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Rejected Mate The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved chapter 67

Rejected Mate The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved chapter 67

Chapter 67 

The Lycan mating festival went on through the night. The Lycan only parted when the sun came up, and they were too worn out to even continue celebrating. It was the strangest of cultures for them, but seeing as it was a onceinathousand- years kind of thing, their reactions were valid. This was a clear show by them to let the Queen know that everything was done and dusted

This was their final welcome for the Queen and their reminder the woman that she would be in charge of taking care of the Kingdom. It was also a reminder that when the sun came up the Queen would be there for her people and make sure the King was in the right state of mind

My back hurts,Ralph whined as they sat in the royal study room. She was there with the King, the high guards, the beta, the enforcer, and the King’s treaty visitor, Alpha Bashir. This seemed like the last meeting in this office really seeing as the King would no longer have a use of it anymore. With the mating completion, the King and queen would hold their meetings in the throne room until the day they both died. It was quite the rule but then they had nothing to do in the other offices, right

This was really the end of an era for them and they wanted to remember it for as long as they could. From here everything would be back to business in ways that no one would ever predict again. With the queen in place, there would be things that 

queen and King. the kingdom would have to experience for the first time in six hundred years since the passing of the last This was the ultimate test of patience and resilience and they all bad to be ready for it

You danced like it was the last time you would be dancing, sweetheart. I loved watching though,Miroslav said, adding the last bit hurriedly, earning snickers from the team in the office. The King was risking blue balls with his comments, but he didn’t lie when he said that the queen had danced her life away. She had been happy the entire time, and she looked like there were good times headed their way, even though they knew it wasn’t so. But then she had to cheer up, right? After all, this was a new venture for her and her husband and they would Lace it together

When was the last festival held in Asmoria?Ralph asked as she lay on the Lycan King’s lap. They were all exhausted to say the least. They looked sleep deprived even though it was obvious their aunty wouldn’t be getting any sleep. They had things to do and they had postponed it all one too many times

Three thousand years ago,Heion said and Ralph stared at him as if to answer them. A long time had truly passed and if the festival was held this time, they had to appreciate the joy that came with it. It wasn’t like the Lycans would have to dance along for the next century or more anyway. Besides, the king was planning on keeping his crasthai safer than anyone would think possible

Well damn, it really was a long time. I was still a teen then, Viktor said and Ralph stared at him like she had heard him 


No wonder you always sound like a fossil,” Ralph said and laughter filled the room, while Viktor glared at his Queen before joining in. They all had a feeling that this was the last time they would be sitting this freely and relaxing with each other. Maybe it wasn’t so bad last time, right

No comeback this timesomeday I will find one,Viktor said with a pout.. 

Anyway, now that all the festivities are over and everyone knows we fucked, we need to finalize the treaty, before we start processing Drescher. I hate that he has been in our dungeons for too long. Who knows what’s going on in his mind,the Lycan King said, snapping a lot of them back to reality. It felt like they were kicking Alpha Bashir out, but then the alpha didn’t have any business in Asmoria other than the treaty that was soon to be finalized right? It wasn’t like he would be doing them any good staying here

Ah yeah The treaty is finalized though. We just need to prove it with the royal council tomorrow and then Alpha Bashir can go back to Mirza,Heion said, his voice full of hate and spite, and yet somehow he managed to make himself sound like it was just a normal suggestion at a free table

Not exactly tomorrow. I summoned the council members already. They are waiting for us in the throne room,” the king said and his friend looked at him like he had gone bonkers. They hadn’t slept for days, hadn’t showered, were smelly as fuck

council meeting? If there was another name for the Lycan King, and yet in all that the King wanted them to show up at the 

08:36 Tue, Nov 19 

Chapter 67 

then unhinged royalty would be it. But then he already knew that was a possibility even when he mentioned it

Heion stared at his brother, hoping to the goddess that the Lycan King was bluffing, but then his eyes were straight and serious. The King really did mean that they needed to get to the Council meeting even though they were looking like zombies. This right here, reminded them of the Miroslav they knew before Ralphine came to the Kingdom. He was always a workaholic, and Heion could only hope that his brother didn’t sok himself into work and neglect the one reason there was happiness and peace in their Kingdom

If Ralphine was neglected then there was a higher chance she would be inclined to turn to something else for a distraction and a distracted Queen was the ultimate danger to a Kingdom, no matter how strong the Kingdom was. As Heion looked at Bistro and Kata, he could tell that they were of the same idea. Sure, they were happy that their working King was back and on full throttle, they could only hope that the King was doing this because he wanted Bashir out. Hopefully, when the day ended they would have the answer of whether they had the robot of a King back, or they had the humanized version by Ralphine

How soon?Viktor asked in the hope that it wouldn’t be instant. They ended with a little time to freshen up and start the meeting Granted, the cousin could wait for the King but not the other subordinate. Which was why the King’s answer would determine the direction of this crazed morning

