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Stay Novel 27

Stay Novel 27

Chapter 27


My uncle stands there, his feet hip-width apart and his arms folded, an unhappy look on his face. We’re standing in the storeroom of Silva House Goods, which is a large, mostly empty room. Georgie stands beside me as we watch CeCe pace the room, examining it.

“It’s too big. And you can see the pipes in the ceiling,” CeCe comments.

“We can cover the ceiling. And it won’t be so big when the walls are up,” Jed explains.

“I don’t see how it could work, honestly,” CeCe says, walking back over to us.

“This space is slightly bigger than where you are now CeCe, and there’s more foot traffic here. I’ve looked at the blueprints and this place is a viable option,” he says. I nod in agreement.

I’ve had a very busy morning. After morning training, I went to the beauty salon for a preliminary survey. I was met with Sila, one of the staff, who was very happy to show me around. CeCe, the manager of the store even has a fully fitted staffroom at the back of the salon, with chairs and tables. I was gobsmacked when I saw it. Thankfully I missed CeCe by five minutes, managing to retreat to my office next door before she arrived for work.

I didn’t get a handover from my predecessor when I took on the role of Commanding Delta. He refused to help me. The office he held had very little in it, and it took me months to get information from the team leaders about their schedules and staff. I’ve been Commanding Delta for two years, and it hasn’t been easy. There’s no place to meet, and most of the leaders are from an older generation, so they’re not willing to give up anything they’ve gained from before I was in charge. So, I have the older men on border patrol at night (they get paid more) and we have very little training available for the younger Deltas or pups. Rhiannon and Raven have tried to help. Rhiannon was a co-commander at our grandmother’s home pack before she returned home. But again, it’s been difficult.

Any files our previous commander had I think he took home, which is something I raised with Jed when I first started.

“But I’d have to share the space with House Goods customers. There’s not even a separate door…” CeCe complains.

“The back wall, as I’ve said, is against the hall. We can put a door and windows in there,” Jed rebuts.

“My current Salon has a staff room…”

“There’s a small one here you can share with House Goods. And there’s the food court nearby.”

“But I don’t think it will work.”

“And I think if I see Ophelia or her mate we can work something out. Hire you more staff, if need be.”

“But… at the moment I get pack members only visit. This way we’ll have others visit,” CeCe says softly.

“And that’s a bad thing?” Georgie asks, making CeCe scowl.

“CeCe, this is happening, with or without your help. Have one of your staff, or yourself, see me at the Gamma’s office in an hour to make a plan. Alaric is pulling one of his Delta teams in to build, and by the end of the week, you’ll be here,” Jed says, getting angry.

“But…” CeCe begins.

“Look, you can either decide to move your salon here or not. I don’t care. But whether you like it or not, this is happening,” Jed growls. CeCe opens her mouth to say something but Jed shakes his head.

“An hour,” he says sternly.

“Great idea, you two,” he says to me and Georgie before he leaves.

CeCe stands there, fuming before turning to us and growling.

“You’ve always wanted my space, haven’t you? When my husband did that role he was happy doing his work at home, but no, you just have to get your way, don’t you?” CeCe scowls. Her cheeks are red in anger and she huffs away, leaving us in the room. `

“Well, that went well…” Georgie begins. We look at each other and laugh.

I take hold of her hand as we exit the storeroom and enter Silva House Goods.

“There you both are!” Dawn says, stepping out from an aisle and surprising us both. Her arms are folded across her chest, quite like Jed a short while ago, and her eyes are narrowed as she glares at us.

“And when were you going to ask me, if it was okay to convert the storeroom into a beauty salon?” Dawn asks.

“I am so sorry Dawn! I didn’t even think about your store’s need for the space. Shit! I’m so sorry!” Georgie gasps. I nod in agreement.

“Don’t vex us!” I cry out, crossing my two-pointer fingers in an X and pointing towards her. Georgie whacks my arm and Dawn just laughs. Phew.

“It’s all good. We only use it for a little bit and then move the stock onto the floor. But how’d you convince CeCe to move up here? She’s never liked me,” Dawn says.

“Not like you? But you’re a peach!” I cry.

“Fuck you, Alaric,” Dawn scowls,

“CeCe is not happy. But Jed seems to be. I am so sorry I didn’t speak to you about it, though. I feel awful!” Georgia says.

“It’s all good. But I want you to pay for me to have a massage, and then we’re cool,” Dawn smiles.

“Alaric will, I promise,” Georgie volunteers.

“Hey!” I cry, making the girls laugh.


I walked Georgie to the edge of the forest where she shifted into her wolf to visit Chloe. I had offered to drive her, but she insisted. Afterwards, I headed to the training room and headed for the boxing room.

