Chapter 31
I don’t want to go to work today. I want to spend time with my family and Frances. I know my team can function without me, but I’ve already had time off work recently, and taking more time off feels like I’d be pushing it.
Alaric is in meetings with Dad today, so I link Frances in the morning and ask her to meet me at the food court for lunch. I can’t wait to get off work and see her and have her meet my friends. It’s all I can think about as I go through my shift with Rob and Ben.
Rob parks the car in the pack’s car park and I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door.
“Hey, where you are going, Georgie-porgy?” he asks. I roll my eyes at that nickname. It’s getting old, quick.
“My friend is here from my old pack. We’re meeting for lunch.”
“Can I meet her?” Ben asks.
“Hey, I was going to ask that!” Rob exclaims.
“If she were yours, you’d of smelled her on me already,” I state, groaning.
“We don’t care if she’s not our mate,” Ben grins. I groan again.
“I’m not sharing,” Rob retorts, punching Ben.
“I didn’t say that!” Ben replies, punching him back.
“You boys are idiots,” I whinge, slamming the door behind me when I get out. I like those two a lot, but today I want to see Frances, and that’s what I’m focused on. I’ve walked five metres away when I hear them finally get out of the car, still bickering. I smile. I think I’ll save them meeting Frances at a later date.
My lips perk up the closer I get to the food court, and when I see her, it’s all I can do not to squeal in delight. I don’t think I do a good job of being discreet, though, because people stare when we meet up and hug each other.
“How was your day?” I ask excitedly.
“Good. I showed Kara the music rooms, and we played for a bit. Although I think I unleashed something…” Frances says, groaning. I smirk.
“She wasn’t happy with the state of the instruments?” I ask. I know Mum, and I know the instruments in this pack need more tender loving care. They’re unused and as a result many need tuning.
“Yup. She should be talking to Alpha Jed as we speak,” Frances says.
“Oh, I don’t want to be in that conversation,” I wince. Frances nods.
“Kara says that good packs need a creative side to keep their members grounded.”
“I agree, but this pack isn’t very musical,” I muse, thinking that Mum’s reaction is so typical. I smile, some things never change. Mum’s always been passionate about music.
“I want you to meet my friends,” I say, changing the subject while excitedly grabbing her hand. I feel like a little kid, and I love it.
I see my friends sitting at our table and grin as I approach them.
“Guys, I want you to meet my friend Frances, from Swan Moon Pack. Frances, this is Erin, Isabella and Dawn,” I introduce, pointing.
“Hi!” Frances greets, a small smile on her face. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I’ve always liked Frances, but out of my friends, she always seemed to be the more quiet one.
“Hello. Hungry? We’re just about to get food, since Georgiana’s here,” Dawn says, giving Erin the stink eye.
“Sure,” Frances smiles. Isabella stands up to join us, and we leave Erin watching our seats at the table.
Frances doesn’t bat an eye when we return to the table with our food. Isabella hands Erin her food, and Erin, true to form, takes it without a thank you.
“You know what, I just need to, um,” Frances stutters, putting her tray down on the table.
“What’s going on?” Dawn asks me as Frances begins to wander off. I shrug my shoulders.
“Maybe she smells her mate,” Erin states, taking a bite of her chicken schnitzel wrap. I look over at Dawn and Isabella, my mouth agape, and turn to follow my friend.
I stop at a distance and smile when I see who Frances is talking to. Her cheeks go rosy, and she steps towards the tall werewolf who wraps his arms around her.
“Is that Leyton?” Dawn gasps. I nod.
“Looks like she’s here to stay,” Dawn muses.
“Dam, I hope so,” I reply.
I watch Leyton kiss Dawn on her crown, as Alaric does to me, before walking over to them. Loudly, I clear my throat. Both Leyton and Frances look up at me, Frances’s cheeks going red again.
“Please tell me why you’re hugging my friend?” I address Leyton. Frances chuckles, and I wink at her while Leyton gives me a surprised look.
“She’s my mate,” Leyton states.
“Okay then. I give you permission,” I say, grinning at Frances.
“I can’t wait to rub it into Kiran,” Dawn smiles as she pulls me back to our table.
“Well?” Erin asks as we walk back to the table.
“Leyton’s her mate,” Dawn replies hurriedly. This makes Isabella and Erin gasp and sit up. They both excitedly ask questions and Dawn and I try our best to answer them.
