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Rejected Mate The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved chapter 78

Rejected Mate The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved chapter 78

Chapter 78 

At the mention of Drescher, Ralph turned to stare at her Erasth. They had long discovered that Drescher Volkov had found a way to root himself in all their affairs. It wasn’t the best of things that they had heard of, but they also knew that they had 

and queen. to act fast before the mess grew bigger. As it was, the kingdom was still reeling from the murders by the King at There was no formal address needed but the King knew his people were worried for their queen. Maybe if they made a visit to Drescher it would be easier for the both of them to let their people understand better what was happening in Asmoria, right

Maybe it would be easy to explain once they had all the answers given that the man was the very reason all of this was happening. Drescher was the thorn in their asses and the sooner they rid themselves of him, the sooner they would be able to lead their lives as usual. Sure, nothing was ever going to be used anymore but they were Lycans. Faction murders were not things that they could be scared of. They were the most anitulistic faction in the realm and they were literal beasts of a kind. If anything, they were everyone’s greatest fear

Funny how one beta wolf had decided to screw with them. And was so close to winning

I should kill him,Ralph said angrily. She was sick of people controlling her life and the fact that Drescher Koslov was shamelessly trying to fuck her up didn’t sit well with her. She had grown up a runless wolf and the only thing she ever hoped for was peace and quiet. Her birthday had been screwed by Drescher back in Koslov, and now, he seemed determined to fuck up whatever had remained of her life. This wasn’t fair to her, but she wasn’t going to sit around and pity herself. If Drescher wanted war, then Ralph would give him war. She was done sitting on the sidelines

is the last 

Not when he still has most of the answers we need. I promised you I would get your answers and even though it’s taken 

you, even if it some time, you will get them, askim. No matter what the world comes to, I will get those answers for thing I do with my life,” the Lycan King reminded softly. It had been his promise on the first day and he would keep it He had been thinking of so many things and with Bashir gone, the Lycan King knew they had to be more

The Asmoria Kingdom was huge. It had so many Lycans and most of them had learned to conform to the rule of the ruthless brooding King. And while some of them wouldn’t agree with his ways, none had been brave enough to stand up against him. Miroslav Ibrahimovich knew that not all of his people liked him or even the fact that the queen had a dome which definitely made him stronger. It was something that they couldn’t really fight because if there was anything a Lycan would fight for until the very end, was their erasthai. Kingdoms aside, Miroslav was a royal Lycan and that meant that any 

threat to his mate was a threat to him and he wouldn’t stop until he eliminated the threat

Perhaps that’s why his people had steered clear of his path. But then he was smart enough to know that some of his power espouses other factions. Sure, they never really spelled it out, but some of them were not on the King’s side. They were relaying ow, trading information, betraying their kingdom for pieces of silver and gold. And in Bashir’s case, he had been brought to Asmoria to make sure that the King and the queen would never come together, a task that was supposed to be easily given how goodlooking he was, and yet even with those looks and charisma, Alpha Bashir had failed at that

And then there was the treaty, one that Miroslav had made sure not to sign with his blood, but instead because of his suspicions, he had signed with the blood of the werewolf fugitives in the Asmoria dungeons. That also meant that the treaty was not binding to anyone in Astoria. No Lycan was linked to it, and no other factions would ever be brave enough to try and battle it out with King Miroslav Ibrahimovich. After all, he was the man with the greatest power in the realm and they all- just had to get used to it. It wasn’t easy but it was that simple

I don’t think we should go see Drescher, Ibrahim,Ralphine suddenly said and the King stared at her. All they had ever wanted to this point was to get to the bottom of everything and more than anything to free her of the bonds she had to the pack that had taken everything from her. It was supposed to be easy. Given Drescher was just the servant of the mess. Perhaps they would be able to finish this once and for all. If anything, it was supposed to be that easy, right? This was her fight for freedom and her chance at a better life, and she was throwing it away. That had to be the strangest thing the Lycan King had heard from his Erasthal 

