him.
“Tell me, my love, what would you have me do with him then?” Ralph asked as she held Miroslav’s soft gaze only that she was genuinely curious.
The fact that Bashir had come to Asmoria itself was scary for the both of them. They were still working through the reality of what had happened and the fact that the Lycan King didn’t want to think of the alpha at any point in time. He hated that he didn’t know of the alpha’s relationship with his Queen and yes at the same time he hated that there wasn’t much he could do to keep the man away because they were both leaders and their Kingdoms came first. It just wasn’t easy for him, and thankfully, Ralph knew that too.
“Honestly, I’m not so sure. What you did was unacceptable as a queen, and yet at the same time, it was acceptable as my Erasthai and the crown’s protector. I just didn’t know that you would literally kick him out to the curb. Those guest houses are in pathetic shape. The man has probably died because of being bitten by bugs or who knows what other sketchy animals live there,” the King said and Ralph stared at him confused. Surely this couldn’t be the same King who had been glaring at Bashir from the moment the Alpha had walked into the King’s office, right? It was not possible, yeah?
Ralph wanted to understand better but then as they had checked the Polina reports, she knew that Miro was right. Treating a high–ranking we’re wolf alpha like that, should’ve been enough for the man to forfeit the treaty. It was the ultimate show of disrespect and yet Alpha Bashir had endured it all, like this was something that he had been expecting. It was wild to an extent, but the fact that he hadn’t said a word, got the King wondering if the alpha was planning anything
Bashir was a vicious alpha, almost like King Miroslav Ibrahimovich, with the king being the better strategist of them both. When it came to treaties, the alpha could have easily sent his be to come. Granted, there wasn’t a law that forbade the alphas from being there for the treaty but this one was a hell of a lot fishier than any other treaties the Lycan king had signed. Even when Ralph had kicked him out, the king had noticed that the alpha’s eyes hadn’t changed.
They still held affection for his Queen and that was disturbing.
“Oh, my beautiful Shehzadi. Miroslav said in a mocking tone and Ralph let out peals of laughter. She had never thought that Miroslav would ever try mocking someone, but at least it go her a little relaxed, knowing that the King was not thinking about the alpha differently anymore. Or maybe it was because he was trying to show Ralph that he understood what she had done, and that if it had been him, the rules would have been diferent.
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Chapter 53
“You sound nothing like–hing” Ralph teased as she laughed, and the King smiled as he watched his erasthai. He loved it when Ralph was trappy, and even though the situation wasn’t exactly appealing to the strings of their hearts. He was just glad that at the end of the day, this beautiful woman would always come home to him. She would always be there with him and more than anything, that his beautiful Queen had found a home in him.
“Oh yeah? He probably sounds like a frog.”
“Shehzadi,” Miro mocked and Ralph facepalmed as she laughed
she In
“Meri Shehzadi.” Ralph mocked, joining in, and together they laughed at the situation.
“Shehzadi…” a deep voice greeted, startling the two, making them hide under the cushions like that was supposed to them from the owner of the voice..
“Fucking hell, Ibrahim. What the fuck?” Ralph asked as she caught her breath under the cushions and throw pillows on the
“What what? I didn’t know he would come,” Miro said and Ralph glared at him.
“You’re kinda the King?”
“Oh shit, I am the King?”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“Wanna portal?”
“We have dinner to attend, you huge bear,”
“It’s not dinner time yet-”
“And Bashir wouldn’t enter your office without knowing,” the queen said, before she and her husband pushed the throw pillows and cushions away to show their faces as they carefully scanned the room like it was supposed to let them know whether someone was in the room.
“Y’know, when Kara told me you two are mischievous idiots together, I didn’t expect that she would be right. I probably thought it was hate speech, given Miro can be a hard ass, but witnessing this on my own, is something else,” Heion greeted. and Viktor just stared, while Kara watched amusedly. She was slowly getting used to this duo doing things that were out of their normal, and it was frankly relieving to know that they would be able to learn what humanity was away from the madness that came with running their Kingdom,
“Ahem… What are you three doing here?” the King asked before Ralph shrieked, turning all attention to her.
“Oops, sorry My hair is quite tangled with Ibrahim’s. anyway, what the fuck are you guys doing here?” Ralph asked, as she struggled to unknot her hair, and failed miserably. However, as if she wanted to show Kara that she was doing just fine, she kept trying to fix it, and failed, over and over.
“Do you two want to go bald?” Kara asked suddenly, instead of answering the King and the two royals stared at her like she was insane for even mentioning it However, when Ralph and Miro shared a look and began giggling like a bunch of kids. the trio knew the King and Queen were thinking of it.