“Alaric!” Leyton, one of my best friends called out.

“Leyton!” I greet. We give each other a fist bump hello.

“Here to box?” Leyton asks. I nod.

“Keen?” I ask. Leyton’s face falls, making me laugh.

“Nah man, I’m good. What about Jesse, here?” Leyton says. I look over at Jesse, who is one of our younger Deltas.

“You, me, ring now,” I say indicating the ring with my head. Jesse gulps and I smirk. I’ve been learning how to fight since I could walk, thanks to my parents and grandparents. I’m also a bare-knuckled champion. That, mixed in with my karate skills and I’m practically unbeatable.

“Sure…” Jesse says, stepping into the ring.

“Alright man,” I grin, following him in.

“Alaric!” Georgie links.


“I just broke into Chloe and Logan’s house. She’s in labour!” Georgie cries.

“Shit,” I say out loud.

“What?” Leyton and Jesse ask.

“Can you take her to the hospital?”

“No can do. She said she can’t move,” she says back.

“Leyton, can you get a nurse and doctor to Logan Daybrooke’s house? His mate is in labour,” I say.

“On it,” Leyton replies running off.

“What can I do?” Jesse asks as Georgie freaks out in my head.

“Drive me to Logan Daybrooke’s,” I tell him. Jesse nods as I try to calm Georgie down.

I don’t remember getting in the car or sitting next to Jesse as he drives. By the time we get there, there’s already an ambulance in the driveway. I walk into the house and see a very tired-looking Chloe resting on the couch, a bundle in her arms.

“Alaric. I was kind of hoping it would be Logan,” Chloe says when she sees me.

“You’re obviously having delusions at the moment,” I tell her. I nod at the two paramedics, one who is taking Chloe’s blood pressure while the other is taking notes on an iPad.

“I’m here!” Logan yells, running into the room. I watch as Chloe’s face beams when they both make eye contact. Logan walks over to his mate and sits beside her, touching the material wrapped around his baby. I wonder what sex the baby is when I realise that something is missing.

“Evie, where’s Evie?” I ask, looking around.

“She’s just getting my hospital bag. Now come here and meet our newest pack member,” Chole says.

I walk over to the couple and look down and the pink bundle in Chloe’s arms. The bub has blue eyes and a whisp of blonde hair. He or she has Chloe’s nose and big lips.

“Girl or boy?” I ask.

“Girl,” Logan says, staring down at his baby. I watch them, entranced. I want this with Georgie.

“What’s her name?” I ask.

“Natalie Teresa Daybrooke,” Chloe smiles.

“Teresa after…” I ask. Chloe nods. I’ve never forgotten that Teresa and Chloe were best friends. I used to visit her and Logan after her death, but I pulled away when it became too much for me. I haven’t seen them much lately.

“Hi,” Georgie greets me, kissing me on the cheek. I smile at her, wrapping my arms around her smaller frame.

“Have you met baby Natalie?” I ask.

“Met her? I delivered her, and cut the placenta,” Georgie says.

“Yeah. She was wonderful, so calm and focused,” Chloe grins.

“Really, because she was panicking in my head,” I say.

“Shh,” Georgie tells me.

“Thank you, Evie. And I won’t charge you for the door, or window,” Logan winks. I laugh. I forgot about the door when I walked in. It was ajar while the window next to it was broken.

“I cut my fist,” Georgie admits, showing me her fist which had some red lines ripped across it.

“We should go now, Mrs Daybrooke, up we get,” Rosa, one of the paramedics says.

“Jesse will drive your car over if you want to go in the ambulance with Chloe,” I tell Logan.

“Sure will,” Jesse says. I smile. Sometimes being the Commanding Delta has its perks.

“Thank you, Evie,” both Logan and Chloe say as they leave with the paramedics.

“You’re welcome,” Georgie replies, leaning her head against my shoulder. We watch them go, and I wave the ambulance goodbye as it reverses down the driveway.

“Wow,” Georgie says as the ambulance leaves.

“A big adventure huh?” I ask. Georgie nods.

“Not one I’d want to do again,” she says.

“Not even for our own?”

“Oh, I hope that’s a long time away,” she says.

“Nah. I want a soccer team, and soon,” I tease.

“You’ll be lucky to have one, thank you,” Georgie says as I slap her on the bum.

I take my phone out and call the local window repairer.

“We’ll wait here until the window’s fixed okay?” I ask. I smile, loving when my mate agrees.


Chloe spends the next three days in the hospital and Georgie and I go visit them. Logan looks smitten with his new family and hell, I want that. I can’t wait to see my girl swollen with my baby. She’s dam sexy and man, she’d look good.

