Chapter 38
“I’m going to take a look at the lake,” I lie.
Lucy smiles up at me with the most beautiful little face I have ever seen. I rush out the door and immediately dial Mark’s number.
“Hey,” he answers.
“Hi, change of plans.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m going to spend the night here.”
“What? I thought you were there to say goodbye.”
“I am.” I pause as I look over the lake. “It’s just…not as easy as I first thought.”
“Well…what should I do?” he asks.
“Just stay in the hotel and…” I shrug, “…I’ll come and get you in the morning.”
“Okay. Enjoy every second, okay?”
We are now counting the time with my children in seconds, I get a lump in my throat at the
I hang up and turn back toward the house. Standing in the darkness, I can see Violet and
Lucia washing the dishes as they chat away. I’ve never felt so out of control of my life.
“Lucy, show Gabriel where my bedroom is, please?” Violet tells her.
This way,” Lucia says, she takes my hand in hers as she leads me through the house.
The Perfect Husband’s Secret
What cute little hands you have.” I smile.
She holds them both up for me to look at and I try to memorize every detail.
I feel sick to my stomach.
Why did I snap at Dominic?
I feel like shit about it, but he will not disrespect me. Not now, not ever.
No, I did the right thing.
We get to the top of the stairs. “And this is my room.” Lucia smiles proudly as she shows me her room. It’s pink and pretty and has big letters on the wall that spell out her name. Dolls and teddy bears are all perfectly sitting up against her pillow. “It’s very nice.”
“It is.” She smiles as she swings her arms.
My eyes linger up the hallway. “Where is Dominic’s room?”
*This way.” She skips past me out of the room and down the hall to his. “He’s in here.”
I stand at the doorway and watch him for a moment, he’s sitting on his bed and playing a
video game. I look around his bedroom, it’s navy blue and boyish. Instead of dolls, there are
Lego statues proudly displayed everywhere.
“This is a nice room.”
He keeps playing his game, completely ignoring me.
“Dominic, don’t be rude,” Violet tells him from behind me. “Get off your game, please.”
He exhales heavily and puts the controller down.
“I said, it’s a nice room,” I repeat.
Dominic looks me dead in the eye without any emotion. “Is that all?” He is like me.
The Perfect Husband’s Secret
hite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smirking. I don’t want us to get off on the
Wrong foot.” I tell him.
He rolls his eyes and it’s like waving a red flag in front of a bull.
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?”
“Dominic, don’t be rude; this is your last warning.” Violet pulls me by the hand up the hall. “Your room is this way, Gabriel.” She pulls me into her bedroom and slams the door behind us. “Stay away from him and let him cool down.”
“I told you to give him time, he’s processing.”
“Processing what…being a rude prick?”
“You being here. He’s a child,” she spits. “And now you are being one.
Stay in here and go to sleep.”
“No,” I spit. “I will not be sent to my room when I have done nothing wrong.”
*For the love of god, do not leave this room. You can talk to him properly in the morning. Sleep is a reset for children, everything is forgotten overnight,” she snaps. through gritted teeth. She grabs my two shoulders and walks me over to the bed and then pushes me backward. I bounce onto my back and something about her standing over me sends an unexpected surge through my cock
I feel myself harden as I stare up at her.
“What?” she snaps.
“What, what?” I splutter, disgusted where my thoughts have gone.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
Like what? An unwelcome smirk flashes across my face.
The hell is wrong with you, what are you doing?”
If you throw me onto your bed, expect a damn consequence.” I sit up on my elbows.
“Oh my god.” She narrows her eyes. “You’re perverted.”
“Glad we finally agree on something.”
“Go to sleep and do not snoop through my bedroom.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
“The bathroom is down the hall.” She leaves the room in a rush and slams the door behind
I flop onto my back and stare up at the ceiling. I grab a pillow and put it under my head.
Violet’s scent wafts all around me and I inhale deeply.
I know that smell…
It’s the perfume she used to wear that drove me wild.
On more than one occasion I had to tell her not to wear it because on the days she did, I would get nothing done; I’d be too busy wanking in my office bathroom all day.
I close my eyes. Throb…throb…throb…goes my cock.
I pick up another pillow, same scent. I look over to see her dressing gown hanging on the back of her door and I get up and hold it to my nose.
Thump goes my cock…
Everything in here smells like Violet in Techni–dick–sucking–color.
The Perfect Husband’s Secret
Bamn, that fucking woman pisses me off.
Thold the gown to my face again and inhale deeply.
All I can smell is Vee. A lingering memory of that night we spent together begins to play in my mind. Her creamy pale skin, how tight she was….how well she took my cock.
How hard I blew.
Stop it…you’re about to get married to someone else…you fucking sleazebag.
I exhale heavily, disgusted with my dick. Fuck…it’s going to be a long night.
I glance at the time on my phone, 2 a.m.
I haven’t slept a wink, a rock–hard cock with nowhere to go will do that to you.
Tossing and turning and trying to think of something else.
The reality is that I’m not going to get any sleep until I come, there’s no way around this. It’s
not going down.
I put my hand into my boxer shorts and give myself a slow, long stroke… hmmm.
I need to fuck myself…been a long time since I’ve done that.
My eyes roam around the darkened bedroom for some lube or tissues. I climb out of bed
and turn the flashlight on my phone and walk around, looking for my wanking toolkit.
I go through the contents on the dressing table and nothing.
Hmm…the bathroom.
Surely there will be something in there. I open the door and peer down the darkened hallway, everything is silent. I look left and I look right and then I tiptoe down the hallway, using my phone flashlight to light the way.
The Perfect Husband’s Secret
p, thump, thump goes my cock.
Seriously…shut the hell up, I’m trying my best here.
I walk into the bathroom and quietly close the door behind me. Shining my flashlight onto the bathroom cupboard, I spot a bottle of baby oil.
I grab it and the box of tissues and turn to leave when the bathroom door opens.
Ahh.” Violet jumps in fright and flicks the light on. “What the…you scared the crap out of me.” Her eyes drop down my body. “What the hell is that?”
I glance down to see what she’s talking about to see the tip of my erect cock is sticking out the top of my boxer shorts.
“Oh… That’s my cock.”
“I can see that,” she whispers angrily. “Why is it hard?”
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