Chapter 59
Sammel’s POV
I furned with rage as I took hurried strides down the stairs.
Roselle. well, I wouldn’t say her anger wasn’t justified, but it was wrong tifning.
I don’t like to feel this way, before a mission:
We were going to stage an attack on Donatelli Pernando,
Everything else was ready, and we’d gathered all the information we would be needing.
Some of them came from Katherine, while the others were from Andrew’s spy.
They were moving a heavy turn of product, twice the amount they stole from us, and we already mapped out the route and time to instigate the attack.
I hurried along, looking at my watch as I walked.
I was a tad bit late and I hoped it wouldn’t affect our timing.
I’d already informed Matteo that they could wait for me at the downtown alley.
was troubled with thoughts. Why did she have to push so hard?
I would rather not be rude to her, not anymore, but I found it all too much.
I’ve b
Gaining her trust was something I’ve been working towards, and I thought advantage, but Roselle was a very distrusting person and I guess it had something to do with how she grew up.
No matter how much I loved someone, I don’t like to be questioned about how I
I pushed away the distracting thought, and concentrated on the goal.
manage my affairs?
Arriving at the parking lot, I got my car out. The temperature was a bit hot and the sun was quite vivid on the ground.
Getting into the driving seat, I switched on the ignition.
Andrew’s messaged buzzed my phone.
“All set. We’re waiting for you at the alley.”
I turned my head to read the SMS before putting the car in motion.
As I drove through the streets, the noise of the city was all around me as I progressed.
It took me twenty minutes to reach the alley, which is in the downtown area.
In the alley, only Andrew, Matteo, Silas, and James were present.
Andrew and the others nodded at me as a greeting.
‘You are late,‘ Matteo said, with his brow raised in query.
Out of all my men, he was the only one who had the audacity to question me like that, and it was as a result of a long–time bond that we’d formed with each other.
09:05 FH, Nov 22 10 G
Chapter 40
Regardless, Mattes was great ally, with critical thinking and down to earth loyalty
“There has been a lot of jam on the road.”
Let’s recapitulate, I said, placing a large paper on the car’s engine.
Andrew explained the roads and the path that Donatelli and his gang were going to take.
It was Matteo’s responsibility to sketch out possible escape routes and with what I’m seeing, he has done an impressive job.
We hit here,‘ I said, tapping the map. “Two to three minutes, in, and out
The team was silent and nodded.
‘Gear check?‘ I inquired.
One by one, each member confirmed their readiness.
The plan was instantly posted, and we moved out.
We made our way through the twisted roads as the city became smaller.
Our hiding place, the woods, was quite close now.
As we took a left turn onto the unpaved route, the trees began to stretch.
The spot chosen by Matteo was a small clear area, which offered a view of the main road where Donatelli’s vehicle would be passing through.
We parked our vehicles, made a leave cover to wrap it up, and moved behind the trees.
The sun was out and rays filtered through the leaves brightly.
After securing our position, we waited still.
The exact time, when Donatelli’s vehicle was expected according to our precision was drawing closer.
I looked at my wristwatch. With every tick, and second running.
“Get ready,” I said in a whisper.
Every one of my member were positioned in action and anticipating my order to proceed forward.
Silas re–strapped his gun holster noiselessly.
Matteo was staring at his watch, just like me.
My eyes scanned the area, but there was no vehicle in sight yet.
James slouched against the car with his gaze focused on the road.
The silence dragged for some time and it was relatively becoming uncomfortable.
Just then, from the distance, I could hear the unmistakable sound of a vehicle rumbling.
This was a lonely–deserted road, and I was sure it was none other than Donatelli and his crew.
09:05 Fri, Nov
Chapter 59
Here we go I said in quiet fone.
As we had expected, 1 save two cars approaching from the distance and stirring dust, which made my heart rate accelerate as I grew focused on the task at hand.
“What do you see? Matteo asked Andrew, who was with a monocular, as he watched the vehicles carefully and with his head almost at a 90–degree angle.
“It’s them, and Donatelli’s here too, Andrew said, his voice low and
The vehicles began to slow and came into position as we had already placed a slight obstruction on the road.
I quickly made an indicator movement to my team to get on with the action.
“Get into positions.” I roared.
It wasn’t really necessary to state it out though where, but it was culture to re instruct, just to make sure everyone was in
It came off to Donatelli and his men as a surprise attack.
Silas took aim at the driver of the cargo car. Matteo and James ensured Donatelli’s vehicle was surrounded so that it could not escape. Andrew remained where he was and watched our backs, vigilant for potential reinforcements.
I focused all my energy into holding the gun while I targeted Donatelli’s car.
“Don’t move,” I ordered in a loud voice.
But the driver sped up, and so I shot the tires. The car lost control and stopped abruptly.
Donatelli stepped out.
His face was contorted with anger.
