Chapter 17
Sabrina’s POV:
I gripped the doorknob so tight I lost feeling in my fingers from lack of circulation.
She saw me.
That’s all I could think of. She saw me. She saw me.
I maintained a mask of cool composure on my face, but deep inside I was shaking with fright. If there’s anything I’ve noticed, it’s that she seems to be the only one with unrestricted access to the alpha king.
She looked me up and down, depths of distaste in her eyes. “This isn’t over.” She said.
I didn’t see lady Nifra much of the next day.
I went about my duties as I normally would. But today was slightly different. For one, I had way more work than necessary to do. And second. Blair was surprisingly off my case. That didn’t mean she was out of sight though, however I would catch glimpses of her as I worked. She stood with two other high ranking girls her right hand women whose names I’ve come to learn were Cassandra and Jane and she would glower at me.
1 like to believe I had given her something to chew on after yesterday. If she continues minding her own business, then we might even get along.
Never. We will never get along.
By evening, I still had so much to do.
Scrubbing bits of burnt and dried food off the bottom of the large cauldron like pots that were used for my hands were trembling. The tremor moved down my body, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten much today. I raised my head from the pot I was scrubbing and sighed.
cooking. 1
I noticed
I still had six more of these huge pots to wash.
I mean, what’s the point of these people being so cruel? If I’m gonna be washing all the damned utensils they should at least give me some good food, right?!
I huffed and turned back to scrubbing.
“Whatever did that poor pot do to you?”
I jumped, startled by the voice that had spoken. The pot slipped out of my hand and crashed to the floor with a loud bang
Standing right in the doorway was sir Caldan.
I jumped to my feet. “Sir Caldan!” I exclaimed, raising a hand to my chest. My heart was starting to race already. Whether it was from the sudden fright he gave me, or the fact that I wasn’t expecting him, I wasn’t sure. “You scared me.”
“My apologies,” He said with a slight tip of his head. His eyes scanned my face and he smiled, taking a step into the kitchen.
“Have you been standing there long enough?” I asked.
“Long enough to see you murder the pot with your eyes. He chuckled. He held his hands behind lim, his eyes moving
across the kitchen.
22:02 Tue, Nov 5 GAD
Chapter 17
“Well, I have quite the line up to get done. And so if you would.
He turned sharply to me. “Come out for a stroll with me. The evening breeze is lovely. We can catch the sunset if we hurry
I paused. A stroll? Did such a thing even exist again? Ever since I was turned to a slave all I’ve ever known was work.
Work which I unfortunately have to get done immediately.
“I’m sorry, sir Caldan, but I must decline your request. I have a lot of work to do.” I said as politely as I could.
“Leave them behind.” He said.
1 frowned. I can’t do that.”
“It’s an order. Rina.”
My heart skipped a beat. An order? He’s giving me an order?
“Don’t worry about later. He continued. “Nothing would happen to you. I’m the one who ordered you to leave your work behind. You’re safe with me.
For some reason my mind drifted to lady Nifra. Her threat to stay away from Caldan rang pure and clear in my head. I looked around at the work laid out for me.
Honestly, I’m tired down to my freaking bones. And a stroll sounds absolutely lovely. And this work waiting for me does not.
Serious, what’s the worst that can happen huh?
I sighed. “Very well. I’ll come with you for the stroll.” I said.
He smiled, and his eyes lit up. He extended a hand for me to take
“I won’t kiss you,” I blurted out. “If you’re doing this to get that from me, then I’d rather spend the evening with the pots and pans
“That’s okay,” He said. “Let’s go now.”
“One second please, I walked over to the sink and washed my hands clean. I dried them on a dishtowel and turned to him. “I’m ready now.”
We walked side by side out of the kitchen, I respectfully refused to hold his hand. I didn’t want to send the wrong message across to whoever would see us. We walked through the open hallways that overlooked the gardens and central courtyard where the girls relaxed in the daytime.
Truly, the evening was most beautiful.
There was a soft breeze, the sweet perfume of blooming flowers laced in it. The sky was aglow with various colors of sunset, pink, orange, blue, purple, and the sun was like a cute orange ball slowly disappearing from the sky.
If I were an artist, I would have paused to paint a picture of the scene.
Once again my breath was stolen at the sheer splendor of the harem house. But then I remembered I was the one who scrubbed it from top to bottom and kept it in it’s pristine condition everyday and my mood soured.
I turned and glanced at Caldan, my mouth open to make a comment about the lovely evening. And my breath caught in my
My cheeks turned red and I stopped dead in my tracks.
