Chapter 64
“Good evening,” Sabrina turned to my guests and bowed. “I hope you had a pleasant trip here. Preparations have been made for your lodging and dinner. Please, come in.”
“Ohh, who are you?” Maverick was already eyeing her, a sly smile on his lips.
“Behave yourself.” Morana hit the back of his head.
Acheron is still staring intently at me, his eyes narrowed.
“Prepare the dining hall,” I said to Sabrina, eager to get her out of here. “We’ll be there in a few minutes.”
She smiled and bowed. “Yes, your majesty.” And she turned and walked away.
A slave.
She’s like a Luna right now. Poised. Elegant. Stunning. Why did I even ask her to dress up right now?
“You all must be tired. Let’s go inside.”
“More like who is she?” Acheron asked. Morana and Maverick turned to face him.
“See, even Acheron is curious!”
“Will the three of you get your asses inside so we can have fucking dinner?”
Morana chuckled, a long red clawed finger tapping her chin. “My goodness. This is very interesting.”
“Very much.” Acheron said. They exchanged a glance and he nodded.
“What are you even talking about?”
This is going to be a very long dinner.
About an hour or so later, after they had all settled in and servants had taken all their luggage inside, we all were seated at the dining hall.
“Why are all of your staring at me?”
“Oh, you finally noticed!” Maverick groaned. “Who is she? That pretty lady from earlier?”
“Yes, who is she?” Morana leaned forward, her chin propped on her elbow.
“I’m starving.” Acheron said. “When do we get to eat?”
“She’s my maid.” I said.
“Maid?! No way! Did you see her?!”
“You don’t have to yap my ear off!” Morana snapped at Maverick
“What do you mean?! You’re across the fucking table!”
Chapter 64
“That doesn’t mean that you’re any less loud! My ears are fucking sensitive!”
“Seriously, the both of you.” Acheron rubbed his temples. “A hundred and ten years, and nothing has changed ”
“I’m a vampire, Ron. I hate change voice low.”
“Whatever. So….my best friend in the
han anything.” Moran said with a dramatic eye roll. “And Maverick, keep your
…whole world-”
“I’m not your best friend, Maverick. I’ve told you that over and over again.”
“Are you sure that girl isn’t your mistress?”
“She’s not.”
“Really?” Morana asked. “I mean, she’s very lovely. Too lovely to be a maid.”
“She’s my maid. Not just a maid.”
“Oh, so you’ve fucked her then?”
“Come on! It’s not like we’re teenagers! Loosen up a bit Ron, you’re too old to be prudish.”
“Maverick, my sex life is none of your concern.”
“Since when? I thought as friends everything about us was each other’s concern.”
“I can tell you about my
sex life,” Moran said, her attention turned to Maverick, her tone dripping honey.
“Morana! Not at the table,”
“I can also tell you about Ron’s sex life. Or the very painfully obvious lack thereof.”
Maverick snorted. “Yeah. At this point he’s practically a virgin now.”
Acheron shot a small bolt of lightening at Maverick.
“Hey!” Maverick yelled, the shock lighting his body blue. “That wasn’t fair!”
“You’re still alive. Good.”
The doors to the dining hall burst open and servants began trooping in with serving trays piled high with food. And Sabrina leading them. The way she carried herself was magnificent, clearly she was used to this kind of thing. Serving.
Ah right, she used to be a Luna.
Now shouldn’t be the time I think about her former mate. Now is not the time.
She didn’t glance at me as she bowed in greeting and began to serve my food first. this close I could smell the scent of soap on her skin, the flowers in her hair, and her unique scent that drove me crazy. She poured a glass of wine, and looked up at my briefly.
“Your Majesty,” She said.
I was at a loss for words. She blinked, waited for a beat and then turned to serve the others. She poured some wine into
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Chapter 64
6、 32% _
“Thank you, my raven.” Morana’s fingers brushed her arm, a smoldering smile on her face. Her eyes became hypnotic, sparking with a mystical light. For a few seconds she held Sabrina’s arm, and maintained eye contact.
“You’re welcome, my lady.” Sabrina replied without missing a beat. She didn’t even flinch.
I’ve sent that smile on Morana before. That flirty smile that has anyone falling at her feet, eager to please.
What the actual hell is going on right now?
“Morana you sly dog!” Maverick exclaimed. Sabrina jerked, the wine jug slipped and some of the red liquid spilled on Acheron’s lap.
“I’m so sorry my lord, I was…”
“Watch yourself, maid.” Acheron spat. “You should be more careful of your surroundings.”
Sabrina stilled for two seconds. Then she bowed in apology. “I’m sorry.”
“You had better be.” Acheron said with an angry huff.
“It’s just some wine, Ron. Sheesh.” Morana sighed.
“Indeed.” Acheron replied.
I felt a muscle tick in my jaw. How dare he speak to her in such a manner? So rude and uncultured. Even if she was my maid, that didn’t give him the right to talk to her like that.
“Do you have a problem, my king?”