Moments later, Frances walks back to the table with Leyton in tow, who has his lunch with him.
“Can I join you?” he asks. We nod and make room for him when he pulls up a chair to sit beside Frances. I can’t wait to tell Alaric.
It’s the cutest thing to watch Frances and Leyton separate after lunch. Leyton doesn’t want to go, but he’s doing an orienteering course with his team, so Frances can’t join. They agree to meet after work and Frances asks us what she should do to pass the time. Isabella suggests the pack library or one of the theatre rooms and agrees to walk her to the Administration desk to get her directions. Dawn and Erin leave for their respective jobs, and I meander back to the training rooms to see where my team is.
Usually, I do my own thing, while the men in my team like to train together after patrols. I’m thinking I might go to the sparring room with a staff and see if someone will spar with me, so I head off that way.
I’m lost in my thoughts as I walk towards the weapons room and grab my weapon. There are so many possibilities of Frances and Leyton being mates. I’m almost giddy about it. It’s like I have a piece of Swan Moon with me here at home. It’s funny that I think of this pack as that- home. It was only a few weeks ago I was giving up and planning to leave this place altogether. But now with Alaric, this place is my home. And my parents are here, and now one of my oldest friends should more than likely be moving here for good!
“Never let your guard down,” I hear a familiar voice say as someone hits the ground with an oomph. I look up and my face drops when I see who it is. He’s coaching a pair on staff sparring, and you know what? Nope. I am not doing this here.
The last person I want to see is Conner. Being near him is… not happening. I quickly turn and head out the door. Walking back to the weapons room, I return my staff and head for the target room instead.
I walk in and watch as a group of Deltas take turns knife-throwing at the targets.
“Would you like some help?” a Delta who I hadn’t realised had walked up to me asks. He’s wearing a badge that says D:Trainer: Adam.
“Yeah. Actually. I haven’t used a bow and arrow since I was a child. Any help there?” I ask. The trainer nods and tells me he’ll walk me to the archery room.
When I get there, I’m introduced to Ranger Laythe, who I met at Howling Moon last week.
“Ranger Laythe, this is Evie Daniels. She’s our youngest tracker,” Adam introduces. I look at Adam in surprise.
“She would like to learn the bow and arrow today, but says she’s a little rusty,” Adam continues. Laythe nods.
“Of course. Evie is it? Come with me,” Laythe greets, gesturing with his hand.
“Thank you,” Adam replies, before leaving.
“So… I thought your name was Georgianna…” Laythe comments as he heads me back towards the weapons room.
“Uh, yeah. Evie was my nickname. But you can call me Georgie, which is short for Georgiana, my real name,” I reply, cringing. And I’m starting to feel stupid for giving everyone a fake name.
“And you’re Dixon’s girl?” he asks.
“His daughter, yes,” I agree. Laythe hums, picking up a bow and passing it to me.
“This is a female’s bow. It’s lighter and has shorter draw lengths than a males. What do you think?”
“It’s fine,” I shrug, not knowing what I’m looking for. He takes it away from me and passes me a bow that looks less like a traditional bow and more like something from a sci-fi movie.
“What about this?” he asks. I nod at that one, and he gives me another to try.
“They have some good equipment here,” Laythe muses before handing me a fourth bow. I nod.
“Well? Which one?”
“The second?” I reply, in more of a question. Laythe nods and gives me the second one he picked.
“And you know Conner?” Laythe asks as we walk back to the Archery room.
“I do,” I agree.
“Does your dad know?” he asks.
“No, and I…”
“Would rather he didn’t find out,” Laythe finishes for me. I nod.
“Yeah,” I agree.
Laythe doesn’t say anything more, instead, he focuses on teaching me the basics of using the bow and arrow. I spend the afternoon practising with Laythe by my side, and in the end, my arm is sore and I’m tired, but I confidently think I’ve gotten better.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Georgie,” Laythe comments, taking my bow off me once it hits four o’clock. I nod. I hadn’t realised I’d be doing this again tomorrow, but okay. I could use the practice.
I veer off to Alaric’s office on my walk back to our apartment, but he’s in a meeting with Dad, so I leave them and head home instead.
I’m home in less than twenty minutes when my doorbell rings. Mum is standing there with groceries when I open the door.
“I miss cooking for my baby,” Mum grins, walking into my apartment.
