Chapter 132
“Don’t try to be sly, Meredith. That goes for you too.”
We hear a groan outside the door followed by the sound of dragging feet. Williams
suddenly putting up a fight saying we didn’t notice him while Meredith pulled him away.
Selene drops her chin on my shoulder taking steady breaths in. Wanting to calm her, my
and combed back her hair as she sighed in content. Without moving she asks me,
“For how long are you staying?”
My eyes are shut when I rest my head against hers.
“How long do you want m
“How long do you have?”
I open an eye and smile.
“For as long as you want.”
That manages to bring out a laugh. A soft, melodic laugh that warmed my heart.
“That’s not something an Alpha should say.”
She mumbled teasingly.
“And yet, here I am saying it.”
Our gazes are locked with endless unspoken promises swirling in them. Taking her hands in mine, our fingers interlace like the missing puzzle piece in my life. Feeling so complete by just holding her hand, its almost embarrassing. Suddenly she tore her gaze from me and
stared down at her feet.
“Do you think we’re moving too fast?”
The question catches me off guard. Squeezing her hands, her slightly worried eyes meet mine. I didn’t want her feeling uncomfortable. What mattered most to me was how she felt with this.
After Breaking The Mark: His Desperate Chase
Chapter 132
“Do you feel that way?”
I ask her. If she did, I had no problem in giving her time. I didn’t mind waiting for however long she wanted as long as it would mean it was me and her in the end. As long as we were endgame, I didn’t care if I had to wait months of even years for her acceptance of me.
There was no way I would jeopardize what we had for something like impatience.
She deserved more than that.
She deserved the world.
Selene shifts in her seat and bites on her bottom lip. The nervousness she felt radiating off
Ter like a furnace.
“No, but- it’s just… I don’t l
Now this relationship stuff works.”
She pulls her hands away
ane and gestures between us.
“I’ve only ever seen movies or read books and usually they wait like.. I don’t know, weeks? Months? I don’t have any prior experience in dating or intimacy and honestly, I don’t even
know what the fuck I’m doing right now.”
My eyebrows shoot up at her revelation. She was never in a relationship? She was never this intimate with anyone before me? No words could fully describe the pride bursting from my chest. I was the first person she allowed to get this close. I was her first kiss as she was
We were both taking our firsts without even knowing it.
Had she been with another, I wouldn’t hold it against her. She had the choice of what she wanted to do with her body and heart and I had no right to question or criticize her about it. But, it would be a lie to say it didn’t mean something to me knowing she trusted me
enough. To know she entrusted herself to me.
To give me the honor of being her first of something.
Had it been the first kiss to the forehead or just the first time holding hands.
I was the one she chose.
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After Breaking The Mark: His Desperate Chase
Chapter 132
And that meant something.
“That makes two of us, then.”
Her head snaps up in shock. The same emotions growing through me now swimming in the way she stared,
“I had no other before you. In both ways.”
tell her, watching her eyebrows scrunch together.
It seemed she had the same thoughts I did. Amazement and slight confusion as to how this beautiful woman standing before me had managed to stay unattached to anyone. Surely someone out there would’ve wanted her for themselves. Someone who tried to get her
attention. Was she just disinterested? Did she choose work over relationships? Was she
waiting for her mate?
Her mate.
A thought I found myself hating every time it came up.
Her soft voice breaks me out of my thoughts. With a short but soft laugh, I take her hand in
mine and rub my thumb over her knuckles.
“Probably the same reason you strayed away. I’m an Alpha. Alphas can’t have distractions.”
“So what’s the difference with this?”
I catch her eyes.
“Everything. Everything is.”
Lifting her hand to my mouth, I kiss the wrist that reminds me she’s breathing. I feel her
warm pulse against my lips. Without dropping her hand, I move it to cup my cheek.Her soft
palm caressing me sweetly.
“You’re not a distraction. You’re the real thing.”
After Breaking The Mark: His Desperate Chase
Chapter 132
Something in her expression hurt me. Her bright eyes just barely darkening as her face
twists. A slight tremble in her stance as she looks at me like I wasnt real. I feel the hurt in
her body language. Hurt? No. I couldn’t pin point it. She was breaking in front of me.
But not in the way where her heart was left vulnerable.
She broke down her walls to allow me entrance.
“How are you so sure?”
She asks, squeezing my cheek in her ha