I didn’t realize I had been glaring at Acheron till he spoke those words.
“Why would there be a problem?”
“Perhaps you have something to say?” He asked and his eyes narrowed knowingly.
He knows what he’s doing. He’s pushing me, trying to see how I react. As he’s always done ever since we were but little boys.
I sipped my wine and turned my attention to Sabrina. She poured wine from Maverick, and I felt even more annoyed with how he stared at her.
“What shampoo do you use?” He asked, his eyes holding her gaze intently.
“Just the servant’s shampoo, my lord.” Sabrina replied with a nod
If she notice him and Morana outright flirting with her, it didn’t show at all.
“Would that be all for now?” She looked across the table and asked.
“That will be all,” I dismissed her, eager for her to leave this place already.
She bowed and walked out without saying anything. Without even glancing at me.
Maverick jumped to his feet and rushed across the table over to my side. He grabbed Acheron’s collar and pulled him up.
“Ron! Move!”
“Maverick, behave yourself.”
“You both are acting like kids.” Morana said.
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Chapter 64
I have a mild headache: A fun time with old friends. That was what this was supposed to be. And now I feel like a single mother and her children!
“My best friend,” Maverick pushed Acheron aside and took his sent. He reached across the table to hold my hand and I “My best friend,” Maverick pushed. Acheron pulled back faster than light.
“You can talk without touching me.”
“But I like touching you,” he said.
I threw him a dirty look. “that’s not what I…you know what, forget it.”
“I know what you mean.” I said, my voice low. He stared at me and nodded.
“Okay, okay, so, this maid of yours.”
“What about her?”
“You said you haven’t fucked her, right?”
“I said my sex life is none of your business.” I replied. Maverick pouted, and for a moment he looked like the young lycan I had rescued from a certain death. How many years ago was that? It’s been a while. Back then he always carved physical touch. Scared to be left alone. Always needing someone close to him.
He’s all grown up now. And now he’s my friend. And those dreadful days are behind us.
“So you haven’t huh?” He asked, his eyes shining as he waited for my response.
I realized Morana and Acheron were watching me closely. “What is it?” I grit out.
“I want her.”
I paused. I waited for him to play it off as a joke. Say it was nothing serious. He didn’t.
“I want her. Really. She’s exactly my type.”
“She is not your type.”
“Oh she is. She’s so fucking hot…don’t tell me you haven’t noticed? And her figure is so fine too. She’s like…a goddess of some sort. Celeste in the flesh”
“She certainly is.” Morana chuckled to herself. “A cute little raven. You can almost hear the blood rushing though her · veins…it’s so adorable.”
I should be more worried about Morana right now.
“Morana, not all of us are bloodsucking fiends.”
“And not all of us are smelly dogs.”
“I’m a lycan, not a dog. For fucks sake stop picking on me Morana!”
“You’re yelling again! Keep your damned voice low!”
“She’s not your type of woman, Maverick. You can have anyone else. Not her.” I said to him.
Maverick’s eyes darkened. “But why?” He asked, his tone darker. “Why can’t I have her? Are you going to deny me?”
Morana glanced at me, her eyes flashed with alarm for a moment and it was gone. Acheron’s staff floated over to him and he
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Chapter 64
clutched it tightly. His posture tense and stiff.
“She’s probably boring in bed.” I said.
Nothing but lies.
“You won’t like that. I know your tastes.”
Maverick laughed. “Boring?! She’s a little virgin?!”
I grit my teeth hard. She may as well be a fucking virgin seeing as she doesn’t even know how to touch herself!
“Well, that doesn’t matter to me. And boring, I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” He looked directly at Morana. The vampire queen stiffened. “I know women. I know a wild card when I see one. Your darling maid is going to be very wild in the sheets.”
I fucking know that!
“And why did you say that while looking at me?! Like I’ll ever fuck a dog like you.”
“Lycan!” He groaned, clearly frustrated.
“Same thing!”
“So!” He turned back to me, his eyes lighter. Acheron relaxed, and so did Morana. “Will
me the honors?”
She’s slave. There’s nothing between us. I shouldn’t care who she fucks or not. I shouldn’t have to hesitate at Maverick’s request. Some years ago, I would have waved her to him in a flash.
But I can’t imagine him with her.
I know Maverick and his…. peculiar desires. He will ruin Sabrina I just know it. And not in the good kind of ruin. Not the way I want to ruin her.
No. His desired are dark. I’ve seen it.
I glanced at Acheron. He too was waiting for my answer. Ever since he arrived he’s been looking at me. And I can tell his thoughts.
‘is she more than a maid to you?‘
‘I saw your eyes as you looked at her.‘
‘what are you doing?”
“I’ll be extra gentle with her,” Maverick said, his tone seductive. “Extra gentle. She looks like she’ll need some coaxing to bring out her goddess. that won’t be hard.”
A week.
I have to deal with a week of this. I should have taken Nifra’s offer to move Sabrina back to the harem.