Chapter 307 Damned Wasteful Kid!
Bianca let out a deep sigh.
Meryl pulled her hand away from Bianca’s, took a step back, and walked out of the private room.
Bianca’s eyes welled up, her nose tingled, and she suddenly buried her face in her hands, collapsing onto the table in tears.
She thought, “What have I done! Meryl is so unwilling to even exchange a few comforting words with me!”
When Malcolm and John returned from the restroom, they were met with the sight of Bianca sobbing uncontrollably.
Malcolm raised an eyebrow. “It’s a holiday, and you’re crying? What’s got into you?”
Bianca shot Malcolm a look of utter disappointment.
She thought, “How can he be so indifferent? If it were Lydia. crying, Malcolm would be rushing to comfort her.”
The thought only made Bianca angrier.
She yelled at Malcolm, “Why did you secretly give Lydia money behind my back? Why is there suddenly 30 million dollars missing from my account?”
Chapter 307 Damned Wasteful Kid! Malcolm’s face twitched with guilt.
John’s expression grew icy.
He said, “Malcolm, you gave Lydia 30 million dollars? I only got 10 million dollars! Have you lost your mind?”
Malcolm hadn’t expected Bianca to reveal this in front of John.
He stammered, “Lydia needs the money since she’s with the Aniston family. What’s wrong with giving her a bit more?”
“Lydia needs it, but so does Meryl! She’s an elder in the Aniston family, so she needs more money to give to those junior! Why didn’t you give her anything?”
John immediately reached over and started rummaging through Malcolm’s pockets, pulling out an unlimited card.
“What are you doing?” Malcolm tried to snatch it back.
John, taller and stronger, held the card high above Malcolm’s head.
Malcolm couldn’t reach it.
“Either you give Meryl 50 million dollars now, or I’m taking this card. Your choice!”
Fuming, Malcolm retorted, “Why does Meryl get 50 million dollars? What has she ever done for me?”
Chapter 307 Damned Wasteful Kid!
“Because Meryl is your family, and because you owe her! You’re not keeping a penny!”
Minutes later, Meryl, scrolling through her phone, noticed a 50 million deposit in her account. She was perplexed.
She thought, “Why is Malcolm suddenly transferring so much money? Does he think he can make it up to me with cash?”
The transaction had a note: [My dear daughter, here’s your Christmas gift. Don’t think it’s too little; accept it. I love you.]
Meryl thought, “What the heck? Malcolm actually said that?”
She accepted the money, still bewildered, and replied with a cheeky message: [So you know it’s too little. Why not add a bit more?]
Receiving the message, John, holding Malcolm’s phone,
transferred another 50 million dollars to Meryl, adding: [My baby girl, you’re absolutely right.]
Malcolm thought, “What a spendthrift! This damned wasteful kid!”
He watched in dismay as his secret savings, painstakingly hoarded over the years, vanished before his eyes.
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