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Rejected Mate The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved chapter 92

Rejected Mate The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved chapter 92

Chapter 92 


Breaching the last of the domes, the Lycan king and the warriors met their fellow Lycans. The Asmoria citizens. Miroslav had been expecting them to be scared and distraught. He had been expecting a scared bunch, one that was worried about their sanity and that of their king. He expected to see them with yes that glared and disapproved of him like the last times they had been. He had lived through the years with his very own people sometimes staring at him like he was a monster they couldn’t tell out loud. But then today was different and for a moment, the king was considered

He was used to the hate and lowkey despise, but when they got there and he found them with the queen smiling like the world was all roses and sunshine, the Lycan king was mesmerize. He could see how much Ralph’s smile was. He loved how she looked relaxed and he hoped to the goddess that she would forever remain that happy. He was more than willing to sacrifice everything to make her whole again. He would fight for her and make sure that she got the justice she deserved and he was proud of her. Oh, how he loved her and wouldn’t ever lose her. He couldn’t let that happen, not because of Drescher of all the people

You guys are back!The lycan queen greeted excitedly as she got up and walked over to where her husband was standing. She could see the shock and surprise on his face, but even as she stared into the purple eyes that walked over to her, Ralphine could tell that the man was happy. Sure, the Lycans couldn’t see that as openly, but she was able to, and she was glad for that too. His happiness mattered to her too

How are you, my askim?The Lycan king greeted as he embraced his mate, pulling her close so that their faces were barely inches apart. And just like always they felt the world disappearing until it was just the two of them in their own little world. The two of them holding on to each other reminding themselves of the love they had brought each other. They looked happy and smiley and as the king looked into his queen’s eyes he was sure there was never anything that could match the beauty he saw in those eyes. She was perfect and she was definitely the only direction he wanted to take

Better, now that you’re here,” Ralphine said softly as she looked at her husband

I’m sorry the Drescher issue keeps dragging on,the king earnestly apologized as he rubbed his queen’s cheeks softly. He hated that this was taking a little too longer than he had anticipated. But his twists and turns with the Drescher case were pulling them into different sides and he needed to make sure that once they caught Drescher they wouldn’t have to deal with him ever again. It was a plan in motion and they would eventually find a way around it, but until then he had to be honest with his Erasthai

I know you’re doing your best. You don’t have to push too hard for me, Ibrahim. I don’t want our lives to be controlled by that man. He is paranoid and crazy. I can’t let us be swayed by that all the time. So don’t work yourself out. We need you. Your people need youand I need you too, Ibrahim,” Ralph said when she pulled back from the king’s embrace. She was probably asking for too much, but ever since Drescher was a prisoner, Ralph hadn’t seen her husband live or be himself like he always was. It was heartbreaking, really

He was always preoccupied with something about Drescher and what he did. It was like Drescher was controlling their lives and frankly, it reminded her of the time she lived in Koslov and she was always the one doing everything and getting nothing in return. She understood the desire to put the Drescher issue behind them but Ralphine was right. They couldn’t keep obsessing about Drescher Volkov when the man was probably fucking with them for fun. Maybe it was not the best of things for them but then they needed to take a step back and take a break for a while

Oh askim. It will be over soon, I promise that,” Miroslav said as she looked around them and saw Kara in the distance. She interacted with the other warriors while they looked around and stayed alert in the event that someone attacked them again. Sure, they were more than perfectly stabilized and would protect the Lycans, but they couldn’t deny the fact that there were one too many loopholes and they needed to fix them all. It was something they had thought over and over and it was just a matter of implementation anyway

The Lycan king knew he couldn’t tell Ralph that her best warrior and friend was the one that Drescher wanted to sue to kill her, it was something that would break Ralphine’s heart and she would blame herself for the pain that Kara would probably undergo while fighting the desire to kill her. It wasn’t fair to the both of them but unlike Kara who understood the rules of the game, the king didn’t want Ralph walking on eggshells around her people. He didn’t want her worrying about what would happen next and what she needed to do to make sure that she wasn’t at fault for it. It was a cruel thing that was 


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Chapter 92 

happening but he was going to win it, for the woman he loved with every fiber of his being

I trust you. Just make sure to take care of yourself,Ralph said when Heion, Viktor, and Kara made their way to her. They seemed to be thinking a lot and Ralph noticed how skeptical Kam was as she made their way to them. It was like she didn’t want to be there but at the same time, she wanted to be there

Did you scold her for relaying my message?Ralph asked as she turned to her husband, the glare in her eyes telling the king that he needed to be very careful about his next choice of words Her voice wasn’t high or low but it was just enough to scare the king who just raised his hands in surrender. He knew she would swat him like a fly if she thought he fucked up what she had ordered and as interesting as it was to see her angry. He couldn’t risk that at the moment. 

Nope, I didn’t do anything. You can ask her. She’s just mad that the intruders got to surround the kingdom before she could get a hold of them. I swear it isn’t me this time,the king said while Viktor and Heion looked at the king mischievously like they had something to tell the queen. Well, they loved drama, didn’t they? So, they looked at the king and then at the queen before turning to Kara who looked like she genuinely needed to be leagues away from the lot of them. She couldn’t handle being the one that hurt the best thing that ever happened to Asmoria. It was just too much even for her and she hoped that all would be well soon

Hmm,Viktor and Heion cleared their throats, making Ralph turn to them curiously. She could see the mischief in their eyes and she assumed it was because the king had done something that could get him in trouble

What did he do to silence her?Ralph cooed and the king stared at his best friends hopefully like he wanted them to help him out. But with the tension in the kingdom, a king freaking out over the chance that his mate would chase him with a broom would be a good relief for them

