Chapter 7
It’s been three days. And I’ve been able to understand some things.
First off, Blair is a total bitch.
She’s the only one who gets summoned to see the alpha of alphas. And all the other girls worship her like she hung the moon in the night sky. Blair was the only one out of all the girls who slept with the alpha of alphas and she didn’t bother hiding it. None of the other girls did, and for that she believed she was special.
All the other girls believed that she would be the Luna and no one wanted to step on her feet for fear of being executed. They all worshipped her. She was the leader of them. Everyone wanted to be close with her. Apparently, seeing the alpha of alphas face to face was a very rare thing.
Should I tell them that I had seen him? No, No I didn’t. Because each time I spoke, I would get looks that made me regret opening my mouth.
A slave to the harem. That’s basically what I am.
And Blair capitalized on that.
“I need my shoes all shined and polished!”
“Come and make my nails!”
“My bedsheets need to washed! My entire room needs to be cleaned!
“Come here! Why are you slacking off?!”
She disgusts me. Acting like a spoiled brat. If a girl like her ever became Luna, I pity her subjects.
But I quickly realized that all the rumours were false, No one had ever been killed, no one’s heart had ever been eaten. From the peaceful air around here, everything was actually very nice. He doesn’t even sleep with the girls. Instead he gave them a means to live comfortably. They had the option to leave the pack, get mated and get married as well. Everything was perfect.
Everything except my life.
Right now I should be with these girls, having fun and braiding my hair with jasmine flowers, I should be able to live a free life free of the toils for the day to day life.
But no. He called me a smear on this world. I’m being punished for something I had no idea was even going on. I had no idea how cruel Zayn actually was, the extent of his crimes in this world,
Is that how rusty his judgment is? He just threw me in a box with Zayn and called it a day?!
He didn’t even give me a chance to explain myself or at least prove my innocence. Instead he believed what he wanted to and sentenced me to slavery.
Lost in my dark thoughts, I didn’t see Blair approaching ahead me. I bumped into her, again.
Told you there won’t be a next time” she said, glaring down at me.
1 stared at her. “We’re both guilty now, aren’t we?” I asked.
She gaped, her eyes wide with shock. “How dare you speak to re Like That!!
Like what?” I snapped back. “Move, I have work to do.”
17:59 Tue, Nov 5 GA
Chapter 7
She grabbed my arm and yanked me back. “It seems you’re forgetting one tiny detail, I run this place! Do you fucking hear
I stared into her eyes and sighed. It’s been a long ass day. And the day isn’t even over yet. Now I have to deal with this entitled princess.
She’s not even a luna. She has never been a luna. She’s carrying herself so damn high like fucking someone is an achievement. Goodness she reminds me of Iris so damn bad it’s infuriating.
“Down on your knees and plead for my forgiveness.” Blair said, her chin tilted in a show of superiority,
I stared at her blankly, I’m sorry, what?”
You heard me. And I don’t repeat myself, ever.
“I’m not doing that. I said plainly and folded my arms across my chest. I am a Luna. I will not bow to this girl.
Her eyes flashed indignation. “You won’t?” She asked. She laughed, a bitter short sound. “You have ten seconds to do it.” Tm a Luna. And I will never bow to your kind
She burst out laughing. “A Luna?! Wow! Can you imagine just how sad you are?! A Luna, and you’re slaving away here?! What kind of a Luna are you?
Her words cut deep and hatred for the alpha of alphas bloomed even more in my heart. I’m a Luna. No matter what happened to me. No matter if I got dragged though the mud a million times. It doesn’t change the fact that I’m still a luna.
Blair walked up to me, her eyes burning with a flame. “You’re going to regret not obeying me, Luna.” She spat the title like it was venom on her tongue.
I met her eyes fire for fire. “Get a grip on yourself I snapped. “The only thing you’ll be regretting is not backing away from
me now.
She smiled a slow and evil gesture that didn’t suit her face. “We’ll soon see who will be regretting soon.” She turned and walked away.
but not before she waved and called me Luna.
I headed off to my next duty as if I hadn’t met her. She can’t hurt a fly. That’s all she’s going to do.
The liquid burned through my skin, the clothes I wore doing nothing to stop it’s burn. The aroma of sweet tomato soup filled my nostrils, I would have been savoring it if it weren’t for the red mark spreading over my skin now.
1 grit my teeth hard and told myself not to scream. Not to give them the satisfaction.
“All hail the Lunar Blair’s voice rang out through the dining hall followed by the sound of her mocking laughter.
I calmly wiped some splashes of the soup off my cheek. The dining hall exploded into shouts and cheers, all of them mucking and jerring
Tears pricked my eyes. It hurt, okay? The soup burned, and the pain amplified the pain of my sore muscles even more. It
everything inside of me or to scream.
But I held it together.
J’ui a luna. I am strong. I do not cry because hot soup was spilled on me.
A hand grabbed my hair and forced my head up at an odd ange that made my neck crink up. Blair glared into my face, a mocking smile on her face. Are you ready to plead for my forgiveness now? She asked.
21:59 Tue, Nov 5 G
Chapter 7
I grabbed her wrist, intentionally digging my finger tips into her skin. “Never.” I hissed.
“Aww! One of the girls cooed, a high ranking girl. Her name was Elise, and from what I heard she was the second in command right after Blair. “Come on, what use is your pride huh? Slave Luna?”
1 looked right at her. I wanted to pour soup into her eyes. Watcli her scream and struggle to get the scalding liquid out of her
My thoughts alarmed me. I’m not this violent, I’m not this dark,
Blair let go of my hair, wiping her hand on my dress like she had touched horse shit. She smiled sweetly at me.
This is just the beginning. And until you apologize, it’ll only get worse.”
I got to my feet. I was starving, honestly. I had barely eaten my dinner of bread and cheese before she dumped the soup on me. I left it behind. My head held high, I walked out of the dining hall.
soup on my skin was starting to sting. It was spicy, unnecessarily spicy, Without a doubt in my mind, Blair had made it that way on purpose. To hurt me.
Outside the dining hall, I came face to face with Lady Nifra. She looked at me, her icy blue eyes scanning me from top to bottom. Her nose wrinkled in disgust and she looked up to my eyes.
“Go and get cleaned up. She snapped. “There’s still work for you to do before the day runs out.”
I scoffed. What did I expect from her, kindness? That she would take my side, march in there and confront Blair? Who am I kidding! She took me to the alpha of alphas herself.
I walked past her and headed to the bathrooms. At least I was allowed to use the same bathrooms as the girls. Only that I had to use it when it was empty.
I washed the soup off me, and in the shower when I was finally alone, the tears came,
They mingled with the water, and it was hard to tell how much had cried. I stood under the stream of cold water till the smell of soup was washed down the drain.
Slave Luna. They’re not wrong. All my life I’ve been a slave. A slave to Zayn. A slave to my family. A slave to tradition. And now, a slave to girls my age and younger.
How sad your life is, Sabrina.
Just as I was turning the shower off, a bucket of ice cold water was thrown on me.
1 screamed and lost my balance, slipping on the floor. Thankfully I caught myself before my head could be split open on the
Laughter echoed all around me, Blair’s voice the loudest. The ice water seeped into my bones, my teeth chattering as a result. I could see the ice cubes on the floor, helpless just like m
Elair walked into the bathroom, flanked by two other girls. “Ready to apologize?” She asked.
1 spat at her. But it didn’t get far, it didn’t even touch her. She stared at it and back at me, her lips Ina downward frown.
“Poor baby, She coued. “You poor thing”
My fingers were turning blue.
21.59 TuE, NOV
Chapter 8