“I’m not a baby anymore,” I tell her, helping her empty the bags. I’ve missed making dinner with my mum, and I quite like her coming over to prepare food with me.
“You’ll always be my baby. Now what do you think about shepherd’s pie and a salad?” Mum asks.
“I think, pass me the potatoes,” I tell her.
“I have some news,” I say as I begin peeling.
“You’re pregnant?” mum asks.
“No! Why did you think of that?”
“I was pregnant with you at your age.”
“Well, I’m not. And I’ve just met Alaric. I don’t want babies yet. And that’s not my news,” I scoff.
“Alright, tell me.”
“Frances met her mate,” I grin.
“I know! She linked me and they’re coming for dinner,” Mum grins back. My smile falters.
“You knew?”
“Of course. Frances is like a daughter to me. Your dad and I became close to your friends after you left.”
“Even Hadley?” I ask. Frances barely mentions her, and I don’t know why.
“Not Hadley. She chose her own path,” Mum replies, being vague. I nod, knowing that if I want to know what happened to Hadley, I’ll have to ask Frances myself. If she’ll answer me.
“Well, did you know that Frances’s mate is Alaric’s best friend?” I ask, changing the subject.
“Really? No! I didn’t know that! What a coincidence!” mum gasps, stopping what she’s doing.
“I know right?”
“So, tell me about him,” Mum asks, and we spend the next twenty-five minutes of the meal prep talking about Frances and Leyton.
Alaric and Dad arrive home a little later, both looking tired. I smile when I see my mate and greet him at the door with a hug. Dad growls but I laugh in response.
“How was your day?” I ask Alaric.
“Busy. How was yours?”
“Boring. But guess what?” I say eagerly.
“Frances met her mate, and it’s Leyton!” I rush out. Alaric gives me a surprised look and then smiles.
“That’s good news! When?”
“At lunchtime.”
“Dam! I was meant to be there, but your dad and I worked through,” Alaric complains.
“It was so sweet to watch,” I gush. The doorbell rings, and I’m giddy.
“That’s them,” I tell Alaric, racing over to the door.
“Hey!” I greet as I open the door and observe my friend and her new mate. She’s changed her clothes since lunch and smells fresh from a shower. Quickly I scan her neck, holding on to the squeal when I see a bite mark on the apex of her shoulder.
“How was your afternoon?” I ask.
“Great. How was yours?” Frances replies. We both laugh.
“I hear congratulations are in order,” Alaric says to Leyton.
“Thanks, man,” Leyton replies. They start talking while Mum and I turn on Frances and ask her forty questions about her mate.
“So, Leyton, what is the plan?” My dad asks as we sit around the table and eat. Leyton looks over at Frances, love in his eyes.
“Well, Frances flies back to Swan Moon at the end of the week, so I was hoping my Commander would let me go with her. She’s going to pack up her things and move in with me,” Leyton replies, not looking away from Frances, who nods. It’s so sweet my cheeks hurt from smiling.
“Yes, so now he just needs to ask his commander,” Frances says pointedly. I watch as Leyton realises who he’s with and looks over at Alaric.
“Can I visit my mate’s pack?” Leyton asks.
“Yes. But clear it with Jed first,” Alaric nods.
“That’s so exciting, I wish I could come too,” I say.
“You should! And you can meet Heath!” Frances gushes.
“I’d love that!” I tell her. Frances grins and then tells me more about Heath and how cute he is.
“I like your parents, but would I be selfish, and would you hate me if I said I just want you to myself?” Alaric asks on the fourth night my parents have come over for dinner. Alaric stands pressed to my back; his arms wrapped around my waist. We’ve just said goodbye to my parents at the door.
“No, I don’t hate you. But I get it. I’m not used to having people around me all the time. People caring,” I say. Alaric kisses the crown of my head.
“Are you happy?” Alaric asks.
“What do you mean?”
“Are you happy with me, with the changes to your life?”
I turn around and face my mate.
“I’m happy. I like your family; Rhiannon is nice, and Mabel is adorable. Your dad scares me a bit. But Raven makes me laugh. I don’t think I’d swap it for a second,” I tell him.
“Your dad is scary,” Alaric murmurs, making me laugh.
“No, he’s not. He’s a big old teddy bear,” I reply.
“If he likes you.”
“Dad likes you,” I say.
“You sure?” Alaric asks. I nod.
“Would you want to move back to Swan Moon?”