What?” the King asked

That is what he is expecting. By this time, he already knows that we have Bashir’s information and what it means for him and whoever sent him to try and mess the kingdom up. Rumors do travel fast among the Lycan. I am certain he already knows that the wolves gave up his position and he is expecting that we go down there to him and start questioning him too



Chapter 78 


That is a waste of time. He won’t talk. He will probably try and buy time which is something we don’t have at the moment. We have bigger fish to fry than a bastard who thinks the entire world revolves around him,” Ralph said and the King stared, again. He was certain that all his life he had never met someone so beautiful and perfect

When he had taken Ralphine in as his mate King Miroslav didn’t expect much. He had no reason to because all he saw was a weak broken woman, an erasthai that he needed to save, a woman who would be his just for the sake of keeping the Lycan kingdom going. That was what he had imagined, but right now, as he looked at the determination in her eyes, he was certain he hadn’t made the wrong choice. There was a fire in his woman, one that wouldn’t be extinguished a little easily. She was after and had proven it more than once she was a strategist, a girl that lit so well. Sure, she had been weak the first few times but she was a broken girl with an ex who was a bitch to her. But right now, the King was in awe

I’m listening,” the King said as he leaned on the balcony wall, watching his Erasthai. He was excited to know what she was thinking and he had a feeling that she wouldn’t disappoint him

Like I said, Drescher is expecting a meeting with him. He is expected that everything will be focused on him, while his allies and the revolution continues. He hopes to make a lot of noise to keep the factions busy, but we can’t give him that. If anything, we shouldn’t mention this to anyone. I suppose you are intelligent enough to have spies in the Mirza pack. just like I know there are spies in our home. Use the spies, Ibrahim. Let them tell us what is happening in Mirza. Activate the network around, wherever they are, and let them feed us information Meanwhile, we can continue to lead our real lives like nothing is going on,Ralph explained earnestly


It was obvious she had really thought about this more than she could spell out, and with the anger in her voice, she had probably worked out the strategies in her head and the possible outcomes. While in Koslov, Ralph was the outcast who accepted everything they did to her. She had let them walk over her, but that never meant that she was a completely weak woman who didn’t know how to think for herself. She had kept herself in check because she had parents to protect. But now, Ralph had nothing to lose. Lycans were immortal and with the Lycan queen here, they were beyond any life force. That in itself went to explain just how unstoppable the Lycans were. And they were hers to command regardless

With this power she had gotten she would join her husband in getting the answers that she had missed out on the answers as to why Drescher would go this far just to make her believe that er best friend was alive, she would figure out the source of the scheme and when she was done, not a soul that hurt her would be alive to tell the story about it. That much she was sure of and come hell or high water, Ralph would get her answers. After all, she had the backing of a King who loved and adored her like she was the only good thing in his life. Miro was good for her, and she would maximize on that. Their bond was perfect and she wouldn’t let go

That makes a lot of sense. I knew I wasn’t married to a weak queen!the King said happily as he carried Ralph in his arms suddenly and began twirling her around. He had gotten the perfect mate and he would protect her with everything he got. And more than anything, he would make sure to eliminate Drescher Volkov. All of this was done and dusted. That man didn’t deserve to live after all the pain the bastard beta had caused his erasthai

Oh, you big oaf! Put me down!Ralph whined when Miroslav peppered her face with kisses, not letting her take a breather. Her King was excited and her Lycans were too. This man was easily the best thing that happened to her and Ralph wouldn’t ever forget that. She was never going to forget how this man had saved her and there as the King ran around with her in his arms Ralphine swore to be the best queen for Miroslav. She would be whatever he wanted her to be and more than anything she would keep her promise to keep him sane. 

After all, they were the perfect balance to each other

Rejected Mate: The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved

Rejected Mate: The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English
Rejected Mate The Dark Lycan King's Beloved


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