“Come home. Now!” I hear Georgie say through our link. I’m in the middle of reading through paperwork when I get that demand from my mate.

“Is everything alright?”I ask her.

“Home. Now,” she replies. Her voice is stilted. Needy. I have work to do, but I guess I could check on her to see what she wants. I quickly link Leyton to tell him what I’m doing and then close up my office.

When Georgie says home, she means the little apartment she lives in in the Waratah building. I’ve had my place cleansed, but haven’t got around to asking her yet to move in with me. I know I should, but she’s still hesitant around me. Especially as Dharia will be back in two days. Georgie hasn’t admitted it, but I know it’s weighed on her mind.

I key in the code and open the door. I’m instantly hit by her scent, honeysuckle, and it’s stronger than before. Georgie stops her pacing, looking at me with determination, and… is that lust in her eyes?

“About fucking time,” Georgie says, trudging over to me. As she walks, she takes her shirt off, revealing her plain black bra underneath, which I think is very sexy. I notice that her body is radiating heat, even though her nipples are hard and visible through the material of her bra.

“Fuck… you’re in heat,” I say, surprised.

“No kidding. What gave it away?” Georgie asks, already tugging at my top to take it off. I don’t say anything in surprise.

My shirt comes off and I hear Georgie murmur something about taking the heat away when the next thing I feel is her hot tongue licking me from my nipple to the top of my pec. Fuck!

“Georgie?” I moan as she begins unbuttoning my pants.

“Georgie, fuck!” I exclaim, her warm mouth wrapped around the head of my cock. She’s given me a blow once before, and it was fantastic, and now she’s using her tricks while giving me another one. Her hot mouth pops off my cock with a slurp and I feel my cock throb. Lightly her fingers trace over the bumps of my cock as her wet tongue trails lines on the other side.

“Fuck Georgie,” I moan. I thread my fingers through her hair as she attacks my cock with her tongue and I groan when she places my head back into her hot little mouth. She does that thing where she alternates between sucking down my shaft and sucking off my head and back again, making me moan in pleasure.

“Georgie!” I yell again as tingles erupt down my lower back and my balls tighten. I come into her mouth between sucks, my orgasm rolling through me as she drinks down every drop of my seed.

My cock goes limp, but it doesn’t stop me from picking her up in my arms and walking over to the bed. Shifting one finger into a claw, I rip her bra off to expose her breasts, pleased when I see them pebbled and waiting for me.

Like her, I bend down and lick my tongue over one hard nipple while flicking the material off the other so I can attack it. Slowly I drag my tongue over the other nipple, twirling my tongue around the soft pink skin and back again. Georgie moans and I smirk and gently scrape my teeth along the nipple, eliciting another moan. I return to the first nipple and suck, adding more pressure before scraping my teeth along the delicate skin.

Georgie bucks her hips up into my stomach, indicating that she wants more. I smirk as I crawl down her waist, teasing her with kisses before coming back up and sucking on her nipples.

I adjust my body so I’m leaning on my left forearm while allowing my right-hand movement so I can undo her jeans.

“Alaric,” Georgia groans. I look up at her and grin. Her eyes are hooded as she watches me undo her bottoms and stick my hand down her heated core. She’s wet and I love the feel of her slick folds against my fingertips. I delve deeper, plunging a finger into her entrance making her moan. I continue to fuck her with my finger, watching as she rides me, her hands grasping on the sheets below.

“Alaric,” she begs, her hips beginning to bounce on my finger as her arousal intensifies.

“Fuck,” I groan, pulling my finger out. She whimpers and watches me as I put that finger in my mouth and suck.

“I think I need a proper taste,” I tell her.

“Alaric, no. I want you to fuck me,” she says, making me laugh.

“Not so fast, babe. I need a taste first,” I tell her. I don’t care but I have to have her wetness on my face, her scent enveloping my head. I need it.

Quickly I shimmy her out of her jeans, admiring her flushed wet pussy when I spread her legs before me. My cock throbs and I lick my lips.

“Hmm,” I murmur, sitting on my knees and breathing her heady scent in. She looks magnificent spread before me. Slowly I trace my hands up her thighs, before laying a gentle kiss on one side of her inner thigh, and then the other. Georgie bucks her hips in anticipation, but I want to take my time and draw her orgasm out of her.

Gently I kiss her apex, making her murmur. I love the way she responds to me, the way she tastes.

“Fuck! Alaric!” Georgie complains when I kiss her inner thighs again. I chuckle.

“Stop teasing me, please,” she begs, trying to grab my hands.

“Uh uh,” I reply. I flick her clit with my tongue, releasing a long moan from Georgie. I smile and do it again.

