Chapter 144
Goosebumps covered my skin.
I can’t believe Caldan just admitted to hating the king, his brother. I had never ever imagined that he would. If anything I thought it wonderful how he respected and obeyed the king. He seemed to even admire him a lot.
Suddenly, I remembered Lady Nifra’s warnings. All the times she told me to stay away from Caldan. That he was bas news. And just today, she told me to be careful around him.
Did she know?
I mean, I know that she was a witch. But did she exactly now that Caldan hates the king?
That can’t be. If she knew, the king would have known too. So it was safe to tell that she didn’t know.
He’s so good at masking his true emotions.
Does this mean his also masking his true emotions to me? What does this even mean right now? Should I be scared? Or should I just brush this off as a joke?
My hand trembled as I held the glass to my lips. I stared at him and I tried to search for any traces of hatred in his eyes. I saw nothing but brilliant sparkling blue eyes.
“What’s the matter?” He said, his head tilted to the side. “Are you scared of me now?”
“No.” I replied. My tone was calm and regulated. “I’m not scared. I’m just surprised.”
“He smiled as if pleased with my answer. “That’s good.” He said and reached out across the table and held my hand. “It’s okay, we can both achieve something great together.
His hand felt hot. too hot. I wanted to pull back from him. “Something great?” I asked.
“Yes. If you have patience, once my plans are all in order and executed, you will rule by my side as my Queen.”
It suddenly hit me that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with that. My hand twitched under Caldan’s and I so badly wanted to leave.
I don’t want this. Whatever this ruling by his side means, I don’t want it.
It was on the very top of my tongue to ask what he meant but execute all his plans. was he going to hurt the king? Or worse….kill the king?
I didn’t want to show my fear so I bit my lip. Plus I didn’t want to show that I possibly cared about the king.
My feelings confused me.
I hate the king. I don’t care about him. I shouldn’t care if Caldan said he was going to kill him this very night. And yet I feel creeped out by Caldan’s confession. It felt wrong. So very wrong. I felt conflicted.
“Rina?” He called softly.
12:40 Fri, 3 Jan
Chapter 144
“You have a look in your eyes. What are you thinking about?”
“I wonder what’s for dessert.” The lie can smoothly.
He laughed and pulled his hand back. “Right. About my brother.”
My heart tanked. “Y–yes?”
“Last night at the dinner table. He said something about you hiding something from me? Did anything happen while I was gone?”
Acold sweat rolled down my back. I cleared my throat and maintained my composure. “I’m pretty sure he was only trying to rile us up. He didn’t mean anything by it.”
There’s no way I was about to tell him what happened. Or how I went to confront the king a d we ended up kissing, No. That was wrong. I didn’t kiss the king. He kissed me.
But I can’t tell Caldan that. Not today and not ever.
Caldan scoffed. His eyes suddenly darkened. “I’m sure it’s more than that.”
“How so?”
“He’s jealous of me.”
I blinked at him. “What?!”
“It may not be noticeable to you but I can feel it. I know he’s attracted to you.”
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “Caldan that’s absurd. There’s no way the king of all people feels anything for me.”
He shook his head. “I know, Rina. I know what I’m talking about. And it’s not new. He’s always been attracted to you. Even before I left.”
I knew Caldan wasn’t stupid. But this…he’s more observant than I let on. But attraction is still a far stretch.
The king doesn’t feel that way for me. That’s insane. Whatever we had was a lust fueled fling and nothing more. Caldan is wrong.
“Caldan, that’s not the case. He’s not attracted to me. And he never has been.”
“Please. That’s not true.”
“It is. But you can’t see it.”
I bit my lower lip. He’s so convinced that he’s right. But that’s insane. I know it’s insane. He’s just looking for something else- to punish the king with.
12:40 Fri, 3 Jan 0
Chapter 144
I raised my glass to my lips and found it empty. All of a sudden the food I had eaten that was once so delicious tasted litter at the back of my throat.
“Don’t let it bother you.” Caldan said after a while of silence. He smiled, and normally I would have been reassured by that smile. But instead I felt my skin crawl. “I’ll take care of it. And besides, he can’t do anything to you now. I won’t let it happen. Not while I’m here with you.”
Those words made to reassure me felt like an indirect threat. He won’t let the king do anything to me? He’s so wrong.
And last night was proof of it.
My head hurts.” I said and touched my forehead. Truly I had a mild headache. After all he had just said, who wouldn’t? “Can
go home?”
“Don’t you want dessert? It’s chocolate mud pie or so I heard.”
“I…I don’t think I can stomach any more food.”
“Rina. Do I need to call the doctor?”
“Why?” I said urgently.
“You aren’t eating properly.”
Yeah. No shit.
How can I possibly eat well at every dinner? Or even right now. This date that was going so fine until he said what he said and now my stomach feels upset.
“I am. I ate everything on my plate.” I said and managed a smile.
He nodded. “Very well. Lets go back gone.”
He rose to his feet and extended his hand for me. I took his hand and forced a smile.
For the first time, I wished to leave all this behind and just go far away. Away from this palace. To a place where no one knew me and I could start a very normal and peaceful life.
I hate this life. I think I’ve had enough drama and enough problems from it to last me a lifetime.