Chapter 37
“Don’t be rude, Dominic,” I snap.
Lucy’s eyes widen as she looks between the two of them.
“Cerca di mostrare un po‘ di rispetto a tua madre. Questa è casa sua,”
Gabriel says. (“Show some respect to your mother at her dinner table.“) “No,” Dominic says.
“Parlami in italiano,” Gabriel fires back. (“You speak to me in Italian.“) “No.” Dominic gets up and marches upstairs.
“Torna subito qui,” Gabriel calls after him. (“You come back here right now.“)
The table falls silent and Lucy stares after him before she finally continues to eat.
Gabriel puts his fork down and I gesture to his bowl. “You need to eat it all.”
“I want to live.”
I exhale heavily, that was a disaster. I should have put arsenic in his food and put us all out
of misery.
“Eat. The food.” I smile through gritted teeth. “Don’t make me force–feed you….because…
Gabriel glares at me and eventually picks up his fork.
My god, that couldn’t have gone worse. Dom is a handful, sometimes too much for even me.
“Lucy, why don’t you take Dom’s dinner up to him.”
Okay.” Lucy grabs her brother’s bowl and toddles off upstairs.
The Perfect Husband’s Secret
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wait until she is out of cars‘ reach. “What did you say to him in Italian?”
He was being rude, so I pulled him into line.”
“What?” I screw up my face. “You do not get to pull him into line on the first day of being a
“He doesn’t get to be rude to me on the first day of being my son. Not on day one, not ever. He needs to learn straight away that bad behavior will not be tolerated.”
I slump back into my chair and look around the empty table. “Eat your food.”
“I’m getting you a cook.”
“Because no wonder he’s in a bad mood. The poor bastard is being poisoned to death.” He
stirs the food in his bowl. “And for the record, you cut the fucking onions up. Not throw
them in whole.”
I glance down at the eyeball pickled onions in his spaghetti and I get the giggles.
“There is nothing funny about your cooking, Violet.”
“Kind of.”
“Not at all,” he snaps.
“Well, you need to eat what I cook the children; it tells them that you are like them.”
“If they like this…” He gestures to his plate as he searches for the right word. “Then we are nothing alike.” He puts his head into his hands and exhales heavily in disappointment.
I watch him for a moment. He really is feeling so out of his depth here.
Empathy fills me.
“Dominic is strong–willed.”
The Perfect Husband’s Secret
He sits for a moment as if processing my words. “I wanted tonight to be nice so that they would remember me fondly.”
“Well, in that case…don’t be yourself.”
“What?” He screws up his face. “That’s your advice, don’t be myself?”
“You’re a rude pig. If you want them to like you, act nice.”
“I am not a rude pig.”
Oh yes you are. And for the record, Dominic is the carbon copy of you and will not back down, he’s a lot to handle. If you want his respect, you have to earn it.”
“Well, that works both ways.”
“No. Don’t you dare pull that card.”
He stays silent and Lucy comes bouncing back to the table, she sits down and continues to
Gabriel watches her for a while as if having an out–of–body experience.
“Where will I be sleeping?” Gabriel asks.
“In my room.”
“I take it that’s upstairs?” He pushes out his chair as if about to get up.
“No.” I stand in a rush. “I have to straighten things up in there. You finish your dinner and
I’ll get it ready for you.”
He nods, distracted. “Thank
Į look between him and Lucy, do I leave her here alone with him?
He’s her father…
The Perfect Husband’s Secret
Good, I really need to wrap my head around this.
Are you two okay down here together if I go upstairs and organize a few things?” My eyes linger on tarcy as I wait for her reaction, she smiles goofily with an over exaggerated nod.
Ugh traiton
“Can’t she at least act uninterested in him for my sake?
“I think we are doing just fine, aren’t we, Lucia?” Gabriel smiles over at her.
The vision of the two of them blurs as my eyes well with tears. I turn toward the door so that they can’t see my face and stumble to the stairs. In the darkness, I sink down to sit on one halfway up.
I can hear my heart beating in my chest as an overwhelming panic runs through me.
He turns up here, says a few pretty words and already she willingly adores him.
Just like that…and he’s leaving.
I sit in the darkness for a while and I can hear them talking in the distance. Gabriel is asking her questions and she’s loving the attention.
She says something that I can’t hear and I hear Gabriel laugh and then she laughs too.
My beautiful little girl, so happy to be talking with her father, I smile softly in the darkness.
Okay, I need to get my act together and try and fix this situation with Dominic, I want him to have a happy memory too. I stand and make my way upstairs and knock on the closed
door. “Dom.”
I open the door to find him sitting on his bed playing with his Nintendo
The Perfect Husband’s Secret
Switch, and I sit down beside him. “Are you okay?” “Yep.” He keeps playing.
Did Gabriel upset you?”
“Nope,” he says, he keeps playing as he acts uninterested.
“What did he say to you in Italian?” I ask.
I sit beside him for a moment and I don’t want to make this more dramatic than it needs to
he, this has to be in his time, not mine. “Is it okay if
I sleep in here with you tonight on the trundle bed?” “Yeah, all right.” He keeps playing.
Damn it, this is getting me nowhere and I have to clean my room for Gabriel.
“I’ll be back soon, bubba.”
He nods and keeps playing the stupid game.
I rush into my bedroom and look around at the chaos. Ahhh… Why aren’t I a housewife superstar, it would be so much more convenient at times like this.
I stuff my washing into the clothes hamper, I gather up some clothes that are hanging over the chair in the corner of the room and throw them onto the top shelf of my wardrobe.
I run my eyes over the contents of the wardrobe, unorganized and disorderly.
Oh man, if he looks in there, I’m totally screwed.
Ugh, I don’t have time to worry about that now. I slam the door shut.
I pull the covers back on my bed. I should change the sheets.
Damn it, I only changed the sheets yesterday and my other set of sheets is still on the line.
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These sheets will have to do.
Tremake the bed and straighten up the cushions, oh crap, can’t forget that…I rustle through
bedside drawer for my vibrator and stuff it into the basket of washing and hide it with
some clothes.
I do a quick clean of my dressing table and throw my makeup into my top drawer as I look around the bedroom, what else… have I missed anything?
Is there anything in here that is too personal for him to see?
Who am I kidding, it’s my bedroom, everything is personal.
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