He didn’t exactly say it like that though,Heion said and Viktor nodded like a sheep that was following its dumb leader. The King, on the other hand, was left dumbfounded while Kara was busy praying that she never hurt the beautiful queen they had. Ralph hadn’t done shit to her and it would be unfair for her to be the one to raise a hand at the woman who had been nothing if not kind to her

She knew Ralphine supported whatever ridiculous decision Kara had and maybe that was why Kara was scared. She knew Ralph would never get mad at her no matter what happened because she always understood everything. Their queen was the kind of woman who understood people, even when she did need to and that made her either a soft queen or the kind of girl who would kill if she finally snapped. Well, Kara didn’t want to push the queen into that state. She didn’t deserve it

He may have looked at her like-Viktor said and Ralph interrupted him

So, you’re saying he scared her but not directly, and the both of you just stood there like mop sticks without saying anything to defend your friend, right?Ralph asked and Heion moved step back. Their plan was consistently backfiring on them and this time, it was Miro’s turn to laugh at them. They had dragged him into mischief and would serve the punishment with him. Well, it was so bad because they were friends and had gone through worse together, right

If you word it like that then it sounds like we were enabling him to be a mean person for no reason,Heion defended and the king stared at his best friends. For people who were supposed to be the strongest strategists, they sure knew how to fail at everything else. Maybe there would be a way for them to redeem each other, and escape the impending wrath, right

Stress or not you three are on royal kitchen duty. Kara and I will go make sure there are no wounded warriors,Ralph said, leaving no room for argument

It was however expected her going with Kara but then the high guard was not sure she could do this alone. Kara could see the smile on her queen’s face and she tried to wipe it off by dragging along. So, she looked at the king, silently pleading for more warriors to tag along, silently asking the king to not leave them alone. She was worried about being a liability for the queen and frankly that hurt more than the fact that Drescher was a bastard

Kara felt suffocated. No matter what she did she would always find herself on the queen’s side and while it was easily the greatest honor any guard could get, today it wasn’t. Her mind was filled with worry and questions as to what the intruders had done to her to make him the perfect target that could hurt the wheel. She hadn’t quite figured it out yet and it was bothering her

Usually, she would be quick to point out things but today it was like there were no signs whatsoever. It was already more 

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Chapter 92 



than an hour since the intruders had been burnt and Kara couldn’t see any side effects. She wasn’t poisoned and her touch 

what the fuck Drescher and his minions had done to her. What was it that 

he wanted to show the queen so badly? And what the fuck were they even supposed to do about it? Oh, but Kara was 

questions and she could think straight

frustrated. She was losing her mind with 

theck. wasn’t dangerous. That in itself made her 

Only if you take two more high guards with you,King Miroslav said to his queen, his voice gentle as if to tell her he would do everything to keep her safe. For a moment Ralph considered refusing but then with the tensions in the kingdom, she couldn’t take that risk

Asmoria was huge and it would take a while to check the Lycans Granted, most of them would have healed by now if they had never attacked, but as their queen, Ralph needed to make sure that they were doing well. Ha needed to ensure that they all were mentally fit and ready for battle. And if they weren’t she needed to take account and let the enforcer and the beta know so they could present a strategy to the king. She was the symbol of stability and she wouldn’t let Drescher take that away from them. They were better than what that bastard had for them and honestly, they would prove it to him

Okay, just make sure you two cook food that will kill us all. Ask help from the chef otherwise, it would be a little too hard explaining to Asmoria that the entire royal family was outdone by diarrhea because the three musketeers couldn’t cook batshit,Ralph warned, and Kara snorted as the three musketeers looked at each other ready to defend themselves. They wanted to say something but they always found each other in trouble. There was no point in even trying, right? Meanwhile, even though they were happy for a moment, Kara couldn’t help the pang in her heart when she remembered that they had to have warriors with them because she couldn’t trust herself around the queen. It broke her heart and more than anything, it made her want to kill Drescher in the slowest of ways possible

You realize she just said we’d be poisoning the entire palace?Heion whispered in disbelief you would think the queen had stomped on his fragile heart

You wanna tell her that? I wouldn’t do that. We might be subjected to toilet duty. You know I’m still traumatized from the last time,” the Lycan king whispered, even though it was pointless since they all had super hearing. Well, he had a point. There was no point in defending themselves. They could have asked Kara for help, but the moment the woman snorted, they knew she would snitch and frankly there were a lot of things they had done that the Lycan queen would have their heads for. Though not literally

two shook their How about we run and then disappear for a week? I don’t know how to cook and the kitchen scares the shit out of me. Besides, if she mentioned it, that means we can’t even bribe the cooks,Viktor whines softly as the othe heads as if to tell him that that was the worst idea of the three. The queen’s punishments were always brutal and they either had to do what she wanted or be entangled with the worth of responsibilities

Okay then. You have fun, askim and we will follow all the intrusions,” the Lycan king said as he walked over to her and kissed her softly on the lips. Expectedly he wanted more when they pulled back but he had to remind himself that this right here was the perfect distraction for her. She was in danger, and it was their job to make sure that she didn’t know about it

Great, let’s go suffer, shall we?King Miroslav said and Ralph rolled her eyes at him, though she didn’t miss what the king mouthed to Kara

Be careful,the king had mouthed and Ralph was curious. Though this time she chose to let it slide. Besides, it wasn’t like the world was coming apart and her very dear Erasthai wasn’t sharing shit about it, right


Rejected Mate: The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved

Rejected Mate: The Dark Lycan King’s Beloved

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English
Rejected Mate The Dark Lycan King's Beloved


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