Chapter 34
I lie in bed thinking about all that has happened to me since arriving at this pack. I never thought having a mate would give me the safety and protection that I have gotten, and for that I am grateful. Alaric protects me, nurtures me and more importantly, is there for me.
It’s been two weeks since the meeting with Conner, and he’s kept his distance. I know he doesn’t trust me. When we’re forced together at meals thanks to an oblivious dad, Conner is always checking me and my father to see if I’ve said anything. Which I haven’t. No, my father still sings Conner’s praises, and I can’t take that away from him.
And now Dad’s leaving. Which I should be sad about, but I’m not. Because I’m going too. Jed, Alpha Jed, is letting Alaric and me visit the Swan Moon pack for two weeks. This means I get to catch up with my friends and finally meet Heath and see my grandparents again.
Five years. Plus a few months. It’s been five years and some months since I’ve been to the place I grew up in, and I’m quietly excited.
The alarm on the clock goes off and Alaric groans before turning over.
“Are you awake babe?” he asks.
“Yeah. Couldn’t sleep.”
“It’s too early,” he complains.
“Says the man who used to get up early for morning training,” I muse. Alaric just groans and sits up.
“I’m up, I’m up,” he says, stumbling to the bathroom.
I listen for the shower to turn on before getting out of bed myself. Our flight is at five in the morning and Henry, Alaric’s dad, is picking us up to take us there. I showered last night in preparation and all I have to do is get dressed. Oh, and brush my teeth and wash my face. Can’t forget that.
By the time Henry knocks on the door, we’re ready to go.
“Everyone ready?” the older version of Alaric asks.
“Yes,” I say mid-yawn. Henry laughs and offers to take my suitcase.
The drive to Little Vallis airport is quicker because of the lack of traffic at this time of the morning, and before you know it, we’re standing at departures saying goodbye to Alaric’s dad.
“Thanks for taking us, Dad,” Alaric says, hugging his father.
“Yes, thank you, Mr Erstad,” I agree, giving him a slight wave.
“None of that, come give me a hug,” Henry says, pulling me into his arms. I look over at Alaric, who smiles and I pat Henry on the back.
“I’ll see you in two weeks,” Henry says when he lets go.
“Yup. Thanks, Dad,” Alaric says.
Flying always takes up a whole day, and by the time we walk out into Swan Valley airport, it’s almost twelve. We walk through the gate and the first thing I see is a large sign that reads “Welcome Back Georgie,” held up by Tara and Frances. I grin as I see Dad, a man I don’t know, Tara, a little boy who I assume is Heath, Frances and Leyton standing there waiting for us.
It’s all so much. I meet Tara’s mate Zander officially and we all pile into our cars and convoy back to my parents’ house.
When we arrive, Mum runs for the door and opens it up before I get the chance to take my seatbelt off.
“My girls back home,” she cries, holding me tight. I hear everyone around me getting out of the cars and bags being removed but Mum doesn’t let go.
“I made a late lunch for you all,” Mum grins, finally letting me go and walking up with me towards the house.
The place hasn’t changed much. It looks the same, and memories rush over me as I walk through the rooms. I can’t believe I made that fateful decision all those years ago to leave. I never thought I’d see my parents’ home again. But here I am.
Frances and Tara lead me to the outside table, and we sit and talk.
“He’s a cutie, Tara,” I tell her after Heath bounces off her lap for the third time to go back inside the house.
“Yes, but he’s a handful,” Tara agrees.
“Well, I’m happy for you,” I reply.
“Yeah, thanks. It was hard at first, but now, things are working out,” Tara muses.
“Seeing as we’re here, can I ask you about Hadley?” I finally ask. Tara’s face drops and Frances gives her a consoling look.
“We’re not friends with Hadley anymore,” Frances admits.
“Why not?” I ask. It’s been bugging me.
“When she met Zander she tried to sleep with him,” Tara says angrily.
“What?” I ask, shocked. Frances nods.
“Did she know he was your mate?” I ask.
“Yes. I introduced them. Then I caught her flirting with him later that night.”
“And how did he take it?”
“He tried telling her to go away, but she was relentless,” Tara says.
“I saw it. And after you disappeared, we began to see her for her true colours” Frances adds.
“What was she like?” I ask. Tara and Frances looked at each other and shrugged.