I shake my head. The past few days have been busy. Alaric has been stuck in meetings with Dad and his team, while I continue to work. Mum and Dad keep coming over for dinner while Frances and Leyton have spent every night together at Leyton’s parents. No, I love my family and Frances, but my home is here.
“I’m right where I’m meant to be. Here, with you. That’s what I want.”
“So… no moving to Swan Valley…?”
I shake my head and lean forward to kiss Alaric on the lips.
“My home is here, with you,” I tell him.
Mum and Frances leave tomorrow, and it’s been a whirlwind of activity. I’m going to miss them, but Alaric’s promised we’ll visit once the Northern Rangers leave. Leyton met with Alpha Jed and has been given two months to spend with Frances in Swan Valley to help them decide which pack they want to make their home. Traditionally, she-wolves move into their mates’ pack, but that’s not always the case.
I’ve been avoiding Conner but he seems to know where I am and ends up where I am. It annoys me. Thankfully he never approaches me.
I walk into the archery room where I see Laythe, wandering around. I grin as I approach him. I like Laythe. He’s a big guy with brown skin and tribal tattoos down his arm. He also smells like a fairy, and it makes me wonder if he can fly and what his powers are. Fairies have powers, right? I don’t know what power our Luna has, but something tells me Earth, although Laythe smells like the wind.
“Hi! I’m ready for training,” I tell Laythe. He grins at me, his white teeth standing out.
“Get your equipment and we’ll start,” Laythe instructs. I nod and go to the archery weapons room to grab the bow I like and some arrows.
“You were right about not being good with a bow and arrow, weren’t you?” a familiar voice behind me asks. I growl.
“Fuck off, Conner,” I say, trying to step around him, but he blocks the door.
“Move aside,” I tell him, but he doesn’t.
“Have you told your mate about us?”
“First of all, there was never an ‘us,’ and secondly, there is still no ‘us,’ now move,” I say more sternly.
“You afraid to tell him?” Conner asks. I fold my arms.
“No. You’re just not important enough,” I smirk, happy when a flash of pain crosses Conner’s face.
“Now move,” I say again, this time borrowing some of Alaric’s Beta power from our bond. Conner moves aside and I walk past him. It’s not until I get back to the archery room that I let go of the breath I’d been holding.
“Everything alright?” Laythe asks when I approach.
“Yeah. Just had to avoid a nuisance,” I reply, heading for a target stand. Laythe nods and turns to the door. I follow his eyes and see Conner standing there, watching.
“Should we start?” I ask.
“I don’t want to go,” Mum complains as we sit opposite each other in the food court. We’re at the airport terminal in Little Vallis, waiting until Mum, Frances and Leyton have to board the plane.
“She’ll be home soon, Kar,” Dad smiles. I nod. I’m looking forward to it.
“But…” mum complains.
“We can FaceTime,” I tell Mum, who nods.
“You know I haven’t told my parents yet,” Mum says. I’m surprised.
“Why not?”
“They’d be here criticising everything and everyone,” Dad says.
“Since you left your dad’s relationship with my parents got worse,” Mum explains. Oh.
“They showed their true colours and blamed me, saying I was never good enough,” Dad adds.
“I know. They’re in mourning,” mum adds.
“Your grandparents sound… nice…” Alaric comments. I smile and squeeze his hand.
“Just don’t take it personally. They have their thoughts on things. And that’s just that. It’s their thoughts. They can think what they like,” I say.
“Yes, exactly,” mum agrees.
An announcement is broadcast over the room and Mum sighs.
“That’s us,” mum says sadly. We had arrived an hour earlier and checked in already, now it was time to board the plane.
Mum grabs my hand and Frances takes my other as we walk to the boarding hall.
“I don’t want to go,” mum says again.
“We’ll be there soon,” I promise, giving my mother another hug.
“I’ll miss you,” Frances says when it’s our turn to say goodbye.
“I’ll be there soon,” I tell her.
“You look after them,” Alaric tells Leyton as they pat each other on the back.
“I will man,” Leyton says, before picking up Frances’s handbag (Awe) and placing it on his shoulder.
We all say goodbye once more before the three of them turn and head into the boarding area. I bury myself in Alaric’s chest and hold him tightly.
“We’ll visit them before you know it,” Alaric links me.
“I know,” I mumble.
“You’ll be there sooner than you think, pumpkin,” Dad tells me. I nod at his comment- so like my mates.
“Yeah,” I agree.