“You’ll pay for this, Samuel!” He spat out with a venomous tone.
“Shut up, Donatelli,” I said with an angry voice, not in the least fazed by his threats. “You’re not calling the shots here.”
Anger clearly burned in his eyes.
“You stole my deal with the Omega brothers,” he said. “You think you can take my business?”
“I didn’t steal anything,” I said firmly, standing my ground. “You failed to deliver. And if there’s anyone who is a thief, it’s you.”
Donatelli’s guards soon began firing frantically in an attempt to save their boss. We fired back in response.
They were probably amateurs with the rifle, as their shots were without precision.
We took cover with trees and anything solid enough to serve as shield.
Most of our aims were very accurate, and soon we eliminated the guards one by one.
Matteo’s quick shots brought down two guards. Another was disarmed by James, who pinned him to the ground.
Andrew continued to act as the watchman covering our flank, to ensure no surprise attacks.
Silas secured the cargo, ensuring our mission objective was met
09:00 FT, NOV 22 5
Chapter 59
I walked over to Donatelli, who was standing with his hand over his head as he bowed down in shame and defeat.
You’re finished. I said icily to him.
Then Donatelll growled, “You’ll never get away with this.
I smirked and shook my head at him.
Matteo discovered some papers and concealed money in his car when he rummaged the car.
“Load the cargo!” I said out loud.
We were almost done with our mission.
Meanwhile, Donatelli continued to utter baseless threatening words.
“You’ll regret this,” he spat out.
“I’m shaking in fear,” I said without flinching.
“Let me make this clear to you,” I gestured with my gun pointed to his head.
“The only reason I’m not putting a bullet through your head is because of your daughter, but trust me, the next time you cross me again, I won’t even think twice.”
Matteo tied both of his hands and gagged his mouth with a piece of rag, then he was hauled to the ground, as we prepared to
The cargo was loaded.
That was our objective aim, and we achieved it without any casualty.
“We’re done here!” My voice was loud and clear, addressing the entire crew as they knew it was time to return home.
The team obliged, moving on and dimming Donatelli’s muffled grunts.
We have accomplished and secured the cargo, and that was our end objective. It was a good day, but the unforgettable feeling with Roselle had not faded away.
She was supposed to be the woman I’d mentally want to run after a day like this, and I did love the picture of it in my mind but seeing her would have to wait.
“Matteo, make sure the cargo gets to the warehouse safely,” I said.
“Of course, you don’t have to worry about that.
It will be done,” he stated.
As I watched my men board their vehicle, I was forced to remember the tussle I had with Roselle earlier.
Every word, every gesture replayed in my mind.
I slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine.
I was frantically seeking solace in my headed and the first person who came to my mind was Katherine, and so I called he
“Hey,” she answered warmly.
“Is it possible for you to come earlier than expected?” I asked.
09:06 Fri, Nov 22 BB K
Chapter 59
“Already on my way, she replied reassuringly.
Something in her voice gave off her excitement.
“See you soon.” I said softly.
The afternoon light was much stronger and direct than I had expected as it shone over the quiet corners of the city.
The sounds of the metropolis blurred together with a symphony of horns, chatter and distant sirens.
After I got to the hotel. I parked my car in the hotel garage.
It was an underground garage.
There was a reserved spot for high profiles like myself.
I was a shareholder in the hotel and this was one out of many businesses that I was a shareholder in.
Somehow, I’ve been able to walk my way into many businesses in town.
guess that had helped me on my way to the top and created an air of supremacy
around me.
A guard came to meet me, bowing his head down in respect.
“Good day Sir, you’re welcome Sir,” he said.
“Thank you,” I replied sharply.
I went into the hotel through a linking door from the underground garage, to the main building.
I went directly to the elevator and clicked on the top floor. That was where my suite reservation was located.
After getting to the top floor, I stepped out of the elevator, moving through the brightly lit hallways.
I detested bright rooms and I make sure every housekeeper or hotel agent that I likely reserve with know about my preference.
It was no surprise that when I entered the suite, everywhere was dim and dark, just like I liked it.
I sat down on the plush sofa in the middle of the decorated living room and removed my black leather jacket to reveal my white T–shirt that clung to my chest and faded blue pants that had molded to my legs.
The soft cushion cradled my aching back in soothing comfort.
I took out my phone to call Katherine and surprisingly, her call came through.
“Hello,” I said after answering the call.
“Hello Samuel, I’m almost at the hotel, I just wanted to ask if you’ve gotten there already?”
“I have, and I’m not expecting that you would keep me waiting.”
“I wouldn’t dare,” She said with a chuckle before ending the call.
Matteo sent me a message that the goods had already been sorted out and everything is safe.
My thoughts went to Donatelli and his dead men in the bush and I wondered what fate he might have met with.
It would be delightful for me to hear that an angry bear stumbled upon him and teared him off, limb by limb.