Chapter 104
Dominic skips up the stairs while I continue to sit on the couch like a queen.
“Having a nice relaxing morning out there, are you?” Gabriel grumbles.
“I am, actually.”
Dom calls from upstairs. “We’ve got a real problem up here.”
“What now?” Gabriel calls back. “I don’t have time for this shit,” he mutters under his
Lucia walks down the stairs and my eyes widen. Her hair is one big knot, and a round hairbrush is sticking out of it.
I drop my head to hide my giggles.
She walks into the kitchen and Gabriel frowns and goes to pull the hairbrush out. His eyes widen as he realizes it’s tangled in her hair. “What’s going on here?” he snaps.
“The brush is stuck in her hair,” Dominic replies.
“I can see that. I mean, how the hell did it get there?” He tugs on it and she wails in pain.
“She was brushing her hair, how do you think?” Dominic replies sarcastically.
Gabriel closes his eyes as he tries to control himself. “Dominic, now is not the time for your
smart–ass cracks. Go sit on the couch with your mother.”
Dominic skips past me and disappears out the front door.
“Ahhh,” cries Lucia. “You’re pulling it.”
“How else am I getting this out,” Gabriel grumbles. “Hold still.” He struggles and struggles while she wails and yells.
The Perfect Husband’s Secret
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Em in full giggles on the couch..
What the hell do you do in your sleep?” He gets the big scissors out of the drawer.
“What are you doing?” she yells.
“There’s no saving this situation, I have to cut the bristles off the brush, what does it look like.” Tongue out, he concentrates. “If this doesn’t work, next I’m cutting your hair off.”
“No.” Lucia half laughs.
The front door opens. “I stepped in dog poo,” Dominic calls. “Fuck me dead,” Gabriel mutters. “We don’t even have a dog.” I burst out laughing.
“Glad you find this so amusing, Violet,” he whispers angrily.
“Hilarious, actually.”
“Throw the shoes in the bin,” Gabriel calls. “Go get another pair from upstairs.”
“What?” Dominic calls.
“Do it,” he bellows through the house.
Dominic disappears outside.
“This morning routine is not working,” Gabriel yells. “We need to streamline our behaviors.”
“It runs smooth for me.” I sip my coffee. Gabriel comes barreling out of the kitchen and takes my coffee from me. “No more talking. You’re officially in time–out for being a
know–it–all.” I burst out laughing.
“Don’t, this morning is catastrophic.”
I laugh harder and eventually he breaks into a smile too.
“Dad,” Lucia calls from the kitchen. “Are you fixing my hair or what?”
He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes and it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever
The Perfect Husband’s Secret
geen in my life. “Coming.”
We pull into his driveway just after nine, and he helps me out of the car. I hobble inside as he holds my hand. Mark is watering the garden as we walk past.
“Good morning,” he calls.
“Not really,” Gabriel mutters as we walk past.
“School morning not running so smoothly, big daddy?” Mark’s eyes dance with mischief.
Fuck off,” Gabriel replies.
Oh…Mark’s a smart–ass.
I’ve never seen this dynamic between them before.
I like it.
“I’m in meetings all day,” Gabriel tells him. “Can you help Violet again today, please.”
“For sure.”
“I know, no touching her.” Mark cuts him off.
Gabriel curls his lip and I laugh. Mark winks cheekily at me.
I hobble inside and Gabriel sets me up on the couch and gives me the remote. “Text me if you need anything.” He kisses me softly, his lips lingering over mine.
“Okay,” I breathe up against him.
Without another word, he strides down the hall and his office door closes.
I smile at the television.
The Perfect Husband’s Secret
Who is he kidding, this morning was kind of perfect.
Y30 p.m. and boredom has set in.
I’ve watched television, I’ve scrolled on my phone, I’ve even played solitaire.
Mark is out in the back garden doing something. I’m going to go for a walk. I hobble down the hall and slowly open Gabriel’s office door. He’s on a Zoom. “Yes, that’s right,” he says as his eyes rise up to me. He flicks his camera off and pats his knee,
I don’t know who he’s in a meeting with, but there are a few different voices. I frown in question and he pats his knee again.
“I like that strategy,” he says. “Let’s go with that.”
I quietly hobble over and sit on his knee; his lips immediately find mine as his hand runs up my thigh under my dress.
He kisses me, his tongue slowly sliding between my lips as my eyes close.
The voices keep on talking in the background, but all I can focus on is him…and his hand as it slides down my panties.
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