“Doesn’t sound so bad,” they said ‘in unison, making Helon, Viktor and Kara stare at them disbelievingly.
“Stop touching your hair, Your Highness,” Kara sighed as she walked over to the duo and worked the knot out, releasing their
“Damn, that was fast,” Ralph said.
“I think they want to kill us,” King Miroslav said as his friend stared at him like he had grown another head.
12:09 Mon, Nov 18 BG.
Chapter 53
“Should we run?”
“Nope. We face them. You’re the King, and I’m the Queen, remember?” Ralph said before she high–fived her King, who stumbled on the couch from the impact. Heion had just had enough of the two and the mess they kept getting into.
“Yknow what? There are seven couches in this office, and you all have Lycan hearing. So how about we try to make this a class without mess? Queen Ralph, sit on the farthest end of the third couch, while Miro, you sit on the sixth couch. And shut the fuck up, both of you, Heion said and the duo complied without question. It was almost fun watching them be solved by their friends but then it seemed like the king and Queen always found themselves in the middle of mischief,
I have a request, Hei-”
“No, Miro, you’re not sitting next to her,” Heion said and Miroslav rolled his eyes at his best friend.
“You’re no fun.” the King said and Ralph snorted, only for her to shut up when Viktor glared at her.
“What is this about? We were working before you rudely interrupted us,” King Miroslav said and Kara stared at her King, as if he needed to do better. Viktor and Heion almost continued the fallacy, but they didn’t, while Ralph… She was holding back a laugh. They were really terrible for each other in times like these, But then it was good to know that the king and the queen were that free with each other. Seeing them unwind, and as annoying as their mischief was, it was relieving to their friends. At least they were not burning Kingdoms to the ground. That was honestly why they could cut them some slack right now.
“Okay, loyal workers of the throne,” Hei said and Miro just shrugged like he wanted to say something, however, Viktor interrupted before he could say anything.
This is about Alpha Bashir,” Viktor said, his voice so urgent that the King and Queen instantly dropped their mischief and focused on the warriors before them. There were so many thoughts running through the minds of the King and Queen of Asmoria, but none was more dominant than the fact that they were thinking he had left and was coming for war. Asmoria would crush them no doubt, but then the treaty was meant to create peace, to make sure that everyone was safe and that there was no longer any war among them.
“What about him?” Ralph asked.
“He says he needs to talk to the both of you urgently.” Heion said and the King and queen shared a knowing look. There was only one reason that the alpha would want to talk to them and they weren’t even worried about it anymore. They could do without the alliance especially if the alliance caused a strain in their relationship. Some things were with her and the duo had chosen to fight for their relationship.
“Send him in,” the King said as he got up and went to take his seat at his table. He needed to be ready for alpha Bashir, and he needed to be ready for whatever would happen.
“Ralph… You can go rest, sweetheart. It’s been a long day. Karn should prepare you for a bath. I’ll see you after this meeting Heion and Viktor, stay at the door in case he needs anything or makes stupid demands and I need someone to make sure I don’t strangle the fuck out of him. You can go now and send him in,” the King said and the trio stared at him, like they hadn’t expected this. Then again, the Lycan King was the leader of Asmoria. He had taken good care of them for years on end, so this wasn’t going to be an issue. Besides, no one could handle any stronger hostels better than the King.
Was Alpha Bashir hostile though?
“Miro…” Viktor tried.
“If he wants out of the alliance, I’ll let him go. I don’t care if that hurts the Kingdom, as long as I don’t lose her. I can’t do that. I can’t lose her,” the King said, his voice stiff and the trio sighed.
“We came to remind you about the dinner. The alpha just said to remind you in case you were too busy and forgot about it,” Heion said, making the King turn to look at the clock.
Mon, Nov 18
Chapter 53
ven o’clock, Miro. Time for dinner with your arch–romance rival,” Heion said and then files began flying as the boys
around the room, with the King cursing at them for making him think it was otherwise. The King looked so happy and so carefree and it was warming Ralph’s heart. She loved that even with all that was happening, the King could be happy.
“Boys will always be boys,” Kara said and Ralph just laughed.
“Yeah… they look so happy though.”
“We need to stop them before dinner time is over.”
“Yup, that should not be the best idea now,” Ralph said when she saw Miroslav hurl a chair and Heion who missed and P showed him his tongue.
“Children, please,” Ralph said and they all stopped,
“Great, now that you’re settled, can we please get ready for dinner? We wouldn’t want our guest in a bed–bug–ridden house to get any sadder, right?”
“Yes ma’am.”