Thirty minutes. The kitchens are ready with food, and you have time to clean up and eat your breakfast. The council meeting will be long, especially after the treaty is finished. I would guess you start making your way out, the King said and his team didn’t hesitate. Each to their own, they created portals to their various rooms to prepare. Only Alpha Bashir, Ralph, and King Miroslav were left in the office that was bound to be closed by the end of the day. It was sort of bittersweet, but then having Drescher around could ruin everything they had worked so hard for 

You’re still here, Alpha Bashir?the King asked his tone neutral. There Was no dispute in it, though his questions sounded like a rhetorical one, given the alpha instantly got up and made towards the door. He also needed to prepare for the meeting. Sure, he wouldn’t last throughout the meeting, but then he had to be there and be presentable, didn’t he

I’ll see you guys at the council meetingthe alpha said, before leaving

How long do council meetings take? Ralph asked Miro to prove it was just the two of them. She didn’t want to get up and it was obvious Miroslav didn’t want to do the same too. They were retired and their bodies were still spent from their mating. It wouldn’t have been even this tiring, but then they had been at the festival the whole night, not to mention the early border patrol that the King had held with the warriors and his Queen while everyone celebrated. Even amid happiness, the Lycan King never let down his guard and if she was being honest Ralphine loved that

She felt secure in Asmoria and the fact that Miroslav was this meticulous, gave her hope that she would never have to run away again. She had never recovered from the pain that Koslov had put her through. It was one of the worst of her life and she hoped she would never go through that again. Granted, she would be seated at the council meeting as a powerful person; she wasn’t sure of whether her heart could handle the cruel reminders. Ralphine had trained herself to be cold and accepting over the years, and that didn’t change. However, there were some things that she wasn’t sure she could do 


Being with the King had helped her let her guard down without feeling insecure. The King had offered her love, comfort, and a shoulder to rely on. King Miroslav Ibrahimovich was supposed to be a dark barbarian and yet to his Queen, he was an absolutely lovable person. He was understanding and walked through her phases of pain while holding her hand. He had been there for her, and taught her what it meant to let someone in and not feel safe anymore. He had given her home that life was actually worth living and that she didn’t always have to hide

Sometimes thirtysix hours,the Lycan King said earnestly as he played with strands of his Queen’s hair

Given this was Ralphine’s first council meeting as the Lycan queen, she would be in for a long run, but then she had Miroslav That was the only consolation for her, frankly. She had someone who cared more than anyone knew, and it made her feel safer than she had ever felt or would ever feel with anyone. They might have had Drescher in the Kingdom, but with Miroslav beside her, Ralphine didn’t feel the urge to always hide or keep a safer distance. If anything, she felt like this time, she belonged with the Lycans. That was more than she had expected

Well then, we have thirty minutes to rest,Ralphine said and the King nodded, before he carried her to the larger couch. It was big enough for the two of them to sleep in, even though they would probably be running late

Chapter 67 

For an hour, the King and Queen slept, while everyone else got ady and was waiting for them in the throne room. The high guards were already positioned outside the throne room while some were inside. The long table was filled with Lycant elders who wanted what the King had for them. Everyone was ready, except for the King and his Queen. Kara considered going to wake them up, but Heion stopped her

The King and Queen had had the longest season of them all and they deserved to rest a little more. If anything, they were the leaders here. The Council meeting couldn’t begin or even ge dissolved unless the King and Queen were here. And that’s how they waited for three more hours before the King and his queen walked through the doors, looking ready and fit for the meeting. They were in their official regalia, each with a crown on their head walking majestically like they owned the world. They looked so powerful and attractive that Alpha Bashir, who was at the table with the rest, couldn’t help but stare. Damn, the queen really was pretty

Your majesties,the council members greeted in unison as the doors to the throne room opened and the expected royals walked in. The council leaders stood in respect as they watched the royals take their seats. The King didn’t get seated until his Queen was sta. Only then did he turn to everyone and signal them to have a seat. Ralph kept everything clean and she had long learned that the King only ever bowed to the queen, but only if he wanted to. There were factions in which the wine was just a trophy for the Kingdom, an item for show, and was useless essentially

However, with Miroslav, Ralphine wasn’t just a trophy he had won. She was the love of his life, the one person he was determined to be with and love, not to mention, the one person he wanted to rule beside. He saw a future with her, and it was a bright one, a future filled with laughter and love, one that didn’t have so much pain. It was the kind of future that Miroslav had long wished for but had never found someone to take a reality with. Now that he had Ralphine, he would never let her go. He had promised himself that he would do everything right but her and keep his promises to her, that much he earned, and he could only hope he didn’t let her downL 

Good afternoon everyone. We are here on three agendas. One of them is the Mirza pack treaty to be witnessed by Alpha Bashir, the next is Polina Rostova and the last one is Drescher Volkov. We will only get up after we resolve what is needed Until then, Heion will read us the treaty that was structured for the Mirza pack,” the King began and the room went silent. This was happening 

Rejected Mate: The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved

Rejected Mate: The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English
Rejected Mate The Dark Lycan King's Beloved


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