Chapter 58
I was aware the moment I woke up. And I instantly wished to go back to sleep.
I was beyond mortified. I wished for the bed to open up, revealing giant claws and a deep terrifying mouth that would swallow me whole
In short, I wanted to die.
Last night’s memories filled my head. The thrill of… everything.
I could still feel the king’s tongue lapping over my thighs, licking up my wetness while my legs were spread for him. From behind! I have never been put into such a position in my entire life!
My face burned with embarrassment and I buried my face deeper into the pillow. He had me tied up, blindfolded, and he spanked me. My skin tingled with embarrassment and I felt flustered all over again.
How? How on earth will I go about my day now?
I turned and laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling.
But something was wrong. This wasn’t my room…the ceiling was weird.
I turned my head to the side, and looking around confirmed my suspicions. I wasn’t in my room. I was in the king’s room.
I instantly sat up, alarm zapping through my veins. The blanket almost slipped down my chest, and I realized that I was naked. I grabbed it and held it closer to me.
What am I still doing in his bed?! On second thought, how did I even end up here? What happened that made me sleep right in his bed?
I heard a shuttle from the far side of the room. I turned to the direction of it to see the king. He sat close to the fireplace, reading a book. Ah shit. This is awkward.
“You’re awake.” He said, his eyes glancing at my face briefly.
“Y–yes.” I squeaked out. “Good morning, your Majesty.”
“Morning.” He replied and turned back to his book.
I got out of bed, the blanket wrapped around my body tightly. I looked around but couldn’t find my clothes or underwear. Another one to add to his collection right? Maybe I should just hand all my underwear over to him.
Sabrina, don’t be a fool.
“Where are you going?” The king asked as I walked to the door.
“Back to my room,” I replied. “I have to get ready for the day and-”
He gestured in the direction of his bathroom. “Go in. A bath has been drawn for you.”
“Pardon?” I asked, blinking at him. “I’m sorry I just want to make sure….”
“You heard me.” He snapped.
I pursed my lips.
Okay. This is weird. I wake up in his bed and he has a bath drawn for me? Did he do it himself? No. That’s absurd. It must have been Lea and Daisy.
“Okay,” I sighed. I turned and headed to the bathroom.
“Drop the blanket on the bed, slave. You’ll get it wet.”
I froze. “You want me to walk to the bathroom naked?!”
my skin. But it wasn’t like him, and I refused to think about that. I drained the water and cleaned up as much as I could.
I stepped out of the bathroom. The king was still at the fireplace, a small stack of books on the floor beside him.
I miss Caldan.
It hit me hard how much I missed him. If he were here, I won’t be feeling this way over the king. The very same man who had made life here hell for me. I would go to with Caldan, and we’ll talk and have fun. And we’ll kiss, or maybe even more than that.
The king turned to me and I instantly avoided his eyes.
“Thank you, your majesty. For the bath,” I said.
You’re welcome.”
“And I’m sorry for last night.”
“Are you?”
A trick question. But really am I?
I looked up and met his eyes. But he wasn’t by the fireplace anymore, he was right in front of me. I gasped and stumbled back, but he caught me. The next thing I felt was being backed against the wall.
He lifted my chin, forcing my eyes to meet his. “Don’t ever go against my order again.” He said, his voice a deep murmur. “It won’t feel good like last night, if you do it again, it will hurt.”
last night. Last night flashes through my mind. My cheeks turned red. He’s so close to me. I can feel his warmth, the roughness of his fingers on my chin. It’s hard to focus on his words, or anything at all.
His eyes moved down to my lips. I swallowed, my mind going back to him kicking up my thighs. I felt a jolt in my lower belly, and my thighs pressed together.
Ah fuck. It’s happening again. He’s not even touching me and my body is reacting to him.
“Do you know I can tell when you’re aroused, slave?”
I snapped my head up and met his eyes.
“I can smell you right now.”
Oh ground! Open up and chow me down!
“I…well I…” My mouth opened and closed like a dead fish. “I want to see Caldan. When will he return?”
The air changed.
“I…I miss him.” I continued without missing a beat. “And I would really love to meet him again.”
There. He’s going to get angry now. Just wait. Three seconds. I give him three second before he flips out and grows cold. Maybe then he’ll send me out too.
I….right now!
He smirked.
He reached our and grabbed my waist, pressing my body close to him. I placed my hands on his chest to push him off, but my arms got trapped in the space between our bodies.
5:13 PM •
Chapter 38
I got back to my room. Right off the bat I noticed a tray of food on my nightstand. A lovely breakfast, toast, eggs, chicken and a jug of orange juice. It was still warm, so someone must have put it there recently.
On my bed were a set of news dresses. In various colors and styles. I guess more dresses for those ridiculous dinners and whatever
What was the king planning this time?
I sat down to eat, mulling over the questions in my head.
It doesn’t matter that he has planned. Or is planning. I won’t ever let myself get aroused by him ever again. I won’t. First, let me find out why this is happened and nip it in the damned bud.
This breakfast is fucking delicious.