Chapter 101
The report came back the same. She was nowhere to be seen. The search party had a tense and remorseful look on their faces as they regarded their king.
“We are deeply sorry, your majesty. It seems like she has vanished without a single trace.” Their leader said.
The king paced the floors, running his fingers through his long hair. “That’s impossible.” He muttered. “She couldn’t have gone far! She was on foot for heavens sake! How hard is it to find one woman?!”
The men flinched as the King’s voice boomed through the walls of his study. The men sank to their knees and pressed their forehead to the floor in a deep bow. They trembled with fright as the frightful waves of the King’s aura inspired a deep rooted fear inside of them all.
The king spared them a glance and sighed.
“Get out of my sight. And continue to search for her.”
They scrambled to their feet and ran out. It had been three days. Three long days of holding his heart in his hands as he waited for them to return with the tiniest but of information about her whereabouts. It wasn’t that hard, it wasn’t supposed to be that hard.
For three days, no response from any of them, Sabrina was nowhere to be found.
And he was losing his mind. He hadn’t gotten a good night sleep in three days, his thoughts consumed with finding her and bringing her back.
A wisp of dark mist appeared in the study, Morana the Vampire queen manifesting out of it.
“Dear, what is the problem? I can feel your aura from the other side of the palace.” She said, her voice soft not to further aggravate him.
“It’s nothing.” The king said in reply.
He knows he’s been a mess. He wasn’t this uncontrolled. Caring this much about someone he wasn’t supposed to feel such things to. And yet he can’t stop himself from feeling such a way
Acheron was nowhere to be found, which was good. The king knew that if he saw his friend, their was no denying he would snap his neck.
“Is this about Sabrina?” Morana asked. The king paused and turned to face her. She sighed softly. “She isn’t dead. She will be found, definitely.”
“How can you say that?” He asked. “It’s been three days, Mor. She’s gone. How can I be sure that she’s still alive.”
Morana folded her arms and tapped her chin thoughtfully. “You truly care about her. I mean…look at you. You’re a shadow, my dear. Her absence affects you this much and yet I cannot understand why you denied feeling anything for her.”
The king sat at his desk, his head held in his hands. “It’s no that simple.”
“Well you should give me an explanation. You owe it to I and Maverick. We went after her, not knowing your feelings towards her, do you have any idea how guilty I felt knowing that
He looked up at meg her eyes.
“We wouldn’t have so much as neared her if you were honest. funny as it may sound, Maverick is beside himself with guilt.”
12:06 Sat,
Chapter 101
“As if.”
“It true. And Acheron-
“Do not mention Acheron to me.”
Morana paused. “Very well.”
The king knew he should offer her an explanation, or an apology. He did lead her on, the both of them. But he felt reluctant to tell her that he didn’t tell them anything because he wanted to believe so bad that he didn’t care about Sabrina.
Perhaps if he set her up with his friends, he would forget about her.
And now he was losing his damned mind because she was gone
“Don’t think about it, Mor. Forget it.”
The vampire queen rolled her eyes. “For heavens sake.”
“I’m not talking about it. And besides, she’s gone now. There’s no point.”
“Then will you-”
A knock sounded on the door. Nifra walked in and bowed quickly. “My king, a letter from Caldan.”
The king perked up. “Caldan?”
“Yes.” Nifra said. She looked at Morana and back to the king.
“Hello Nifra.” Morana said with a wave. “Oh don’t worry, I’m not even here.”
“It’s fine, Nifra. Let me see the letter.”
Nifra stepped forward and handed the sealed letter over to the king. She stepped back, her eyes full of apprehension as she watched him.
The king opened up the letter and read through it. The more he read, the deeper his frown got. As if the day couldn’t get
any worse.
“Caldan is returning in a few days” He said to Nifra.
For a moment, the king had forgotten. He had forgotten that his brother had a thing for Sabrina. Whatever it was, caused him to look at the king with defiance – something Caldan never did. It would be a huge mess if he returned and didn’t find
“Fucking hell.” The king muttered in anger. “Nifra, send a letter back to him with the royal seal. There are a few more packs to be meg with for diplomatic talks. He’s to sort them out before he returns.”
Nifra blinked. Her expression was clear to read. Are you sure? She seemed to ask. A question she would never voice out.
Instead she bowed. “Yes, of course. I shall do that right away.”
That should keep Caldan at bay for at least a month or so.
Nifra turned and walked away.
“Oh my heavens, what is going on?” Morana asked once Nifra had left. “Is this what I fear it is?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” The king said. The letter in his hands went up in flames till nothing but ash was
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Chapter 101
Morana let out a horrified gasp and took a step back. The king brushed the ashes away.
“You’re using…” The vampire queen gasped, her hands clamped over her mouth in shock.
The door to the study burst open. “I felt it!” Acheron rushed into the study, alarm wide in his eyes.
Something in the king snapped when he saw the warlock. Acheron barely had time to dodge before a large projectile of fire was thrown his way.