Using my fingers, I spread her lips apart and explore the valleys of her pussy with my tongue. The bucking of her hips and whimpering of her voice let me know she’s enjoying it. I get to her clit and wrap my lips around her engorged nub.

“Argh! Alaric!” Georgie screams, bucking her hips upwards. Using my right forearm, I lean against her waist to hold her down. This makes her complain but I continue to suck on the nub.

“Too much, too much!” Georgie cries. She wriggles under me and then suddenly she’s gushing onto my face. I love it. I try to gulp down as much as I can before flicking her sensitive nub with my tongue.

“Happy baby?” I ask. Leaning up and taking a look at her. Georgie’s face is hot and sweaty, and she’s panting as she comes down from her high.

“Do you want more?” I ask. She shakes her head, no.

“So I’ve truly satisfied you?” I ask. Georgie nods, and I smirk. She’s so sated I’ve melted her into a puddle.

“Come on, I’ll pour you a bath,” I tell her, getting up and lifting her bridal style into my arms. I carry her into the bathroom where I sit her on the edge of the tub. I put the plug in and turn the taps, flicking my hand under the water as I check the temperature. There’s a small pack of bath salts which I pour in, and then I gently lift my girl into the water.

“Thank you,” Georgie says, grabbing my hand.

“Anything for you,” I tell her. She nods and I stand up and turn towards the basin, where I quickly wash my face.

Entering the main room, I link my father and tell him what’s up. I can feel his grin through the link and I shake my head. My parents have always had an active sex life, and as a kid, I walked in on them more times than I care to count, but my mum, being human, never went into heat.

I find the Manchester cupboard and pull out fresh sheets, and I proceed to strip the bed. When the bed is remade, I enter the bathroom.

“You hungry?” I ask Georgie. She looks at me and smiles, shaking her head.

“No. I want you in here,” she says, shuffling forward and indicating behind her. I grin and begin to strip.

I ended up towelling Georgie dry and carrying her to bed after our bath. She insisted on wearing something to sleep, although I wanted her to sleep naked, so I gave her one of my T-shirts.

“Hmm?” I ask, waking up from a deep sleep. My cock is hard and Georgie’s hand is pumping up and down my shaft as I sleep.

“Georgie?” I ask, trying to shrug off my sleep.

“I’m hot,” she replies. And then her mouth is on my cock. Fuck. She’s all tongue, playing with the head of my cock, and the immediate underside, the most sensitive part. Her tongue flicks up and down my slit and I sigh. Fuck, the warmth of her mouth feels so good. Georgie gives me wet open-mouthed kisses down my shaft before licking and I close my eyes in enjoyment.

“Alaric, can I?” she asks. I open my eyes and see her straddled above my cock.

“Please,” I say, placing my hands on the curve of her hips. Slowly she sinks, my cock pushing slowly into her tight warm shaft. When she’s sunk completely, she sighs.

“Wriggle your hips, back and forth,” I tell her. Georgie smiles and instantly complies. Her eyes are closed, and she leans back, rocking forwards and backwards on my cock. Suddenly she flicks her hip to the right before tracing circles with my cock, and fuck, I feel the bottom of my spine tingle. Georgie is slow but forceful, pushing down me as she rubs her clit on my pelvis.

“Hmm,” Georgie moans, clearly getting off on her movements. I lift her hips slowly, letting her drop down on my hips. Biting her lip, Evie opens her eyes and looks at me continuing to bounce up and down on my hips. I meet her halfway, thrusting back. Whoever said having a girl on top gives maximum pleasure with minimum effort is an idiot, because I know that if I don’t participate she’s going to tire out and neither of us will climax.

“Alaric,” Georgie screams bouncing up and down on my hips at a quicker pace as I continue to piston into her. As predicted, she slows down, her rhythm becoming more languid. I shift my fingers into claws and trace lines from her butt to her lower back and repeat, which she seems to enjoy. She whispers my name again and leans down, kissing me. I cup her face as I enjoy her kiss and the movement of her hips. She hums again and I take the opportunity to trace my claws up her back applying more pressure.

“I need you to move,” I tell her, grabbing her hips and bouncing her up and down my cock. Georgie moans as I quicken the pace.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” I tell her, thrusting my hips upwards as I continue to drop her onto my cock. I feel the bottom of my spine tingle and I know I’m about to come so as I push her up and then down again, I dig my fingers into her hips and hold her there as I spill myself inside her. Georgie screams at the same time, the walls of her vagina clenching around my cock, milking me for all I’ve got, and then she flops on me, her head in the crook of my neck, utterly spent. I wrap my arms around her back and hold her on me as I fall back to sleep.

Stay Novel

Stay Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Stay Novel


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