Chapter 118
i ummed to the Vany and browed would wider to day grave dark you what
Merad laughed How do you be gene
Kde, look at me? Devon.commended the way had funds more
to my surprise, he wait wye of Bora Bunden fellesper the fr very words theschwer of posa come but at se for that
1 frowned, at a low for whowever tray
He got to his feat bed bidether theater have the ou se shalling my
“Devon, don’t be this way, sexy for dinner d’eat
Veserve Fright
“Thank you for the kind offer, you may buf Ihaw a part she wore so I to exerce He turned and walked way,
I watched him www, and 1 te gry he die jestem will age that the se
regrets or leaving
“Sue” The King called my name wood to him and bowed the war galing Wit and of perse come between my sonder
“Father, Devon is not my brother
“I wasn’t talking to you”
“I’m sorry
The king turned his anger back to the Who do you tune you are Woking hen in Puting com between them
“Your majesty, it was never my futation I swear on i
“It wasn’t your intention? Does that change wita ha appete
“No, no, not at all!”
I heard him breathing heavily. A period of amcomitante sien very atlet une ening my head for so long.
“Come closer. The king spoke up. There’s something out about ”
I raised my head up. “Your majesty?” I quickly corrected myset and nuvel doser a him. Bet me up ni kuen slowly shook his head.
He turned to Marcel. What did you see in her than made you one in mers in her You do
sche beings in rur
Marcel let out a short laugh. “Father, Devon isn’t my brode Please spring to him as that ni dise, as in Sie righe
Chapter 118
here, she’s extremely gorgeous.”
“You have a lot of women at your feet. Yet you haven’t answered my question”
Marcel looked at me and grinned. “Father, Devon’s wives are off limits, as promised And I will not go against that. But this one here, she’s not. Devon treated her terribly, and I will not stand for that
“Your ways are beyond my comprehension.” The king said with a dimitive wave. Both of you, leave. I’ve heard enough of your theatrics for the day.”
I was more than glad to leave. I bowed. “Good day, your majesty
Yes, leave.” He snapped.
Marcel took my wrist and led me out of the throne room. Once we were out of there, I turned to Marcel
“What did you mean by Devon’s wives being off limits? Back there?”
He didn’t pause walking. “That’s not something you need to worry your head about.”
I moved to his side, trying to get him to look at me. “I need to know, please.”
He glanced at me from the corner of his eye and smiled. Then he paused and faced me fully. “You’re very curious about this.
“Well um…he never actually told me anything when I was back with him. So I’m in the dark about a lot of things.”
Marcel sighed. “Devon and I haven’t had the best relationship, that is completely true. But all that became worse when his wives began to throw themselves at me.”
I must have made a face because he chuckled.
“You seem surprised.”
“Well I…I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Either way, I am a kind man. And I cannot take his wives from him. We’ve always had the problem where his girlfriends would willingly offer themselves to me in be past, and Devon would think that I seduced them*
Was that what happened back then? When they were fighting and it was very clear it wasn’t about me? This is what it was about? Some feud from the past?
“Now Devon feels inferior to me. And he’s harbouring a lot of anger directed at me too.”
Ah, that makes a lot of sense. If Devon’s wives wanted Marcel, then that would make Devon really angry. He’s hiding his insecurities under that tough alpha image.
How disgusting.
Marcel took my hand in his. “Let’s have dinner. Aren’t you hungry?”
I nodded. “I am.” I’m starving in fact. He smiled kindly, and his eyes shone. For a brief minute I was reminded of Caldan and the way his smiles felt like sunshine.
“Come with me then.” He said.
This is real. My new life has actually started here. I won’t ever need to be a slave, or go back to Devon’s pack. I was free, finally free. I won’t ever have to see Zayn or Iris ever again.
11:31 Mon, 16 Dec M
Chapter 118
Marcel and I had dinner together. It was quiet nice, at least I wasn’t rushing to serve wine or in fear of spilling something on someone. I actually sat at the table and ate, like a normal human being. I realized that I had missed that feeling
After dinner, I said goodbye to Marcel and headed back to my room. All I wanted to do was have a cold bath and go to bed.
I was getting ready for bed when the door to my room swung open. I paused, a pillow in my hands and turned to the door.
There stood Marcel in a only a pair of pants, his bare chest on display. He has a dark look in his eyes as he crossed the space between us.
“Your highness?” I called, taking cautious steps back.
Going to bed?” He asked, his head cocked to the side.
“Yes I…”
“There’s no need for that now.” He said and cut me off. “On the bed. Take your clothes off. Now.”