22:02 Tue, Nov 5 G
Chapter 17
Something about the way the late sun rays shone on him, turning his eyes tangerine was stunning to me. He looked regal. his posture, the way he carried himself, the clothes, he looked every inch a prince. I looked down at my clothes, the charcoal stains on my drab and uninteresting gown, was that a tear too? And a stain?!
I looked like a beggar. I’m sure I’d look even worse if I had a mirror right now.
“Rina“” Caldan called. He noticed I had stopped walking and crossed the space between us. I stared at him, held spellbound by his eyes, the sharp and soft angles of his face, the gentle furrow of concern on his brow, “What’s the matter?” He asked.
“Why are you doing this, walking with me where everyone can see us? Why did you help me that day? Just why?”
He raised a hand to his face, tapping his chin as if deep in thought. “Where everyone can see? I’m not embarrassed to be see around you, Rina.”
“You’re a very beautiful woman, Rina. You’re hot, and you’re a sight for sore eyes,”
I looked behind me, perhaps there was another”
“Rina” He was talking to
You don’t believe me, do you?” He said with a heavy sigh. I turned back and looked at him, then I slowly shook my head. How can someone as beautiful as him, as regal as him, call me hot? I look like a gutter rat right now. And I’m not even saying that to Garner his pity, I really look like a rat now. That’s a fact.
He motioned for me to continue walking with him and we continued walking side by side.
You intrigue me, Rina.” He said in a whisper. “I can’t stay away, however hard I try.
I laughed softly. That’s a better answer than calling me hot. I can handle intrigue. I’m intrigued by you too.” I said. “Like, who are you? Why’s lady Nifra so hateful of you?”
“Hateful? Oh no no, she loves me.”
“It doesn’t look like that.”
“I know her very well. That’s how she shows love, she’s a tough love kind of person. She isn’t the kind to hate. It’s not in her.”
I thought about it for a while. Shes not the type to hate huh? Unfortunately I can’t believe that
“You didn’t tell me anything about yourself.” I said,
“There’s not much to say,” he said with a shrug. “My life is the most interesting one out there.”
He didn’t say anything.
But I can make a calculated guess. He’s really handsome, and laid back too. He’s kind and friendly but sometimes exuded a dangerous aura. He must be someone really important. Perhaps at court or something.
Mill, I don’t dwell too much on it.
“We have to get to the roof for the sunset, He said. He took my hand and led me through a hidden flight of stairs I hadn’t noticed before.
The stairs led to the roof. I gasped and my eyes went wide. There was a garden on the root. Filled with red roses. Their scent was heady and sweet, making me feel dizzy, Caldan took my hand and we walked to the edge of the roof top.
22:03 Tue, Nov 5 G
Chapter 17
The sky was more than lovely up here.
“Beautiful,” He said.
“Yeah, so beautiful” I replied, a wide smile on my face.
“I wasn’t talking about the sunset,”
My cheeks feel so hot right now.
Caldan stared at me, a gentle look in his eyes. “Beautiful,” he said again, his voice a murmur.
The sun hid behind the clouds, leaving behind a pale golden glow. I hope he doesn’t see how I’m blushing like a schoolgirl right now. I didn’t know what to say, how to respond to such a compliment. So I turn back to the sky, hoping my face is hidden enough.
“I’d like to see you again, Rina.” He said.
“It’s not like I’m going anywhere.”
“Now I’m even more intrigued. He chuckled to himself.
It was then I turned to face him, “Sir Caldan,” I started off calmly. “I truly appreciate the breather you’ve given me this evening, But I cannot do this again. As much as I love this distraction, at the end of the day, I cannot run from my chores.
“Is that so,” He ducked his head to the side. I may have been imagining it, but he looked disappointed. When he looked up again, his smile was back. “Don’t worry, Rina. The next time we’ll meet, Ill make you an offer I’m sure you won’t be able to
I doubt it, but I don’t voice any of my doubts,
He took
hand and brought it up to his lips. His eyes met mine as he kissed the back of my hand. A shiver ran down my spine. His lips were soft and cool against the skin of my hand. I felt tingles, right from the spot his lips touched, down to my belly. Unable to keep the intense eye contact going much longer I looked away.
“Thank you, Rina. I had fun this evening because of you.” He said, still holding my hand in his.
“Me too,” I stuttered. “Thank you, sir Caldan.”
A strand of my hair fell out of uta bun and into my face. He raised his hand to my face and tucked the lock behind my ear. His fingertips brushed my ear shell and for a few seconds, we stayed like this. His hand moved to the back of my neck, his eyes burning into mine.
“I can’t do it!” I screamed, my eyes squeezed and kicked him. I heard him crash into a flower
Oh shit! I’ve done it now!