“She knew you had gone. Your parents thought you were dead and she didn’t seem to be too concerned…”
“No, she was angry at Conner. He moved on after her quite quickly. She was unhappy at that,” Tara adds.
“Is she still living in Swan Valley?” I ask.
“Yeah. She lives in Southside now. I think she’s renting. We don’t have much to do with her, obviously,” Tara says, picking her nails.
We sit there, a silence hanging over us.
“You know, Conner was my mate,” I admit.
“What?” both my friends cry out. I nod.
“That night we went to that party; he rejected me after about five minutes of meeting me.”
“But… Hadley… she was seeing him before you disappeared…” Frances says, connecting the dots.
“Aha,” I agree.
“That’s why you acted all funny at school after she said she was seeing him. Did she know?” Tara asks. I shake my head.
“No. I never told her.”
“And he works so closely with your dad!” Frances gasps. I nod.
“He doesn’t know either. And I’d rather my parents don’t find out.”
“What about Alaric? Does he…?”
“Yup. They’ve met too. They don’t like each other.”
“Wow. And I thought my story with Hadley was bad,” Tara sighs.
“You know, I don’t blame Conner anymore. I have no anger towards him. I feel nothing. And Hadley… she was just a desperate girl…” I muse.
“So you don’t want to be friends with her again?” Frances asks. I shake my head. I don’t know what I’d say to Hadley if I saw her again.
“Mamma! Mamma! Kara’s made dinner!” Heath yells, running over to his mother and climbing onto her lap.
“Has she?” Tara asks. Heath nods his head enthusiastically.
“Pizza!” he cries fisting his arms up in the air. I laugh.
“Pizza is his favourite,” Frances grins.
“Do we need to go back inside?” Tara asks.
“Pizza!” Heath cries out again.
My teenagehood room hasn’t changed, and I admire it as I show Alaric around the house. Mum and Dad kept everything the same, kind of like a shrine. Which is sad.
“I’m going to have to pack this up, and throw things away,” I admit to Alaric when we stand there.
“Is this you?” he asks, looking at a picture. I walk over to where he is standing and see the photograph he’s talking about. It’s me with our werewolf Queen, Queen Brianna.
“Yup. I was seven there. Queen Brianna insisted on taking a photo with me every year I played for her.”
“You played for her?”
“Well, I performed at the Royal Amphitheatre every year in the Capital State. She asked to play La Vida Breve. I never got to play that for her, though,” I admit, remembering.
“Play that for me?” he asks, taking me by the waist and pulling me towards him.
“Okay,” I reply. I try to move away but he holds me still.
“I love you, babe,” he says, kissing my cheek before letting go.
I walk towards the music room, scanning the instruments inside. My Ming Jiang Zhu 909 violin is here! I gasp when I see it.
“My violin!” I cry, picking it up. Alaric matches my smile.
“I used to play this after school. Mum must have taken it home!” I gush. I quickly check to see that it’s tuned and am pleased when I see that it is.
“Are you going to play for me?” Alaric asks, making me laugh.
“Yeah. Just imagine there is a piano playing in the background,” I say, pulling the violin up to my chin and closing my eyes. I lift my bow and gently place it on the strings, and then I play.
La Vida Breve is a lively, happy piece of music and I quickly get lost in it. Muscle memory. I play it almost perfectly and when I finish, Alaric applauds loudly.
“You are brilliant,” he compliments.
“She’s always been brilliant,” Mum says from the hallway.
“I’m taking this back with me,” I tell her, making her smile.
“I think we’ll have to hire a truck,” Alaric teases.
“Or at least post a few boxes,” mum adds. I nod.
We met up with Alpha Jake and Luna Alexa when we first arrived in Swan Valley. I knew of Alpha Jake from High School, he was a few years ahead of me and of course, worked with Dad regularly, but was not Alpha when I left. Alpha Jake and Luna Alexa welcomed us to the pack and showed us around the updated pack house. Alaric was invited to visit and meet with the current Commanding Delta, which Alaric happily accepted.
While Alaric visited the pack house, I met up with Tara and Heath. We spent our days entertaining Heath and then having tea and coffee once Heath went down for his afternoon sleep. I was quite proud of the mother Tara had become.
“Do you want to have kids?” Tara asks. I shrug my shoulders. As teens, we talked about this, obviously, but my life didn’t go the way I’d hoped once I’d met Conner.
“I don’t know,” I admit.
“If you get pregnant our pups might be mates,” Tara smiles.
“If I have a girl,” I say.
“What do you want, a girl or a boy?” Tara asks. I shrug.
“I want to have a full-term pregnancy and a healthy baby. I don’t care if it’s a girl or a boy,” I say.
“When you get pregnant,” Tara says, looking at me. I shake my head. I know what she’s asking but I can’t tell her anything but the truth.
“I’m not pregnant.”
“But you’re trying.”
“If it happens, it happens.” I smile. I shake my head.
“Where is this all coming from?” I ask.
“I’m pregnant,” Tara admits. I gasp in shock. I didn’t notice a change in scent, although I can’t remember what she smelled like in high school, I didn’t notice another heartbeat, but then I wasn’t looking for it.
“Really?” I ask, pricking my ears. And that’s when I noticed it, another heartbeat, faint, but there. I grin.
“Wow! You are too! I’m sorry I didn’t notice. Congratulations!” I grin, leaning over and hugging her.
“Yeah. That’s why I’ve only offered you tea and not margaritas,” Tara tells me.
“Wow. Is Zander thrilled?”
“I haven’t told him yet.”
“Why not?”
“Well, look at Heath… he’s not exactly easy. He’s a handful.”
“He’s also a werewolf. And a boy. Isn’t that normal?” This time it’s Tara’s turn to shrug.
“It might be nice if you or Frances were to get pregnant though”.
“Even if I were to get pregnant, this is no longer my home. I’m going back to Silva Luporum. My home is there,” I admit. Tara makes a face and I lean over and squeeze her hand.
“I think Frances is leaving too,” she tells me.
I leave Tara’s house at four and make my way home. The four of us, Hadley, Tara, Frances and I were once so close, but now that Frances’s mate is from Silva Luporum, the likelihood of her moving there is high.
My evening is going to be busy, and when I get home, I quickly jump in the shower and wash my hair. We, my parents, Alaric and I, are meeting my grandparents at an upmarket restaurant in Swan Valley. So, I have two hours to get ready.
I stand in front of my mirror, putting in an earring when I see Alaric walk into my room looking handsome as hell.
“Wow, look at you!” I grin. His navy shirt stretches handsomely across his pecs and his black pants hug his muscly thighs.
“You can talk,” Alaric replies, eyeing me up. I had straightened my wavy hair with a hair iron and had just completed the last touches of my make-up. It’s not professionally done, and I had to redo my upper wing a few times (I couldn’t keep my hand still and the wing got bigger and bigger), but it looks good.
“I like this dress,” Alaric comments. I nod. Yesterday Tara and I went to the mall with Heath and I found this dress, a slinky satin one-piece that hugs my curves. I bought a halter bra to go with it and slimming underwear.
“Why thank you,” I reply, adjusting my hair back over my shoulders.
“I can’t wait to take it off you,” Alaric says, his hands on my hips.
“I just got it!” I complain. Alaric chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist.
“You should go commando,” Alaric murmurs, kissing his mark.
“Why do you think?”
“I think if you try anything and mess my hair, people will notice.”
“Then I’ll have to wait,” he says.
We hold each other’s hands as we walk downstairs, and Mum gasps when she sees us.
“Oh, my goddess, look at you two! Talon, take a photo!” my mum gushes.
“Mum. This isn’t prom,” I complain.
“Indulge your mother,” Dad says, grabbing his phone out of his pocket.
After what seems like a good half hour of photo-taking, we’re on our way to the restaurant.
“Do you think your grandparents will like me?” Alaric links.
“I think Dad’s parents will, but I’m not sure about mums,” I admit. Granny is a hard woman to please.
The restaurant is an upmarket Italian place, and by the time we get there, it is almost full.
“Reservation for Athentree,” Dad greets the server.
“The rest of your party have already arrived. Come this way,” the lady smiles, leading us into the restaurant.
I grin as soon as I see my grandparents sitting at the waiting table. They look older than I remember, thinner. Grandma is sitting next to Granny talking when their eyes catch mine.
“Oh my!” Grandma cries, jumping off her chair and coming over to me. She hugs me and I melt into her, taking in her scent of apples and vanilla. She smells wonderful.
“Look at her, James, doesn’t she look good,” Grandma gushes, taking me by my hands.
“Yes, yes she does,” Grandad smiles, leaning over and kissing my temple.
“Let her sit, mum, dad,” dad says. My grandparents nod and return to their seats, where Granny and Pops remain.
“Georgiana, dear, sit next to your Pops,” Granny says with a smile. I smile at her, walking over and giving her a hug.
“I missed you,” my Granny whispers.
“I missed you too,” I reply, moving over to hug Pops.
“And who is this,” Grandma says when Alaric sits next to me.
“Grandma, Grandad, Granny, Pops, this is my mate, Alaric,” I introduce. Dad’s parents and Pops smile at him and say hello, but Granny sits there and watches. Alaric looks at me and I squeeze his hand in reassurance. She’s not an easy person to impress.
“And what is it that you do?” Granny asks after the waiter has left with our orders.
“I’m the Commanding Delta of my pack,” Alaric says proudly.
“Like Talon and I,” Grandad smiles.
“You were the Commanding Delta too?” Alaric asks. Grandad nods.
“I’m glad to see it runs in the family,” Grandad smiles.
“And is that what you’ve always wanted to do?” Granny asks.
“Yes. Well, I always wanted to be a Delta,” Alaric smiles.
“Following your father’s steps?” Grandad asks. Alaric shakes his head.
“My father was the Beta. I’m the second-born, so…” Alaric begins.
“Your father was the Beta? So was my grandfather. My father was the second-born as well!” Granny pipes up, all smiles now.
“Oh really?” Alaric comments.
“Yes! Of course, my father wasn’t a Delta. He became the mayor of our town instead. Have you any thoughts about doing something like that?” Granny asks.
“Mum,” mum warns.
“What? I’m just saying. There are many options for second-borns. You don’t have to restrict yourself to being a Delta…” Granny replies.
“Well, thank you, but I love my job. It’s enjoyable” Alaric replies. Granny nods, surprisingly not commenting any further about Alaric’s job.
Conversation turns towards my grandparents, and what they’ve been up to since I’ve left, with Granny tut-tutting now and then.
“That was an interesting dinner,” Alaric says once we’re home and in the privacy of my room.
“I know. It went well, didn’t it,” I smile.
“It did?” Alaric asks, surprised. I smile.
“Yes. You impressed Granny and it didn’t turn into an all-out brawl, which has happened at restaurants before,” I admit.
“Yup. Granny and Pops have this certain way of thinking about how things should be. They weren’t impressed that Dad was a Delta when Mum met him. They’ve never really liked him,” I admit.
“But they liked me?” Alaric asks, siding up to me.
“I think they did,” I agree.
“No. They did. They liked me,” Alaric says, pulling me into him.
“Hmm, maybe,” I tease.
“No maybe’s,” Alaric replies, capturing my mouth in a kiss.
“Well, I like you,” I say.
“Better,” he hums, kissing me deeper.
“So… what have you decided?” I ask Frances when the boys leave to collect our orders. We decided to meet at a café for lunch before we left, just Frances, Leyton, Alaric and I. Since we’ve been here, we’ve, well I’ve seen lots of Tara and Heath, but not Frances.
“I’ve decided to move back to Silver Forest with Leyton,” Frances admits, her cheeks flushing red.
“Really?” I gush. Frances nods her head.
“I know my family is here, and Tara is here, but I’ve missed you, and I’ve met Leyton’s family, and they’re so nice!” Frances says.
“Who’s so nice?” Leyton asks, putting a tray of coffees down in front of us. Frances blushes.
“Your family,” I admit when Frances doesn’t say anything.
“You told her?” Leyton asks.
“Told her what?” Alaric asks, handing out the pastries we’ve ordered.
“Frances and I have decided to stay in Silver Forest. Frances is joining our pack,” Leyton says proudly.
“That’s great! Congratulations man!” Alaric cheers, giving Leyton a bro hug.
“Thanks,” Leyton grins.
I look over at my friends and smile. I’m looking forward to having Frances living in the same pack as me. It feels like a part of me from Swan Valley is coming to my new home, and it’s a good feeling. Alaric takes my hand and squeezes.
“I love you, baby,” he links.
“I love you too,” I say.